Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Wendy Hammond H.O.T. Agent - Spa Spy

Wendy Hammond H.O.T. Agent was following up after her encounter with Madam Lam. What she’d discovered from her inquiries and persuasive means was an organization called FAB (Fashion and Beauty). An all female agency run uncover of legitimate women’s spas.  She had been assigned to be there best customer.  Her next beauty treatment was Mrs. Anh’s Herbal Baths.

She was greeted and showed to a well appointed room where an autoclave steamed away in the corner.  Instructed to disrobe she was given hot towels to cover her, one for her hair the other, her body, she did as requested. 

She lay on the sandalwood floor and steamed until Mrs. Anh arrived.

A touch and a voice awaken her and not in a pleasant way.

‘My poison towel has several it’s purpose Miss Hammond. Its coated in tiny Prawn Shell fragments, invisible but effective against the skin, especially a steamed skin with its pours wide open.  I’ll just remove them, so we can move on to the Spa’s secret treatment exclusively for HOT agents, The Still Lotus.’

Mrs. Anh carefully removed the hair towel then gently rolled Wendy over on the table then back to free her from the other white towel.

‘There now with a press of a button we can begin,’ she smiled as the table started to disappear into the floor leaving Wendy behind.

Mrs. Anh rolled Wendy onto her back, so she could see her then she removed her garment and placed it on a chair next to a table with oils and various other scented concoctions.  

‘You do not disappoint Miss Hammond, impressive, that will make your death even more exciting.

 'You have a nasty habit of showing up in our areas of interest,’ she added.

Mrs. Anh’s body was extremely impressive, smooth, supple yet hard and dangerous and when added with her beauty she was the complete entity and a deadly one at that. 

She pulled Wendy up at the waist then lowered herself to face her.

‘I thought you and I might do a little yoga together, Vietnamese Style of course, only not the kind they teach in studio’s, a more exotic kind,’ Mrs. Anh said as she prepared Wendy’s legs and arms. 

The woman fed Wendy’s feet into parts of her legs as she sat in the Lotus Position.  She twinned her arms around the HOT agents Mrs. Anh’s hands resting on the sides of Wendy’s neck. The two were joined but still very much apart.

‘Done, now comes the fun part. The light pressure of my nails has your arms unable to escape mine, but they can move, the only dilemma is that movement in any direction pulls you into me, same for your legs, movement will cause them to slip into mine and become trapped in my Lotus.  Eventually Miss Hammond you will be pulled into my consuming embrace and crushed.  There is no escape, only death,’ she offered.

‘You may think I can’t possibly hold you, please maintain that illusion, it has been the death of many western agents in the past.  My body may not be as taut as western agents like theirs to be, displaying corded muscles as they move but I assure you its more than up to the task of finishing you Miss Hammond.  My skill is touch and the art of concealment.  My sinuous form lurks beneath the surface, masked in soft supple flowing lines of femininity on the exterior.  My strength is concealed beneath the surface, never appearing for show as you western girls like to do, but just as deadly when employed,’ Mrs. Anh explained, then added. ‘But you’ll begin to see a feel that in time, my drug should be wearing off soon.’

The two nude women faced each other, one in total command and confidence the other trying to portray those feelings as well and doing a good job. Wendy knew not to move, she also knew Mrs. Anh would be patient, very patient with her, she would have to be the same.

Mrs. Anh remained still her body poised to deliver her lethal art as it had time and time before as she reminded Wendy.

‘This is a personal favourite Miss Hammond, simple, elegant and sexy.  Two femme fatales facing each other, only one can win, but who? It’s not always the youngest, sexist, best body.  Most often it’s the experienced woman, her years of training and practical application of her talents far too much for the other.  After all Miss Hammond you to have to ask yourself. why has she been around so long, because she is that deadly. Are you such a woman, Miss Hammond?’

Wendy remained still, the fetching beauty of Mrs. Anh on full display in front of her, both women were aroused by the contact, Mrs. Anh small perfect nipples erect and hard matched Wendy’s slightly larger breasts.

Mrs. Anh patiently waited, her eyes fixed on Wendy, her nails lightly touching the neck of the HOT agent just enough to cut the neural pathways to her arms and render them useless. Wendy looked back into her captors eyes the room silent. The Spa Siren knew her prey would have to move eventually, time was the factor.  The victim was only just held in the Lotus, but it was the angle their legs and arms were placed at in the starting position that would force the motion.  Mrs. Anh knew Wendy, no matter how talented and fit she was would spasm eventually to begin the process.  She waited and listened with her body for that moment.

‘You are well disciplined Miss Hammond, your body is not just for show, but you will move eventually, just a touch is all that’s needed to begin your envelopment.  Its been two hours so far, keep it up please, I’m enjoying this session.’

