Monday, February 21, 2022

Grand Opening - Thailand - Chapter 11

The Law of Electrostatics applies not just in physics but also in life, both Natsiree, who Ivory called Natty

and the FORCE agent found it more and more applied to them.  Both women of course had traits in

common, beauty, brains, talent, determination and a lethal legacy, but it was

the opposites that really stood out and it was those that brought them together.  

‘Well I have some good news to report,’ Ivory said as she sipped on her fruit smoothie, before setting it down and coming on the exercise mat to join Natty.  ‘Our agent in India got the stone, so that just leaves us tasked with getting the last two, so no pressure,’ she smiled.  

‘I have some myself.  One of my contacts tells me she knows who has the garnet we’re after,’ Natty answered and Ivory took something from it.

‘You don’t seem as happy about it as perhaps you should be?’

‘He runs a school, much like mine, except for males and he’s the best, a rival if you will and to be totally honest, someone I’ve had run-ins with before and to be truthful have not come out the better for it,’ Natty explained.

Ivory knew this was hard to admit, for anyone, but as the head of a school it had to be very difficult.  Ivory was sure she was the only other person Natty had told, not even her students would be aware of this otherwise the school would not be as successful as it was.  The FORCE spy smiled as she reached over and undid the strings holding Natty’s half robe together the spy’s eyes inviting her counterpart to do the same to her.  

‘All in the past,’ Ivory said.  ‘I’ve had my share of defeats as well,’ she added. Besides, those were single encounters, she stated as she embraced Natty, reversed around her in fluid sinuous motion and arching the woman up over her body.  Natty thrilled by the touch, like being embraced and held by a beautiful constrictor.  She bent forward so her head came beside Ivory’s.  ‘We’re a doublet, east and west, the best of both worlds, I’m sure between the both of us we can persuade him,’ Ivory smiled.  

Natty softly and tenderly kissed her partner, who responded in kind.  The duo had started training together after a few days.  Natty had watched the woman’s solo workouts and became entranced by her beauty, size and skill, she felt something for her.  They got along great, had many things in common and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. That something just kept getting deeper, one day she just decided she could no longer fight.  On the third day as she watched Ivory work she slipped off her robe, lay still on the large bamboo workout mat in her private inner courtyard waiting for Ivory to bump into her.  

Ivory had felt her in spite of Natty’s skill, but she kept to her routine, the ordeal maddening for both.  Ivory came close and turned away again and again as she stretched and loosened her form.  Natty was beginning to lose hope thinking the whole fantasy was just her, when in between her thoughts and silence Ivory connected.  Natty was suspended in a Morning Dew Droplet as Ivory smiled at her.  ‘This is not what I planned, but planning has nothing to do with what I suspect we feel for each other, ‘Ivory said as she lowered her partner to her.  

Three days had not changed anything, in fact it had only made them stronger.  Their bodies meshed perfectly in training, they moved and thought as one.  Ivory arrived late on the fourth day, but she had a very good reason for it and showed it to Natty as they relaxed in the gazebo after a more than usually strenuous workout.  

‘This is yours to keep of course, but I think we can use this as bait to attract your counterpart,’ Ivory said as she showed Natty the gem from India.  The FORCE spy saw just a hint of reluctance in Natty’s eye.  She had expected this, given the history between the two, but Ivory had come with more than the gem, she also had a plan.  

‘He knows you, but he doesn’t know me and he doesn’t know you and I are together.  I’m also the untasted fruit,’ Ivory smiled.  

‘Just don’t let him taste too much!’ Natty answered, her hesitant smile saying more still.

‘Just enough to get him in the mood, then together we will ensure he gets all he can handle and more,’ Ivory smiled.  ‘The plan is simple, I show up, pretending to be a disgruntled FORCE agent, not to worry HQ can send out enough false intel to make it more than believable.  Besides, if I show up with the stone, greed is going to get the better of him anyway.’

‘I assume a picture of the stone to start with,’ Natty replied, catching on to the plan.

‘Exactly, the tease, that way I’m ensured of a second visit and this is where you come in.  While I’m setting things up, you need to be our eyes and ears on the outside.  We need to find a way for you to get on the inside with me and him, alone during my return with the stone.  You and I will finish him, retrieve our stone and his, then on to the next stone, with any luck he’ll even provide us with that lead as well,’ Ivory explained.

