'All my success I owe to that woman. If it hadn’t been for her imparting her
unique talents to me I would have been killed within months of becoming an
agent. At first I thought I must have
pissed off the powers that be to get stuck with her, but someone had a bright
idea and convinced others to let them try,’ Claire said.
‘It wasn’t such a huge risk on the surface,
one trainee agent and one experienced agent, albeit a rare one,’ Cindy
‘I agree but inside that was the risk, two
opposite styles, to opposite women, what they could learn from each other and
more importantly what could you learn from her, turns out everything,’ came
Cindy’s answer.
‘I’m much in favour of your approach, after
all DOOM was the leader in this area and so much more successful at it than
COIL was. Have you given any thought as
to whom you want to use as trainers?’ Claire asked.
‘Marigold Gillespie, if we can spare
her. She has all the requisite skills
and talents,’ Cindy answered.
Claire called up the mission active tab on
the program of her laptop and made several adjustments. ‘She’s free as long as
you need her,’ came her answer.
Marigold was an inspired choice; Claire
knew Cindy would surprise her.
Gillespie sat in Cindy’s office having no idea why she was there. She of course knew Cindy by reputation from
before she joined FORCE and now as the Head of Plus Ops. They had met only before in a group setting
when Claire had announced the Cindy was Heading up The Plus Ops side. Marigolds
impression was of a smart, sexy confident woman who knew exactly what she
wanted to accomplish and how to get there, she also thought her a wonderful
dresser who knew exactly what to wear to maximum effect.
The results she
had achieved so far with very few agents had been remarkable. Marigold’s year, as the agents called the
year they graduated and became full time agents had not had any Plus trainee’s
in it, she remembered hearing from others that that was not uncommon, COIL,
back then did not actively recruit them as DOOM had in spite of the chorus of
activate agents, Marigold herself leading the charge for them. It was in fact one of the reasons she had
been an early recruit of Claire’s to FORCE. She was still pondering what this
meeting was all about when the office door opened and Cindy swept stylishly in. Marigold came to her feet and the two
exchanged a sisterly hug.

‘Not at all,’
Marigold offered with a smile then continued.
‘Let’s see, since I’m sure I’m one of the last to!’
Cindy smiled and
held out her perfectly manicured left hand.
‘Oh my God!’ her
guest said. ‘That is so beautiful, nearly as much as the woman wearing it,’ she
added as they both shared a small laugh.
Cindy thanked
her and they shared some small talk, Cindy remembering why Marigold had made an
impression on her before, this confirmed for her she’d made the right choice.
‘Now before
either of us bursts from curiosity I’ll come to the point of the meeting. We’ve made changes to the Plus Training
Program. Just to fill you in we used to
have the trainee’s mix in with the other recruits in all aspects, then we made
a few changes, introducing specific training tailor made for them, certain Yoga
styles, even a few additional fighting styles.
Then with the introduction of the Fashionista Dept. we made fashion for
them, specifically in the lingerie area, but also in the overall style
approach. Now we want to make another
change. Here take a look at these charts
while I explain,’ Cindy said handing over her tablet. ‘Just so you know historically
these results are not out of line with the starting base for past years. No matter how hard these girls try, they will
always come into the main stream classes well behind the other trainee’s, its
damaging psychologically from their point of view, basically, I’m still not
good enough and no matter how hard I try I’ll never be them.’
‘Have you
noticed that!’ Marigold said in an alarmed voice as she put down the device.
‘Sadly yes, it
goes away after time, but I don’t want it there at all. New agents are hard enough to keep alive, we
don’t need any unwanted baggage adding to the burden and that’s where you come
in,’ Cindy said.
‘I still don’t
see it. Full disclosure, there were no
plus agents in my year, nor have I ever worked with any,’ Marigold offered.
‘But you have
encountered them many times as your file indicates, seems it’s either complete
chance or you are a particular target of them.
In either case this is what I want and you’re the agent I want to train
them in certain aspects,’ Cindy smiled.