Wendy did keep it up, she hoped to frustrate the woman into a mistake.  She remained still and calm for another couple of hours until she twitched just a hair from a muscle readjustment.  Mrs. Anh pulled in just a touch, a cool piece of Wendy’s smooth skin covered over.

‘Excellent start Miss Hammond, your wall of defiance has been breeched.’

There was stillness for a time, then the HOT agent spasmed.  Wendy felt her feet slip inside the knot up to her ankles while her arms advanced as well, Mrs. Anh gliding a nail across her neck into place against a new nerve ending.

‘I told you my dear, quite a deadly predicament,’ Mrs. Anh smiled.

Wendy stilled again but this time with a little more of her captured.  Mrs. Anh now had two nails, one from each hand at the base of her neck, the others on the sides, her touch so light but so effective.

‘Still Miss Hammond, excellent, you HOT girls are marvellously trained, that just makes it even more exciting.  I can feel you wanting to move, part of the discipline is using your body to sense the others.  Your willpower is impressive, but you are close to just the slightest tremor, yes.’

Mrs. Anh pulled in. Wendy’s legs disappeared to the mid calf.  Her arms were now slightly bent back at the elbow.

‘We come closer together Miss Hammond.  My knit is becoming a little more invasive,’ she smiled.

Wendy had a better feel for Mrs. Anh’s body as she got closer, it was as impressive as she had thought, strong, supple, sinuous, sexy and beautiful, she felt her deceptive power and touch, her perfect placement and its effective results.

The HOT agent quivered her opponent contracted bending Wendy’s arms up and back as her legs disappeared to the knee.

‘We get closer Miss Hammond, closer physically and closer to your demise,’ Mrs. Anh honeyed.
The spy was being compressed quicker now, her body being worked in a little more every minute or so. No matter how hard she tried to resist she moved, and Mrs. Anh took more of her in.  Soon she released her nails for Wendy’s neck.

‘No need for that any longer Miss Hammond, your arms are entangled in mine, you can’t escape,’ she smiled even as Wendy moved again and then embrace crushed inward time and again.

The Hot agent was entangled in the Lotus fully now.  Mrs. Anh’s arms had themselves into hers in a warren of bends and sealed them behind her neck and shoulders. Her legs lost in the Lotus. 

‘Now my dear, a most intimate death, pull me in, I’m quite intoxicating,’ Mrs. Anh said putting one of her cheeks against the HOT agents.

Wendy was aroused, she knew it was part of the trap, she resisted as best she could, but entangled as far as she was it was useless, Mrs. Anh was too alluring, she moved, and their cheeks brushed.

‘Don’t be ashamed Miss Hammond, its natural and under different circumstances, well perhaps its best just to imagine that,’ Mrs. Anh whispered in her ear then moved past it as the HOT agent twitched.

Pinched in again and again Mrs. Anh delivered Wendy into pain.  The HOT agent was tight and getting tighter by the minute, her young body devoured in the women’s lethal yoga.  Wendy managed a kiss and a tongue inside Mrs. Anh’s ear, her offering received with pleasure as were the small nips to her neck before her offerings pulled in chin and head tight to the shoulder of the woman.

‘Yes, it would have been nice,’ Mrs. Anh purred.

What was pleasure for one was torment for the other as the Lotus began taking its toll on the Hot agent.

The two lethal ladies were pressed closer together. Wendy in agony moved all the time further punishing her as Mrs. Anh closed tighter about her, the ancient technique providing its deadly embrace to the HOT agent.

Mrs. Anh contracted constantly now, her victim lost in the body knot as so many others.  She knew it would only be a few more minutes at most that she could enjoy the soft form of the HOT agent against hers, feel her heat and smell her delicious scent before she would be finished.

Wendy got weaker, as did her struggling sounds until they started to fade away, another small contraction and it would be over. 

A final squeeze and it ended as Wendy fell free into a lump beside Mrs. Anh, both still.  Wendy had almost no feeling in her body, she just lay still panting and moaning hoping she could arouse some feeling in her form, she knew Mrs. Anh could not.

Eventually she had enough energy to stretch out her form and look at her opponent for several minutes, then several minutes after that enough power to roll away and then back to her opponent, her lips against Mrs. Anh’s ear.

‘Just as the bee pollinates the plant so it can sting it as well Mrs. Anh. My touches to your ear and neck, while delightful, served a purpose, as did my rather hard nipples.  In combination they caused a short circuit in your nerve endings, temporarily stopping the signals to your muscles and turning them to mush allowing me to escape your lethal embrace.  I’ll be fine in a few minutes, you however have several hours of stillness remaining, long enough for me to get away,’ Wendy smiled.