‘He has his school on Lom Sak, it's not a big place, the school is in town but he lives on a hillside outside the place.  You will have to go to the school first, introduce yourself, he may want to establish that you're telling the truth, some test may be involved, he’s a suspicious man by nature,’ Natty explained.  ‘I can’t be seen with you or near you, he has people who know me too well.  Once he accepts you, I’m more than certain he will invite you to his place, let him do it, don’t suggest it, you know with men, if it's their idea, it's the best idea,’ she smiled.  

‘You need to find a way into his place, passed any security for when we strike, also you need to have this,’ Ivory stated, placing the stone in her hands.  ‘If he kills me, well that’s one thing, but he won’t get the stone and FORCE will help you get it back along with the others, I’ve seen to that, but not to worry,’ she smiled.  ‘I’m hard to kill and he won’t until the stone is in his hands and by that time it's too late for him.’

Natty said nothing she knew anything she expressed  would be detrimental to the mission, so she just said the obvious.  ‘Dangerous plan.’

‘Dangerous women,’ Ivory smiled back.  


Ivory decided the best way to announce herself was full on.  She roared into town letting her Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX do some of the talking for her.  It also had the effect of taking away eyes from Natty, who, making her own arrangements, arrived in the back of a cargo truck near his residence to begin her reconnaissance.  

Ivory checked the clock and then made her way to the school, Natty was in place now it was time to insert herself into the game.  The car pulled to a stop at the gate, a guard approached, her window slowly opened and she smiled.  ‘I would like to see Kruu Aisoon,’ she smiled and handed the guard, a good looking and from what Ivory could see, a very fit young man.

‘Impossible Miss, Kruu does not see anyone with an appointment and has none scheduled for today.’

‘Your english is excellent, perhaps your discernment as well,’ the spy smiled as she handed him a small 3x4 picture.  I think he may be interested in this.  I’ll wait while you find out,’ she added the words more a command than a question.  

The guard opened the iron gate and skulked toward her with instructions to go up the drive to the main doors where she would be met.

‘Thank you,’ Ivory said.  ‘You’re much more handsome when you smile!’ she added while driving past him.  The car curved up the hill and around as the building came into view.  The spy stopped the car under cover of shade.  Her escort was waiting, again a very nice, well structured young man.  ‘I could get used to this,’ she said under her breath as they walked.

She was silently escorted towards large wooden doors cut with reliefs of various animals and insects, she

took note of the snake, snail, mongoose amongst others before the doors opened.

‘Well I see the gangs all here.  I’m honoured, but I’m really only interested in Kruu Aisoon,’ she said, slipping off her heels as all watched her.

The man she wanted was at the far end of the training room, up one step from all the students, with, she

assumed, two of his best students, sitting on either side of the ornate armless chair or to be more precise,


‘I take it back, Fists of Fury mixed with the Dojo School from Man with the Golden Gun.  Well, at least the spy part fits,’ she smiled.  

He made a motion with his hands as two men stepped out from the lines on either side of her and took off their Lungi.

‘Well this has a certain Fist of Fury vibe to it, but it's nice to see you both standing at attention,’ Ivory quipped.  

She dodged a kick, danced to her left and spun about, the tips of her nails on one hand about the back and sides of his neck for just a second before he fell in a heap.  She was on the other quickly, stepping inside his kick, driving her elbow into his manhood then a knee to his head.  

‘Hardly mussed my hair,’ she mused, fixing it with her hands then watching eight of his students fall forward.  ‘Not to worry, they're just having a sleep, my earrings pack a punch.’

There was a slight stir among the students, but finally the two nearest Kruu Aisoon moved to engage her.

‘Higher up the pecking order.  Well then let me prepare,’ she said as she walked over to one of the two and turned about.  ‘Unzip me please,’ she requested and felt her dress loosen about her.  Ivory let it fall off her shoulders and to the floor.  ‘Oh, my apologies, I forgot to warn you about the zipper,’ she smiled as his upper body was encircled in her detached zipper, the device quickly constricting.  ‘Well he’s of no use, it's just you and me, two’s company, three’s a crowd, more of me for you,’ she added and could clearly tell he was excited.  ‘Glad to see you at full readiness, very glad,’ the spy smiled then drew closer and kissed him.