‘What aspects,’
Marigold asked more curious than apprehensive.
‘You saw the
charts, what do you think?’ Cindy said raising an eyebrow.
‘Anyone can
teach them that, why me now, I mean, why change horses so to speak,’ Marigold
‘Because you can
teach them how you do. And you do very
well. Your style, motion, fluidity,
poise, grace, confidence, I want them to have that to add to their arsenal. Like all agents your mission reports make for
interesting reading,’ Cindy smiled as she flipped through the screens on her
tablet. Your colleagues all rate you
very highly in certain aspects,’ Cindy said and left it at that knowing
Marigold fully understood.
‘Not that I’m
saying no, assuming I have a choice, but I’ve never trained anyone before,’ the
agent offered.
‘Ah, again, the
file,’ Cindy said touching a few tabs and coming to the data she wanted. ‘Makes
for interesting reading.’
Marigold sweep in and totally capture him in her spell, it was effortless.’
‘Seemed to
instinctively know what to wear to stand out in a room where we were it was not
easy to do that.’
‘Just her
entrance into the room and the simple act of sitting down had him under her
‘Her kiss made
me surrender right away, after that I don’t have words.’
‘Simple the best
partner I’ve ever had, in any situation or position.’
‘Not much
reading between the lines required for some of those comments,’ Cindy said,
tongue firmly in cheek.
exaggerate,’ Marigold offered.
‘Really, perhaps
we should look at the videos of some of those exaggerations,’ Cindy
smiled. ‘I know I’ll enjoy seeing them
Marigold’s look
said it all and Cindy put down the tablet.
‘Put all that
teasing aside and just from a few inquiries I made you command a great deal of
respect among other agents, both male and female. Look anyone can teach them, not everyone can
mentor them. You have that, they need
that confidence you can help them discover it,’ Cindy said.
‘What’s the
structure of the program if I say yes,’ Marigold said trying not to smile,
Cindy did that for her.
‘Open to what
they want and what you think they need.
Listen to them, fill those needs if you think there valid and add the
ones they hadn’t thought of and you know they’ll need,’ Cindy said knowing that
she’d just closed the deal.
‘I’m in,’
Marigold said.
Cindy beamed and
gave her a hug. ‘I’ll send you the file
with the details of locations and such.
You never asked about the timeframe?’
‘They’re ready
when I say their ready, that’s the timeframe I’m working under,’ Marigold answered
pausing at the door.
Cindy smiled and
nodded, she’d made the right choice.
* * * * * * * * * * *
‘Good morning
ladies and welcome to the next step on the path, by way of introduction, Agent
Marigold Gillespie.’
All the
trainee’s did their best to avoid a smirk, some better than others. Marigold was used to it, her name had been a
pain and a constant source of amusement when she was younger, but by college it
had become fascinating to people and had opened doors for her as an agent.
‘I can see my
first name has not lost its fascination and I also see something else on your
faces, namely, what’s she doing training us, she’s not one of us!
‘I think Miss we
were just wondering since we passed our Fat Class..’
‘Hold it right
there! That may be the colloquium that
gets applied, but I never want to hear that term in here or anywhere for that
matter,’ she said her voice trailing down an tone from stern to regretful for
the second part. ‘If you think like that
you’ll act like that and if that’s how you feel about yourself, then please
there’s the door, you know you’re free to leave, at least you’ll have something
to show for it physically, but I’m more interested in the mental part. You know the old saying healthy mind, healthy
body; it’s an old saying because it’s true.
You are all smart, capable, beautiful young women, that’s what I want
you to think, but more importantly, that’s what I want you to be,’ she
‘I hope that is
clear and now for the question you were going to ask. “Why aren’t we in
training with the others?” That’s simple and that’s at the crux of why we’re
here, you’re still not ready.’ She
looked about the room scanning each of the faces of the 6 young women to glean
any clues.
