Thursday, June 27, 2024

M.I.L.F. to the Rescue

‘I’m not asking, I’m telling,’ M.I.L.F. agent Carole said.  “And you know there’s nothing you can

do to stop me, this is just a courtesy.  ‘If I fail, I fail, all it costs you is me and I’m replaceable. 

M.I.L.F. was set up that way, we operate as an organisation, but each agent can do other missions

if the intel favours it and this does.  I’m going in to get him, because I care about him a lot,’ she

finished and seeing that they had nothing to say, left to prepare.  


The jump in was quick and easy, the jungle swallowed her up quickly in the night.  Gathering her

parachute up, hiding it and checking her gear mere minutes before she was on her way to the

Trident outpost.  

Carole saw the dim lights of the compound before the building came into view.  She knew from

satellite imagery that she was at the main door.  Once inside, a hallway, then an anteroom and

finally the place they were holding Jax.  That was also the way out, but she had to be fast and

ruthless.  The spy pulled up her Scorpion EVO, switched on the night sight and scanned the area. 

One walking the length of the iron fence, another at the door.

She flicked on the laser guide, took aim, fired then again, both went down as she raced toward

the gate pulling a packet from a compartment on her suit then slapped it on the lock and watched

while the Hydrofluoric acid gel pack burned away the lock.  She was inside and up against the

metal door in seconds, another acid pack going to work on that.  

Carole pushed the door open with the suppressor, a hail of lead shot her way before a concussion grenade went theirs.  She covered her ears as the sound reverberated out the open door and into the night.  Stepping around the submachine gun picked off hits targets one by one.  Some she passed by on the floor,knocked out by the blast.  A casual swing of the Scorpion down, a single round to the head ensured they’d never wake up.  Others dazed grabbed their heads in pain, she made sure she relieved it for them, the blast blowing tops of heads so they smashed on the ceiling then back down several feet from their owners.  She flicked the weapon to full auto moving down the passageway stepping over the carnage as she went toward the end door and one each on the right and left.  

'Come on let's have the welcoming party,’ she thought just as a door popped open and a fragmentation grenade rolled into view.  

Carole kicked the object down the hall, fell to the floor and pulled a dead body against and over

her a shield, opening her mouth as wide as possible to let the shock wave pass through her. The blast blew apart the door at the end out of which poured assailants.  The M.I.L.F. pushed off the body and fired from the floor the hollow points ripping apart bodies that piled up in tangled pieces, blood spattering the walls and down in streams that looked like long red fingers.  

She had no time to admire her handiwork, the door from where the grenade came was her next target.  Carole kicked it closed on a hand that dropped another explosive, she pulled the door open a little more, kicked the bomb inside then fell to the floor in legs and several dead bodies giving her the leverage from the far wall to keep it closed, then bang, screams then silence.  Carole finished off any survivors with a quick slash of her Karambit.

Out of the room she came running, her body tucked low into a forward somersault as she dove across the hallway, the screen of bullets from the end unable to find her.  Carole returned fire knocking several down.  She had the advantage and aimed to press it home, the doorway was clogged with dead making it impossible for them to get out without her picking them off.  She swung round the corner, firing as she went then tossing her last grenade inside.  She swung inside, a man popped up from behind an overturned desk.  The bullets ripped up his body from his left ankle up his leg, across his chest then shoulder.  He stood there for a second before literally falling into pieces, what was left of him, straight down into a pile of crimson mush.  She finished off a few others with her knife.

‘One door left,’ she said, making her way to the intersection.  Picking up two submachine guns along the way.  The spy removed her final two gel packs, took a deep breath, stepped into the open and heaved them down the short corridor watching them stick then break open, an orange green slime flowing down the door in small rivers as they burned, smoke filling the hallway.  

The M.I.L.F. sprang to her feet, both machine pistols blazing away into the door, that shattered in hundreds of splinters blowing inward from the force of the bullets as Carole walked forward.  Her guns exhausted, she tossed them away pulling her 9mm Sig Sauer.

She moved round a corner in the room, a shot kissed her, she did not.  Her round found

his knee, the force spinning him round as she advanced placing the muzzle against his head.  

‘Where is he and he better be alive for your sake!’ 

‘Through that door down the hall at the end, it's the only room,’ he stammered.

‘How many more?’

‘Maybe six or seven.’

‘See what happens when you don’t lose your head,’ she smiled at him then pulled the trigger.  ‘That’s what happens when you do.’

Carole kicked the door open then stood to one side.  She knew they’d all be stupid enough to fire at once all running out at the same time.  

‘Like all men, always in a hurry to shoot their load,’ she thought, swinging about and opening up.  Head shot after head shot, their bodies, quivered, contorted and fell, she reloaded and shot at the door ahead, two blew the lock off as she quickened her pace reaching into her suit again just as a hand crept round the edge,  Carole pinned it there with her Push Dagger,

swung round the door, sliced his neck with the Karambit while pulling the dagger free.  She replaced them in her suit, looked at the three remaining, then at Jax, her heart skipped a beat at the mess he was, he’d been badly beaten and most likely tortured but she knew he’d never say a word.  

Lucky for you assholes I’m out of bullets, so you get the hands on approach, except for you,’ she said watching his hand go behind him.  The spy reached across with one hand, pulled a throwing knife from her other arms and released it across the room, the blade slicing into and embedding in his cheek.  

As it went Carole removed from her back her final weapon, two Cali sticks and unleashed her fury smashing into them and breaking legs, arms, sending knee caps 180 degrees.  One fell to his knees, the other slumped against the wall.  

‘Excuse me, I need to use this,’ she said, pulling the dagger from the man's cheek as he wobbled about.  Carole spun round, dagger extended and drove it into the base of one of the other two so hard the force carried him into the wall where the tip protruded from his throat sticking him to the wall as his body twitched its last.  

‘Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you,’ she said looking over her shoulder at the one she’d just pulled the knife from.  

Carole revolved toward him, the Cali sticks colliding against his Adam’s Apple and back of the neck at the same time.  He reflexively grabbed for his throat before falling to his knees then to one side coughing and gurgling on his own blood as he drowned in it.  The M.I.L.F. picked up the gun, walked toward the last and blew his head off without even looking as she came to Jax strapped to a table.  Carole cut the straps and touched him.  He reached for her seemingly knowing who it was just by her caress.  

‘This is where it all started for us Jax and I know I promised never to use it again, but it's the fastest and least painful way to get you out of here,’ Carole said in a soothing voice while reaching into one of the many zippered compartments, yet again, while seeing the faintest of smiles cross his face in spite of the pain.  She finished quickly then bent over him.  ‘Nightie night baby, when you wake up we'll be safe, I promise,’ Carole said tenderly, then kissed him.

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