‘Relax, he’s merely asleep. ‘Knockout lipstick.’  But you better get your other student out of my zipper before it kills him,’ Ivory smiled and she stepped over the fallen man, up a step then straddled Aisoon, he, making a quick motion to remove the student and all of them and adjust himself to her.

You certainly take the direct Miss Stevens,’ he said.

‘You can call me Ivory.  As for the direct route, you certainly are pointing the way. That was fun your little test, but, oh yes, this is much more to my liking,’ Ivory breathed as she swayed her hips working his tip into place.  ‘My word of honour, no more tricks or traps, the lipstick is one kiss only.  If that didn’t convince you I am a FORCE agent, this well,’ she smiled pulling his impressive wand into her with a couple of sharp thrusts.

He undid her bra, kissing and caressing her erect pink nipples as she rocked them slowly in a gentle building caress.  She nibbled and kissed his neck before moving onto an ear, her tongue hot and fiery breath pulling him like a siren call to her mouth, her tongue inside his mouth and in total command as he came, his hips driving her up and down, her firm breasts jiggling from his pleasure.  

Ivory could feel him pounding inside, he was impressive in his technique, she had to admit, but she held him at bay, making him work, she wanted it that way, making him give everything her had to make her climax, that was the challenge and the desire for more she wanted to implant in him.  She on the other hand wanted to release him quickly and she did!  He stilled arched and exploded inside her, her paradise turning and twisting his wand as she caressed his shaft, her actions drawing everything from him as she held him tight in her arms.  

Ivory used her discipline to fight off several climaxes before she succumbed, her hips pulled and turned about by his cupped hands under her ass.  He pulled her up and drove into her as she started to still from her quaking passion, setting her off again.  She moaned and stiffened, his tool wonderful inside her.  Her orgasm was deep and long and seemingly endless.  They kissed and cuddled as they stayed together.

‘That was wonderful, no strings attached, but I’m afraid the gem does not carry the same considerations,’ she said.

‘Before we get to that, I think you need to explain yourself.  FORCE agents are not known for being disloyal, what makes you different?’ Aisoon asked.

‘What do you know about me, besides what we just did and what you saw before that? Ivory asked.

‘Well you’re a Plus or Curve agent, never sure what you want others to call you,’ he said.

Ivory admired his control, he was not pushing inside her or trying for another session, but he was still wonderfully hard and filling.

‘You got it right with that statement.  Plus or Curve, doesn’t matter, they're just words.  What does matter is the name or more specifically, how that name is used in practice.’

He looked confused, she smiled, kissed his lips, because she really wanted to and continued.

‘Girls like me have a very short shelf life, on average, about 5 years.  A few make it a longer career, but you can count those on one hand and have fingers to spare.  I’m not interested in waiting around for more sell-by date to expire.  The dirty little secret, doesn’t matter if you FORCE or TRIDENT or COIL is they love my kind, but they also love to use us up.  Too many missions, risky missions, again and again and again, because somehow we’re bigger we can take the punishment more.  That will catch up with you sometime, so when I found out about these stones I saw my chance to retire in the manner of my choosing.’

‘And that manner has what price tag?’ he asked. 

Ivory whispered it into his ear.  “I’m sure you have friends that can help you out and as a bonus I can point you in the direction of the others.  That second part is free.  The stone for the money, we can do an e transfer and wash it through some friends I have in the MIddle East.’

‘Your very cold about all this?’ he replied.

‘After a while, all that fighting for the good fight shit gets very tiring and annoying.  Yes I make very good money and bonuses from the things picked up on missions, but the last time I had a break was spring break in college, a long time ago.  For what shall it profit a spy, if she shall gain the whole world, and lose her own soul?  I don’t want the world, just a nice sunny beach front corner of it and as for the soul, well, I lost that a long time ago, so that just leaves the money.  Do we have a deal or not?’