‘As all of you
are undoubtedly aware of by this point in time, we are direct and pointed with
our training, because that’s what it’s like in the field with an emphasis on
the pointed. So having said that, it’s
time for all of you to become uncomfortable, with yourselves and each
other. Now as for me being your teacher,
that’s by design. In the past you would
have had an instructor more suited to you, if you follow, but we found that it
added nothing to the mix, in fact it tended to make you lesser than you could
be. Your mindset never changed and you
became streamlined in your thinking and tactics. You see,’ Marigold said sitting down in her
chair at the front of the class and crossing her very stunning legs, the hem of
her skirt cut just marginally above the knee, so the effect of a few more
inches of skin did not go unnoticed.
can never become you, but you can become me, but only if you’re exposed to me,’
that is why I’m here and now to some hard sensitive matters that will further
explain your temporary segregation,’ Marigold said as she plugged her laptop into a projector.
Ever been
Been on
A Date
Had a
Ever had
Rochelle Mainwaring
Iris Manji
Seeva Zelinsky
Elena Zubova
looked closely at all of them, needless to say none of them looked happy and to
a woman they all looked anywhere but the chart.
`This is in fact a part of why all of you
are here. One is looks, the looks that
FORCE saw that no one else saw and I can say with certainty, the looks you now
see thanks to hard work and style advice among other factors. But, its takes a special kind of person to be
as brutally honest about themselves on a survey that others are going to see
and you ladies did that and that is also why you`re here, because you have the
mental toughness to get through something that is personally painful, that is
what makes a good agent, mental toughness, the rest is window dressing,
important in and of itself, but this is what keeps you alive when the other
skills and talents have failed,’ Marigold said, tapping a finger against the
side of her head for emphasis.
`The other good news regarding this chart
is we all start at the same place, so we can all learn together, share and get
`We?’ Elena asked more curious than caustic
in her tone.
‘Yes, what kind of teacher would I be if I
didn’t learn from my students? I have to
learn what works for you, as do you, by trying different things. Maybe one of you see’s something you like in
another’s approach and tries it and vice versa or you hybridize. Besides, I’m responsible for all of you and I
want nothing but success for you just as my teachers and mentors wanted for
me. Success breeds success ladies, a
pedigree of excellence.’
‘Some kind of excellence, look at that
chart, the only guys I’ve ever hugged were family members,’ Miriam said.
‘Not me Mr. Potato and I had a very close
relationship for many years,’ Taylor said miming her eating a bag of potato
chips while the others smirked and the tension was cut.
‘What exactly are you going to teach us and
perhaps more importantly how?’ Rochelle quizzed when everyone had settled down.
‘The second part of the question intimates
you know the answer to the first, but let’s just see anyone want to chime in
and toss out and idea or six,’ Miss Gillespie asked looking at them.
Marigold knew this next part was crucial if
they were to trust her, open conversation would bond them as a group and speed
the learning process. She did not have
to wait for long.
‘How to kiss, what type of kiss, for what
situation, how to use your body as an alluring tool, how to use your body as a
defensive tool while still on the offense, where to kiss, how to move your
arms, where to place your arms, postures, you know front and back to the
opponent, how to walk, how to sit, how to cross your legs, how to pose in all
kinds of situations, how to read an opponent for the moment at hand, when to be
aggressive and when to be submissive, the sex act itself, what’s the best
position for attack and defense, how to
be the best so as to completely overwhelm your partner and gain the advantage,
how to delay or deny orgasm so you focus on attack, defense or survival,’ the
questions all came at once and from everyone.
‘Most importantly what works best for us?’
they all said at the end.
Marigold smiled, uncrossed her legs and got
up and walked to the door turning on her heel to face them
‘Now watch carefully,’ Marigold said.
The six did as instructed observing as she
walked to the front of her chair one hand casually and quite naturally swept
behind her skirt as she sat down on the chair and crossed her legs. Marigold smiled rose and went over to the
sofa in the room and repeated.