It took the spy a while to find her feet and just as long to dress. Still was still no where near 100% when she knelt beside Mrs. Anh.

‘Goodbye for now Mrs. Anh,’ she said and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. ‘Yes, you were right, it would have been nice.’

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

More Hotel Trident

She entered the room silently as only an experienced agent could then remove her clothes in a similar manner then took her position and waited.

He stepped into the room and she struck, a quick bite before she released tripped him, entangling as they feel and bit again before he could dislodge.  She rolled back toward her for wrapping him as she went and bit a third time, he dislodged her again, she came a crouching position, crawled over to him and smiled as he slowed.

‘The Vietnamese Kissing Prawn COIL agent. Welcome to Hotel Trident, I’m Bui Thanh, Manager of Customer Relations.  Normally I’d assign a maid or servant staff to finish you, but you being a special guest with a bit of a reputation as a hard man to pin down I thought this needed a more senior approach.’

Bui smiled and gave him a soft kiss as he quivered.  She was beautiful, fit and smelled wonderful.

‘I thought about many ways to take you but settled on this. I can see it was the right choice. Precise nips to your flaccid organ ensure it stays that way thus avoid penetration into me and capture on that deadly spindle of yours, but it also starts a reaction in your physiology. Eat sweet bit induces a little more of your body to shut down, first of course your main weapon, soft and helpless,’ she said she straddled him.

‘I could sway and tilt and grind away and well as you can see nothing, same if I was to coddle him,’ she smiled, kissed him and lowered her head.

‘You see nothing, that was the first bite. The second weakened your legs so you couldn’t sand and the third your arms which brings us to the present,’ she said stretching out on him.  ‘You can still feel me, my naked, hot body worming against yours, my nipples teasingly rubbing against you and of course my lips as they kiss you,’ she said then took him.

‘Mmm, very pleasant, but to business.  We have a strict checkout time here at the hotel sir, so I should begin processing this room for vacancy,’ she mused. 

Bui gave him a light kiss then pressed her body tight to his, snaking her legs around his and her arms around his neck and slightly twisted her lower and upper halves in opposite directions.

‘Bites can take different forms, sometimes my mouth, sometimes my nails and in this instance my body, really my deadliest weapon as you can tell. These soft touches and turns deepen your immobility, subtle but in very effective I’ve even done this during sex, its quite thrilling for one of us. Full service for our COIL VIP’s,’ she added then rolled them onto their sides and arched forward and back bowing and compressing him while she added nips about his ears. 

‘Just another turn COIL agent in our effort to bring you full 360 degree service,’ Bui mused as she rolled then again to her back with him on top. 

Bui raised her knees and arched him up into a bow pulling him over her.  A slight flex and she lowered him back and then repeated the process, lowered then bent them into a sitting position her cheek coming to rest against his.

‘There that was our second session, no pain in fact no feeling at all anymore,’ Bui hissed as she released his limp body and rolled onto his back to whisper in his ear.

‘Now we can get a little more intimate,’ she breathed nipping the back of his neck. ‘Just part of the process, but still wonderful, you have a great body, but I have a deadly one.’

Bui nibbled down his back, her touch stirring him but he unable to react no matter how hard he tried, was driving him mad. Down his back and shoulders Bui went, precision touches, her sweet smelling and smooth supple body doing as much damage as her mouth.

‘A woman can damage with every part body,’ Bui breathed as she slithered and snaked her form down his, the COIL agent’s legs subjected to a thorough kiss her final bites applied with searing perfection, she smiled and rolled him over.

‘Usually men and on occasion women have a much more enthusiastic response to my touch, but under the circumstances I won’t take offense.

Bui straddled up his body and kissed him her small wonderful erect breasts just inches from his mouth.

‘So close and yet you can do nothing,’ Bui smiled as she lowered them to his lips. ‘Not even a taste, wise choice, my nipples could be poisoned, I’ve been known to use that tactic, but under different circumstances.’

Bui pulled her head down and kissed him.

‘Now COIL agent this spider needs to bite,’ she said and began.

Bui twisted her supple warm body into his stretching him in ways only her feminine form was meant to pursue. 

‘You bend well a tribute to your training, but of course that has its disadvantages as well. You’re much easier to bite.’

Bui snaked him from position to position, extending him and kissing him, her body seamlessly turning and moving as she flowed around him, clinging and striking then relaxing her skilled technique like flowing water and still oil her body painting a deviously deadly masterpiece on his.

‘Now COIL Agent, one final and for both of us pleasurable end.  My victory is sealed once my lips lock around your prong. The final bite ironically releases your paralysis but locked inside my knot you have to avoid cumming or die, shall we begin,’ she sexily explained then closed her lips around his member that swelled instantly to full potential.

Bui released and began dressing just a minute later.