‘I need to make some calls, that is a great deal of money and quite frankly, I need to know you are sincere and this isn’t an elaborate ploy,’ Aisoon said, as Ivory felt his hips move a touch.

‘A ploy, to what end?’ she smiled and to tease him deposited a soft kiss.

‘Perhaps, FORCE wants me dead and sent you to do it.  After all, a woman as well and as beautifully constructed as you would have a chance of success.  I know FORCE females like to play the game and tease until they strike.’

‘Your concern is not without merit or justification.  I’m guilty of your accusation, I confess, but if that is the case I can assure you I would have killed you before or more preferably during sexstrictress, but I didn’t, because this is about one thing, money.’

‘And the sex?’ he questioned.

‘Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it?  I know I did, given the constraints of our positions.  In a twisted way that fact that I didn’t kill you when I had the position and you firmly in climax should dispel any doubt you have, but I will leave that to you along with how you want to proceed.  When you’ve decided, I wrote my number on the back of the card, call me and we can transact business and well, perhaps other items of mutual interest,’ Ivory suggested as she uncoupled from him and came to her feet.  ‘Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out, not that you’d be able to anyway.  While we were talking and you were trying to coax another tryst from me I used my other set of lips to maximum effect.  Subtle and delicate contractions, pressure point touches to your rather impressive and wonderful stem have left you temporarily paralysed.  It's called The Gorgons Caress and if I had gone just a touch further it would have killed you, but I didn’t, that would have been a waste,’ Ivory smiled as she put her bra then her dress back on, the latter hanging loose without the zipper.  ‘I looked forward to hearing from you among other pleasures.’ she added walking toward the door stopping only to put her heel back on.  


By the third day Ivory and Natty were very happy, they knew the baited hook had been taken, it was just a matter of time before they felt a tug on the line or in Ivory’s case a phone call.  While the FORCE agent waited in town Natty was busy constructing her plan to gain access to his place.  Working around the fringes of the property, always just under the cover of the jungle, she remained an interested and keen voyeur.  Her stealthy work along with satellite images that Ivory had arranged for her formulated her plan of action.  

‘Time to reel in the catch,’ Ivory said to Natty as they talked over a secure SAT phone connection.  ‘He wants me to come by tomorrow night, that should work well for you, the cover of darkness will be to the attacker's advantage.’

‘He’s been a busy boy and not in a good way.  There have been eight women so far at his place in the three days, all of a certain body type and size,’ Natty replied. ‘Need I say more?’

‘Well, good to know I started a trend or a fetish, depending on how you look at it.  

‘If you’re not careful you will be the end of it as well.  You know he’s not going to let you leave, well alive,’ Natty said with concern.

‘Your lack of faith in me is alarming.  I think you’d know by now, given all our training and other workouts together that I’m a hard woman to pin down.  Besides, my little demonstration for him at his school will make him weary, who knows what I could have as weapons when we met.  He’ll wait until after we complete the transaction to try something,’ Ivory said.

‘I suppose that’s true, you did give him a taste of heaven, he’ll want more, in fact, that’s most likely how he’ll try and kill you,’ Natty replied, her voice not sounding happy.

‘Don’t be like that!  I was just sex, part of the plan and it wasn’t that great, I just made it out to be.  I have to find out his triggers for our attack,’ she answered.  ‘I will see you tomorrow night at 10:30 pm,’ Ivory said, then they went over the plan again.


The text gave her the directions to his place, she knew he’d choose it over the school, a private place of conquest for him, that’s why he’d used it to practice with the others.  She drove through the night, the car hugging the twisted road just as she intended to hug him later, the stone inside her clutch in a nice red velvet box.

She parked the car, a concrete path curled away in front of her, dim lights flickering through the foliage of the garden.  She made her way along, her heels echoing on the stone announcing her arrival long before she came to the door that he occupied.

‘I can see your keen,’ she smiled, as she walked into his home.