‘Seems simple and with practice it is, but
that is the key, practice and making it look natural. Don’t flop into the
chair, lower yourself elegantly, this is wear your core muscles come into
play. Believe me doing this simple
gesture can be just as alluring as your legs are.’ Marigold stated.
‘We might have a problem with that
particular position,’ Elena said.
‘There are variants to it, again observe,’
their trainer said with a knowing smile.
Marigold executed the same sweeping motion
and sat down, first on the chair then again on the sofa then repeated the
‘No doubt you saw the variant, the first
time around I simply put one leg on an angle and then brought the other over to
cross it. The second time I crossed them
as I sat down, a simple step over of one leg in front of the other accomplishes
this, very elegant and very eye catching if done properly,’ Marigold
‘Once in this position it’s simple to
switch the cross if need be, say when turning to talk to another person. You just unhook the top leg slip it
underneath the other at the opposite angle and slide the other over in a fluid
motion, very sexy. Then in order to
re-enforce or re-establish a focus on them, you can lean forward, this
naturally pulls your legs slightly apart giving a better view to whomever you
wish. Turning an ankle also has the same
effect as does separating them with both heels firmly on the floor, like this,’
Marigold said as she demonstrated.
‘Again make it seem natural even if we know it’s really a predatory
behavior. Now we’re going to work on it
one at a time, one on one. While I’m
with one of you, the rest practice. By
the end today, you’ll have this mastered and it will be second nature,’
Marigold smiled.
One on one she went through with each
trainee, adjusting positions to maximize the impact of their gams until them
each were able to execute it flawlessly five straight times.
‘I want you all to practice that as many
time as you can in as many situations as you can on as many types of chairs,
sofa’s etc. as you can. Experiment with
it,’ Marigold said as the class ended
* * * * * * * * * *
‘How was your flight over?’ Gina asked.
‘Interesting for me, seemingly uneventful
for them,’ Marigold responded, then continued knowing she could be unguarded
with Gina Perini. ‘I told them they
didn’t need to bring a suitcase they’d be coming home with all the clothes they
could handle. I left the choice of what
to wear to them and look what they chose!’ she said in an exasperated
tone. ‘Baggy jeans, track sweats, loose
rugby tops, pullovers with front pockets and not one of them have a handbag,
just backpacks. Then to top it off on the
plane in spite of their choice of apparel, men were actually looking at them
and none of them noticed. They still
think and act like their former selves, curl up, look straight ahead, nobodies
looking at you so why even pretend.’
‘You sound like you’re on the cusp of
giving up?’ Gina stated.
‘You know me better than that. No I’m really excited by these six. If they can get looks dressed like that what
could they do when you get through with them!
I know its early days, but figuring what they have accomplished so far
and their standings in other areas of training I think these girls could be
game changers for FORCE. How do you want to move on this? Marigold questioned.
‘I have my assistants sorting them
out. I want each girl to choose
separately, that way there’s no suasion, what they choose, with a little help
and encouragement of course, becomes their style signature,’ Gina offered.
‘Do you mind if I just tag along, I promise
not to say anything and observe?’ Marigold asked.
‘Not at all, we can observe all through
this two way mirror just hit the button if you want audio.’
‘All the clothes have been exactly made to
measure for each girl. The colours all
work perfectly with their skin tone, shading and hair. For me this is always the fun part, watching
them pick one or two outfits only then there done thinking that’s all they’ll
need or should take. They don’t realize
it’s all for them. The other is the
lingerie, undergarments specifically, but also the negligees,’ Gina explained
as they both looked through the mirror.
‘How so?’ Marigold asked.
‘With the smaller sized agents, they go
right for the slinky sexy daring stuff, they love it, these girls, every bit as
sexy, maybe even more so in some aspects, they touch it like it’s going to bite
them. Their used to what I term the
sensible stuff, the cotton high cut panties and the well it’s just a bra crowd,
plain and simple. Comes from being their
former selves and not thinking their worth it or would look good in it,’ she
said glancing at Marigold’s concern.