The hallway ran straight from the side entrance to an extension off the cantilevered main room, a three sided glass area with sliding doors to let the breeze in and vertical teak shutters.  A small part of the room near the entrance from the hallway was reserved as a sitting area, the remainder out to the end was totally devoid of furniture, the hardwood floor gleaming in the moonlight.  Ivory walked down the hallway, looking into the kitchen to the left, then proceeded to the end, a guest bathroom on the right and then into the bedroom, she turned and smiled at him as she walked back.  ‘Turned down already I see.  Confidence, I like that, but as the saying goes, business before pleasure,’ Ivory stated in a sexy way as she opened her clutch and took out her phone and the small box which she opened.  ‘Electronic transfer as stated, are you ready to remit the funds?’

‘May I first be permitted to see the stone up close?’ he smiled.barrionuevo villanueva arquitectos

‘Trust issues already?  This night is not off to a good start, but I suppose under the circumstances not without merit,’ she nodded her acquiescence.  

Aisoon held it up close, turning it about, a larger smile forming on his mouth with each twist of the gem.  He placed it back in the box and they completed the transaction. The spy waited for her bank to verify the transfer and secure it.  She put her back in the clutch and closed it as he took the box over to his open safe, placed it inside and closed it.

‘That concludes our business for the evening,’ she said with hunger in her voice.  ‘Now I really want to get to the pleasure! And this time I promise no tricks, you’re paid in full, in fact you probably have a large credit on your account I need to reconcile,’ she hummed as she approached reaching behind and unzipping her dress she wriggled out of with snakelike hypnotics.  ‘One of us is wearing far too many clothes for the other, but don’t worry, I can correct that oversight.’

The night was humid, the full moon did not help aid in concealing but she wasn’t expected, so she took full advantage of that.  Natty checked her watch then steadied herself, sighted the target and fired.  The muzzle suppressor and the low velocity projectile ensured silence, her aim ensured an instant death, the target fell silently on the grass, out of view of the other perimeter guard on this side of the property.  Natty darted quickly up the side of the lawn, just on the other side of the jungle, went prone on one knee and fired again, another instant kill.  She emerged from the treeline and slunk across the lawn, a fortuitous cloud darkening the way for her as she slipped under the cantilever stairs.  Natty still had four more to deal with, she checked her watch, pressing herself more into the shadows and they would happen fast, no second chances.  She set the rifle down flat and pulled out her Ruger Mk IV released the safety and


listened for the sounds of the approaching guards, two from the north/south and two from the east/west.  

Inside Aisoon never heard a thing, his senses were at the time overwhelmed by Ivory’s tongue and lips.  His shaft madly quivered in her mouth as his hands played with her soft blonde hair.  A languid twist of her lips or the slow curling touch from the tip of her tongue jerked him almost off his feet.  He slid along her teeth, the lightest of touches surrounding the throbbing manhood, but it was everywhere at once, her coverage total and constant as she pulled back and forth, her pace and motion changing to keep him off balance in her clasp as she navigated around his prong.  He moaned and shook from her touch, Ivory careful to take him to near the edge but never over it, always teasing the promise of something better.  She gave him one last long curling caress before she came to her feet.

‘I want it just as much as you do, maybe more, the danger, it always excites me.  I can always do that later, multiple times, I promise you that, but I want to feel this,’ Ivory whispered as her hands caressed his root. ‘ In another part of me first and I promise you that it's so much sweeter,’ she added.  ‘But first, not that you need it, but a little enticement,’ she said, leaving him and walking toward her clutch where she pulled something out.  ‘Give me a second,’ and disappeared into the bedroom leaving a trail of clothes in her wake, his last look at her wonderful swaying ass.

Ivory emerged from the bedroom and took a step forward, slipping her arms around him for a soft slow kiss, her tongue probing and curling inside his mouth.  She let the kiss take its long lingering course before they parted.  

‘You can undress me here or in the bedroom, the choice is yours, but I do have one small request,’ she smiled as she hugged him.  ‘I want to make this a threesome and I found the perfect partner for us,’ she added as a hand trailed behind her back, another clasping it bringing the third person into view.  Ivory gave him a second to see before she drove her knee into his abdomen while Natty sent him flying backward with a side kick.  

‘I was under the impression this was a casual affair?’ Natty smiled.  ‘One of us appears to be overdressed for the occasion,’ she added with a sexy smile as her hands pulled Ivory’s negligee over head, the FORCE spy thrilling to her touch.  ‘There, now we all match and the party can begin.’ Natty said, looking at him as he looked back.  ‘Oh. one more thing.’ Natty slipped her arms around Ivory and kissed her.  