‘Not too worry, that is why I always start
them out in here. I help them recreate
their sense of body image by showing them how they look now not as they did
before. Once I accomplish that we can
move on to actual clothes. I’ll take
care of their appearance; you’re still going to have to work on their mindset,
that’s the bigger challenge. See, look,
she’s hesitating, looks like I’m up. No
just stay and watch, no sense letting her think we’re ganging up on her,
besides I’ve done this countless times,’ Gina explained as she disappeared
through a door.
‘Marigold hit the speaker button on the
wall to have a listen.
‘Why the hesitation?’ Gina asked Rochelle.
‘Just not sure these are for me, if you
know what I mean,’ she stated in a hesitant voice.
‘No I don’t know what you mean. They are your size, the colour choice is
varied as are the styles, so can you explain it to me?’ Gina responded taking a
low cut panty and placing it against the girl who very slightly recoiled at the
‘Ah, you don’t think you’re good enough for
these, or perhaps there too exotic for you, too daring, others will laugh when
they see you in them, is that it?’ Gina
asked but before Rochelle could answer Gina continued. ‘I want you to trust me
for the next few minutes, that’s all I ask, just a couple of minutes to let me
show and explain something to you, can you do that for me?’ Rochelle nodded.
‘Good, I need you to relax and put herself
in my hands, don’t fight me, don’t talk, just know that I care,’ Gina said as
she raised the girls arms above her.
Marigold listened and watched the former
agent use her persuasive powers to create a bond, a bond that was real, not
fake with Rochelle.
‘Now close your eyes and keep them closed
until I say to open them,’ Gina said softly and tenderly. She pulled the bulky gym top up and over the
head of Rochelle. Next she carefully
unhooked her bra, Rochelle quivered and Gina could sense her unease. ‘It’s alright my dear I know,’ was all it
took and she was calm again.
Off came the bra then the loose cotton
drawing string pants, her panties and socks.
On went the new panties and then the new bra.
‘There are many styles, but I like this
front one on you, versatile and sexy,’ Gina said finishing the last of the
hooks then fluffing Rochelle’s hair.
‘Now keep your eyes closed and come with me,” she said slipping her hand
in the trainees.
She walked her over to a stand inside a
series of mirrors that form an octagonal around her; she closed the entrance
door, stepped to one side and told her to open her eyes.
Gina let the girl have a look about, her
eyes darting from mirror to mirror to catch each angle of her body before she
‘Why would you ever want to cover up such a
heavenly site as this?’ There is not a
part of this body that could be improved upon, tantalizing legs that dance
muscles and firmness screaming for a soft touch of a hand up them. A granite firm stomach, stunning rigid breasts,
incredible toned arms and look into the backwards mirrors, those shoulders and
back are just waiting to be unleashed with a few very daring numbers, a
backless halter dress would send you into orbit and finally what a derrière,
you’re a total package Rochelle I cannot wait to see you in some of my
creations,’ Gina smiled and her muse smiled back as did Marigold
Gina navigated each trainee through the
lingerie, true to her experience; all of them had trouble with it, some a
little more than others.
‘You look stunning Nara tell me what you think?’ Gina asked.
‘Tell you the truth I feel strange and kind
of like I don’t belong in this, like I’m in someone else’s clothes and any
minute they’ll be coming through that door demanding them back.’
‘Let’s see if we can dispel that with
another look, show you that you belong.
Take those off and come over here,’ Gina smiled. ‘Oh don’t be hesitant my dear, you’ve got
nothing too be nervous about, not with a body like that, and besides, in this
business you get used to being au natural.’
Nara thought about it for just as second
and agreed then followed.
‘Yes this is the one, when I saw your
measurements, your colouring and motion I designed this exclusively for you,’
Gina said pulling an item from a large rack.
The trainee looked at it for a second her
eyes widening.