‘Tables have turned this time Aisoon!  Don’t bother looking for your guards, all dead, they went quick, pity you didn’t hear me doing it but I understand you were otherwise engaged,’ Natty smiled.

‘Trust me, he was fully engaged,’ Ivory smiled. 

Natty dropped the negligee, Ivory took her arm, whipped her around her body, into the air as she delivered a flying kick into the chest of Aisoon.  Ivory cartwheeled right after her left leg smashing down from above across the back of his neck.  Aisoon landed face down, Ivory strandling his prone body cupped his chin in her hands and leaned back arching him up to face Natty.  

‘Every man’s dream, two women at once!  Of course one man’s dream is another man’s nightmare,’ she purred.

Ivory released her hold delivering a sharp punch to his lower back then pulling him up by his feet she inverted him into her body with a few simple crossovers of her arms and legs into his.  

‘You wanted to feel more of her, now you have your wish, maybe just not the way you imagined.  Lucky for you, today we have a two for one offer,’ Natty explained as she slithered about, her nimble sylph form integrating itself into his and Ivory’s with poise and grace, her feathery touch electrifying to one and worrisome to the other.  

‘There, I fit in just fine and judging by your reaction, you agree,’ Natty said as her hands closed about this granite spear.  ‘Glad to see I have the same effect that my partner had, but we do have a past history, but that’s not what interests us at the moment.  What do you know about the other stone?  You have to have knowledge of its location and maybe even who has it otherwise you never would have been so keen to acquire this one.  I mean what good is one stone?  Do you want to tell us now, I hope you’ll refuse, it's much more rewarding breaking resistance in any number of ways.  But make no mistake, Ivory and I will break you, now that can be pleasurable,’ Natty suggested and kissed him followed by one from her partner.  ‘Or we can go the other way,’ Natty continued as she ran a tip of her nail along his shaft causing him to spasm and her to tighten just a little.

‘Interesting, isn’t it,’ Ivory hummed in his ear before her hot tongue ravaged freely about causing him the jerk and buck about.  ‘See what I mean, I can stimulate you all I want and nothing happens, except well, you get excited and frustrated, but if Natty moves, she moves me which in turn moves you and just so you don’t get used to me the two of us with just the merest of adjustments to the knot can switch positions.  That way you can’t get used to one person.  Think of it as the best of east meets west and remember I know all of your triggers from our two sessions so if you’re thinking about trying to fight us, think again, because baby, my lips do kiss and well others things and they tell.’  

‘What would happen if we stimulated each other? Natty smiled.

‘Don’t know but let's find out, watch if you want to Aisoon,’ Ivory smiled.

‘I think he likes it or us,’ Ivory smiled as their lips parted and she nibbled at Aisoon’s.  

‘She’s a wonderful kisser, among many other skills,’ Natty smiled.  ‘I can tell you find her impossible to refuse.  I know I did,’ Natty offered and Ivory stopped her attention on him and kissed her partner.

‘Same goes for Natty.  We seemed to fall for each other at the same time, strange, but stranger things have happened in our line of work.  We meshed together perfectly, right from the start we knew what the other would do,’ Ivory expanded.  ‘We think and move as one, as you can feel.’

‘I don’t think he’s ever encountered a PLUS before you know, another advantage for us.  The sex is incredible, we can agree on that, but its that body, isn’t it, that endless hard curving body, with legs that gone on forever, firm breasts, insane back and shoulders and that endless energy.  But it's something more with you Aisoon, she's a blonde, exotic fruit to be savoured, perhaps that was your plan, catch her and kill her slowly, savouring that hard body against your, feeling every twist and thrust as she strained to escape.  Instead it's you, entwined in her luscious body, you get to feel it, only not as I suspect you wanted to.  Maybe I should slip myself out and let Ivory kill you herself, her body is a lethal constrictor Aisoon.  It would be incredible to watch her work or do you want me to stay and use my body as well,’ she said, kissing him.  ‘Stay it is.’

‘Just for your edification, Natty was never going to leave.  Just a tease,’ Ivory said as she and Natty silently switched roles, Ivory’s hands taking him his throbbing cock in her caress.  ‘I know exactly what you like and don’t like, the triggers and the barriers to pleasing you.  Coitus and oral stimulation can tell you exactly what works on your partner, now most times that’s wonderful, but you really need to be careful around a female spy.  All that intel I gathered is being used against you by us.  I can’t keep a secret, so naturally I shared everything you told me with my partner,’ Ivory smiled.

‘You know I think he thought you and I were going to just kill him slowly, well, we are, but using just this method,’ Natty said, then proceeded to lightly bite his neck.

‘I think you may be right, but not to worry Aisoon, we have something far more exhaustingly in mind,’ she purred as he fingers and nails released him, his body spasming in pleasure as they constricted.

‘Your turn Natty,’ Ivory smiled as her partner's hands took over.

‘Oh my,  that was quick and draining,’ Natty honeyed as they entwined around him further, his body feeling their feminine art.  

‘He’s starting to feel us binding him into our bodies,’ Ivory mused.

‘Is that true Aisoon?  Do you feel us?  Do you feel out snake like forms slowly twisting and turning around your sculpted form, finding the spaces to invade and fill, our soft skin, scented bodies, normally a pleasure, now a fatal femme fatale phantasy.  Another spilling, pleasure and pain as we tweeze into you  No matter how skilled or hard bodied you are Aisoon, you cannot fight our ancient art.  The female is the deadliest predator in nature and you are trapped by two!’ Natty hissed in delight.

The two serpents switched constantly, their sweet venomous bites mixed with sinuous constriction, their wonderful scent and soft creeping skin against his spilled him in pleasurable torment for several hours before they looked at each other, kissed and relaxed letting their prey fall flaccidly to the floor between them.

The ladies adjusted his limp form then lay down beside him, each covering one side of his body.

‘There’s an expression. ‘Too much of a good thing is bad for you.’  Let’s see if that’s true,’ Natty smiled, then kissed him, followed by Ivory.  

The women each snaked a hand down Aisson’s smooth and hard form until securing his root in their palms.  He was still extended, even after his multiple orgasms, but not hard, the duo soon had him at full staff and twitching from their touch.  

‘Glad you still up for the fight,’ Ivory smiled as her mouth coddled his ear while Natty found the other,  His form convulsed and they took full advantage.

‘Welcome to The Mousetrap, Aisoon.  Ivory and I each have a side of you, but we also are interconnected in the knot, so when one of us moves it triggers the other to move as well, so the trap always stays in balance.’

‘Now comes the question of how to avoid springing the trap.  The bad news is you can’t, but the good news, well for us anyway, is that the trap doesn’t snap quickly,’ Ivory smiled.

‘No, it's a slow, painfully slow tightening of the tension, we being the tension,’ Natty explained.

‘As we pleasure you and you react, our bodies pull you in, bowing you over yourself until finally the tension snaps you in two,’ Ivory said with a whisper of hot air into his ear.

‘Until that end, well you’re entangled and pleasured at our whim.  It may seem wonderful at first, and we will do our very best to give you a pleasurable release again and again.  But, after a while it becomes an excruciating experience.  Your body fights for release that your manhood just can’t give it, ‘ Natty said as she kissed about in tiny bee sting touches.

‘The brain goes into a delirium and we get the intel we want,’ Ivory smiled as she took up the kisses and Natty finished.

‘We’ll drain you of everything you have and then drain you of information until finally and mercifully for you, the trap closes.’

Aisoon was neatly parcelled into a bow, his head being tucked underneath, as in a somersault.  It gave the duo access to him, but more importantly it exposed his rope to their most lethal weapon.  

It was just a brush, but it was what he liked and Natty used it to perfection.  She touched him perfectly, his body jerking and twisting in joy, anticipation and frustration as he could not escape them, his senses were overloading and Natty still had tricks to play.  Between long running wet licks of her tongue along his extensive cock, airy touches and languid curling caresses of her lips he jerked and bucked and moaned.  Her sensory lips guided the attack and he was soon close to spilling!  Natty gave him one final push and he was over the edge, she used her hand to extract maximum joy.  