‘Let me show you how to get into it, there’s
a special way,’ Gina said. ‘These are the shoes that go with it, slip them on
and let’s see you dazzle.’
‘Ah I, well I never learned, really
because, well I had no need for them, how to walk in heels,’ Nara said feeling
embarrassed and ashamed.
‘There’s no need for recriminations, all of
you today told me the same thing. So
what, I wasn’t born knowing how to walk in heels, someone taught me, so today
I’ll teach you. Come let’s begin,’ Gina
said and Marigold marveled at the skill of this woman, couture, teacher,
mother. In just a short time she had
taught the basics and Nara like the others was soon a natural.
‘Now let’s try something,’ Gina requested.
Gina nodded to her assistant then spoke to
Nara requesting that she walk up and down the room and finally to lean against
one of the pillars in the room and strike a pose for me.’
‘Just a couple of small adjustments,
nothing major,’ Gina said as she adjusted the girls leaning position. There now try it again. Excellent!
Now come here and see the results,’ Gina said and the three watched the
video on a big screen on the far wall.
‘Although the garment appears whole it
actually has slits and holes placed strategically about it. These were designed
specifically to match your movement and motion.
They open and close revealing you underneath, what’s important is they
display your toned form and the certain parts we all find alluring. The thighs,
calves, just above the hip, between the shoulder blades, the toned upper arm,
etc. All strong and well defined, very
touchable. The translucence’s of the
material well revealing requires the onlooker to get very close as it only
teases with flashes, I designed the material to reflect light, both inside and
out, the material is folded and flowed in such as a way as to enhance that
effect. Look at how you posed here
against that pillar. Imagine that was
the door frame to your bedroom, what person could resist that allurement,’ Gina
said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
* * * * * * * * * *
‘Fantastic day all around,’ Marigold said
as she and Gina relaxed in her office.
‘It always is a tiring but very rewarding
experience. Those girls, I had a feeling
about them when I got the measurements and the cursory videos, but seeing them
was different. I’ve done this countless
times; you get a feeling about agents almost right away. I pass those thoughts, for whatever there
worth along and I’ll do the same here, but those girls have got something
special, you can never name it or package it, you just feel it. Closest I can come to explaining is the same
feeling I used to get around Sharon Sharpe.’
‘I’ve never met her, but from what others
have told me FORCE would have an incredible pool of talent if that came true,’
Marigold replied.
‘I agree with Cindy on the training
aspects, and not just because you’re here in front of me, trust me you’re an
inspired choice and the girls really like and respect you but more importantly
they can learn so much from you,’ Gina said and Marigold thanked her.
‘What are you up to tonight?’
Claudio is making me dinner,’ Gina said
referring to the man in her life.
‘You’re welcome to join us,’ she offered.
‘Thanks but I was thinking of a night out.
Tell me is that jazz club still open. I
think it’s high time these new swans spread their wings and turned a few
heads,’ Marigold asked with a hungry smile.
* * * * * * * * *
films today ladies,’ Marigold said as she came into the room, killed the lights
and used her remote to activate the projector.
The trainee’s enthusiasm quickly turn to
stunned silence when Rochelle appeared on the screen. Marigold watched the reactions as each
trainee had her turn on the screen.
‘You set all those interviews up!’ one
‘Those emails were nothing but a test!’ another
chimed in.
‘Yes to both questions, but more
importantly let’s talk about how you did as we watch them again,’ their teacher
Up came Rochelle again and this time
Marigold walked them all through it, hit pause on the remote from time to time
to make a point.
‘When given a choice of where to sit, in
front of the desk or the sofa, she’s chooses the sofa. Perfect control of the situation, he is now
forced opposite her,’ Marigold explained then moved behind Rochelle and
whispered in her ear. ‘Magnificent job, you controlled the entire situation,
even how you left with that over the shoulder glance, the toss of those curls
of yours and that perfect ankle twist, stunning!’