Aisoon had barely time to stop moving before Ivory coddled him totally in her mouth and secured him in constant pleasure.

‘Listen to me Aisson, Ivory won’t release until you talk.  Her mouth is, take it from me, extremely persuasive, so I’m going to ask you some questions and you’d better answer or and I know this may be hard to believe, she’ll increase the pleasure,’ Natty explained as her head was next to his.

She added her own lips to the trap and he collapsed and talked. They switched positions and of course style which worked perfectly so he could never defend against them.  Natty slithered her tongue around his stem and pulled and pushed, coating him in joy.  They had contracted him several times, the arch becoming more pronounced, but both knew he could be bent further.  Natty felt him still, then push, she released and let him expel, her hands soothing out more.  

‘That was fast,’ Ivory smiled as kissed him.  Natty went back to work, this time on tip.  Small circling bites and tip of her tongue touches found success again, his body flailing wildly as they held him.  Ivory casually asked questions, she was in no hurry, Natty clearly had him enthralled, but both knew he was nowhere near exhausted.

Natty savoured him as she changed position and tactics again and again.  She adjusted her pressure and motion, listening with her lips to his cock’s reactions, she pounced on vibrations from him to further weaken his reserves.  Shade released his seeping giant as it bounced up and down, ghism gushing slowly, he was tiring.

Ivory came up on top and looked at her, she’d never seen a hotter woman in her life.  They kissed as each closed a hand over his stem, a moan filling the room as the duo lapped and tugged him back to full erectile attention, then exploded him.  They contracted and repeated until over several hours he was nearly limp.

The duo placed their lips on either side of his root and worked, their tongues each finding him and each other as he gasped in torment.  They slowly hardened him then kissed and coddled up and down on him, each using a different style.  He thrust in vain, but could not cum, their mouths took him in and out, each embracing a lethal reminder of their skills as he bucked and surged.  The two contracted him one more time, Ivory opened and placed his vertical pulsating obelisk across her mouth, her teeth, tenderly moving on certain nerve endings.  Natty, curved her tongue and slid down his shaft, her coiled snake wrapped securely about him.  She met Ivory’s lips and they stilled waiting for him to spill.

The prey fought in their clasp, twitches, throbs and undulations but he was secured in their coiled bodies.  A few sharp thrusts, then a moment of stillness before his hips jacked skyward, his body releasing everything it had left as he moaned in joy.  This time the duo did not let him escape, his prong seized and sheathed in a moist grip fought to escape the overwhelming pleasure that tormented him, he thrust and thrust, desperate to escape, the ladies moving slowly inward with each motion until they finally snapped him in two.  

Natty and Ivory released and relaxed and came to their feet with smiles on both their faces as they embraced.  Ivory retrieved her clutch after a few moments, twisted the clasp counter clockwise and pulled.  The locking mechanism separated into two separate parts each attached to a wire.  She walked over to his wall safe and attached ends to opposite sides of the keypad.  She opened the clutch, took out a false backing revealing a keypad and started the program.

‘Depending on the number of digits he has for a combination we have a wait of between 5 and 15 minutes before the code is cracked.  More than enough time,’ she said as Natty returned from the bedroom, passing her a bag and keeping one for herself.

‘Well, once again, perfect timing, seems to be a trend tonight,’ Ivory smiled as she opened the safe after emptying her bag.  Natty joined her.  ‘Two down, one to go,’ the FORCE agent smiled as she passed Natty the two stones.  Money is always nice, spending money it seems for our next adventure,’ she added as she leafed through a notebook.  ‘Surprisingly I’ve never been to The Phuket, but what he told us is confirmed in these notes.’

They drove away slowly, Natty dialling a number then hanging up.  ‘I never asked, how much did he pay you for the stone?’

‘He paid us this much,’ Ivory said.  ‘All things considered an excellent start to our retirement fund,’ she smiled and accepted a small kiss from Natty as the house exploded in the rearview mirror.  

‘End things on a bang,’ Ivory smiled, unable to resist.

‘Once we're home I promise you something more explosive than that,’ Natty smiled as Ivory accelerated the car.  

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