‘Iris drew a difficult situation, a small
room with only a desk blocking her out from the waist down, what do you
do. You improvise, and in this case you
stand and move, making the excuse that you think better when moving. Then you move into view, just around the back
of the desk, like this,” Marigold said pausing the video. ‘She gives him just a peak, turning her heel
on a dime and moving away, then’ Marigold hit the play. ‘You give him a little
more and a little more as you walk and talk, then you strike, that perfect
turn, the one leg crossing over the other as you lean back on the credenza,
then only when you’re sure you pull up and sit on it your legs naturally
sliding into the cross.’
‘An experienced agent could not have improved
upon that, totally flawless in execution,’ Marigold whispered in her ear.
‘Seeva has exactly the opposite, multiple
seating possibilities, each one has display advantages and perhaps
disadvantages, what’s a trainee to do.
You do this,’ Marigold said as they watched the video and she explained.
‘She seemingly takes the worst position, but not before he gets a quick glimpse
of her, but is it in fact the
worst. Notice the contrast with her
outfit and the surroundings, they all mix perfectly to make her stand out and
the lighting is excellent on her. Then
she does the hardest thing, she waits, patiently like a predator for the prey
to come to her. Watch closely for the very subtle turn of the shoulders, the
rotating of the ankle in a circle which he can’t see but somehow feels, because
he moves to her, into her lair, she now controls the game as he comes out from
behind his desk and sits across from her. ‘Drawing close to Seeva, Marigold
placed her palms firmly on the tops of her arms and gave them a squeeze as she
softly spoke to her. ‘What you did takes
not only incredible skill but confidence.
You waited in your web until your seduction drew the prey to you,
beautiful and deadly!’
Nara has only one choice and it’s one that
presents a challenge to any agent, it has to be commanded right from the start
or it quickly turns into a fiasco and the agent loses all advantage. There are several keys to this, one is
balance and the other is placement or how you pose. Now watch how she accomplishes this,’ Marigold
said as she hit the play.
The video played then Marigold went over it
again explaining. ‘Sitting on a stool, any stool is hard, there’s no back to
support you, all your strength comes from your core. You have to maintain it constantly while all
the while looking natural. Notice how Nara
does a little crossover with her legs in front of the stool as she turned to
face him and sit. Now instead of taking
a full seat, she puts half her bum on the seat, note the completely smooth tuck
of the skirt before she begins, then she slowly pulls herself up, this motion
naturally draws the eye of the other, what we call elevator eyes as they scan
up her form. Nara could maintain this
position and do just fine with it, but she’s takes it further. Right there!’ Marigold stopped video,
reversed and played it back in slow motion.
‘Ever so slightly she shifts her hips, curls her legs to one side and
matchlessly crosses them. That simple
move won the game as you can see. All those moves were innate, the sign of a natural
seductress. What will you be like when
fully trained, irresistible!’ Marigold said softly to her and kissed the top of
her head.
‘You only have a second or two to catch the
eyes or make an impression, especially in this business,’ Marigold said they
watched Sabine enter an office lobby populated by 3 other young attractive
‘This is exactly the dilemma
faced here multiplied by three and compounded by contrast. Three very attractive regular sized, I still
hate that term, someone please come up with a new one or a code word we can
use,’ Marigold said before launching back into it. The direct viewpoint from
the closed office door is occupied by one of the three and the two others have
each side, this immediately adds another disadvantage to Sabine. Notice how her assessment is made instantly
at the door, quick and decisive she heads for the chair off to one side, but
still within peripheral vision of the office door. A quick, natural sweep of her skirt and then
the decline into the perfect sitting position.
Notice how the three others all present the same view for the person
coming from the office, straight on. Yes
their legs are attractive and posed to be so, but it’s a one-dimension view
from the on looker’s perspective. Now,’
Marigold stopping the video. ‘Notice Sabine, hers legs offer a
multi-dimensional view. The perfect
pose, crossed legs with the under leg extended away from the edge of the chair
just a little but not too much to make it obvious and then the flair element,
the slight tilt to the inside of the heel
causing the leg to display the calf muscle running up it giving a more
sensual look. More than enough there for
perfect attraction, but then this,’ she added starting the video once again.
‘The other leg exposes itself so the viewer now sees both displayed, each at
its best and most alluring. When the
person comes out of the office or even if they come in through the door Miriam
has the attention firstly, the front door by way of direct perspective and that
presents a multi view and by the office door the peripheral one and as humans
our evolutionary trait is to always check our peripheral view. In short she wins the day. ‘You’ll win more than that on a mission every
time, those legs can compete with anything I’ve seen, you’re dynamic and alluring, a complete
package!’ Marigold soothed.
“Now what if situation does not allow for
the preferred stationary position, what if you’re constantly mobile, how to you
achieve the allure or set the spark of desire.
Elena has to walk with her contact, severely limiting the distracting
use of her legs or perhaps not.’ The
video started again and once more Marigold let it run for a while then stopped
back tracked and begin her monologue. ‘Elena maintains eye contact never making
it obvious but then she stops and turns to talk. The perfect choice look at the pure
reflection in the polished steel walls behind her, legs finally in full view
then the tease, a curl of one ankle behind the other then slowly back again and
she resumes movement with him just a fraction of a second behind, she notices
but makes him catch up, never slowing. Then
another opportunity, stairs or use the ramp, Elena chooses the ramp and takes
the lead giving ample time to gaze and her to work her magic. Then finally we come to the mirror and she
seals the deal, deftly stopping in the perfect position to clarify a
point. A turn of her body gives him a
different prospective in the reflection, they dance and move with grace before
she breaks it off and moves on letting him trail after her caught in her spell,
Marigold explained. ‘You move with such
grace and understated elegance, smooth and sexy so aware of your surroundings
and how to use them. You’ll be
incredible,’ Marigold breathed into her ear then gave her a small hug.
Marigold took a chair behind the conference
table the trainees were arrayed across and asked them to turn around and move
in close around her in a semi-circle.
‘Transformation of the body is one thing,
and you’ve all done that, but transformation of the mind is another. You can be beautiful, you can have a killer
body, you can have all that, but if the mind doesn’t believe, then the other is
just window dressing. If your new form
doesn’t convince you, your scores in other classes doesn’t assure you, how you
look in your new clothes doesn’t persuade you then what you and I just saw
must. Because what I saw was six young
women who taught one thing, not even a skill that directly relates to what you’re
training for, but just an everyday skill every woman should know, make it their
own and turn it into something special.
When I was a trainee it took a few trainees more than several attempts
to master that, you did it immediately, think about that,’ their instructor
‘Give me your hands, put them in here, let
me hold them,’ Marigold continued. ‘What I’m about to say stays in this room,
it’s just between us, our bond,’ she said looking them in the eyes. ‘Cindy thinks you six are something special,
you have the potential to be game changers, great agents, maybe some of the
best ever and I agree, but that is a long way off. Never ever think like that, have confidence
in yourself, but never get complacent, push yourself to always be better and
you will be, your life will depend on it.
And just in case that is not enough for you there’s this,’ she said
releasing their hands and hitting the play button the remote.
‘This lady’s is a graph of the reactions of
the various people you came into contact with during that exercise. The marked points are labeled as to the
specific point of interaction with regard to surface skin temperature, moisture
level, heart rate, respiratory rate. All
those first spikes indicate first eye contact, the second spikes show first
contact with your whole body, the third stolen glances, very close in time to
the first look at you as a whole. Then
here,’ Marigold said walking to the screen and sweeping her hand across all six
of the agents lines. ‘From here on it’s a constant increase in all the factors
I mentioned before, in others words you’re sexually arousing.’
She turned off the machine, clicked back on
the lights.
‘That’s it for today, keep practicing and
oh one more thing. I noticed that the
first letters of your names can be used to form an acronym, namely SIRENS. I think that’s an appropriate code name for
this group.’