Friday, May 1, 2015

The Judas Stones - Chapter 7

Chapter Seven:

         “How many nights does this make?” Salome questioned raising a shapely soapy leg out of her bath water and running her hands along her silky skin from ankle to mid thigh before plunging it back in the inviting liquid.

         “Five and counting,” Lamis answered running a soft sponge over Salome Alam’s back in a gentle rocking motion.

         “She appears to be the Sheik’s flavour of the month, or more precisely, the week, but he’ll soon lose interest in her!” Salome cooed as the combined touch of the water and sponge penetrated her usually cool demeanour.

         “I fear your hopes may be dashed.  I overheard the Sheik say he finds her fascinating, both in and out of the bed chamber.”

         “Small praise, a woman does not need a bed to entrance a man that is merely a convient accessory that gives comfort to her craft!  Still this is more than worrisome if she is, as I suspect a C.O.I.L. agent, she’s after the key and from there the stone and that is something, no matter what my loyalties to D.O.O.M. are, I cannot let happen!” Salome answer leaning back as Lamis switched the sponge to her chest. 

          “She may even have the key as we speak?” Lamis said softly which mirrored the meaning of her name, soft to the touch.

         “Yes she may, but then you’d think she would have made a gambit for the stone by now, wouldn’t you?” Salome posed.

         “Perhaps she knows that we suspect she’s a C.O.I.L. agent just as she surely suspects one or more of us are D.O.O.M. agents and she’s feeling us out to find out which are and are not, eliminate us and then make her move unencumbered, so to speak!” Lamis answered as she worked the sponge about Salome’s soapy slick body.

         “Then perhaps we should remove that suspicion from her mind and her body!” Salome smiled to her assistant.  “After all we can’t have her using that key, even though her chances of success would be poor!  I don’t like to leave anything to chance!  What can you tell me about her?”

         Lamis understood the question and smiled before leaning over and kissing her receptive fellow D.O.O.M. agent before slipping herself off the mosaic tiled step and into the large bath joining her fellow spy. 

         “That is what I can tell you about her!” Lamis smiled before continuing as she saw the puzzled look on Salome’s face.

         “Most new girls balk at the communal baths or perhaps more accurately, they are a little nervous about it at first.  Miss Chase however, didn’t, she in fact seemed to be quite at ease as I noticed!  I think that gives us insight into her personality if you follow my meaning.” Lamis smiled as she scooped up one of Salome’s lovely legs and rested it on her shoulder while the sponge hugged the dangerous contours of it. 

         “So Miss Chase is comfortable with the naked female form,” Salome smiled.  “Tell me Lamis how would you dispose of Miss Chase?”

         “Softly!” she smiled before continuing.  “A hard body like Miss Chase’s requires a soft touch to manipulate it.  Matching power with her would be foolish, an opponent would be better served caressing her into immobilization, letting loose the threads of one’s trap a little at a time, each one weakening her, but leaving her completely unaware until it is too late.  Once all threads are in place, close it about her and she will be finished!” Lamis said switching Salome’s legs on her shoulders.

         “And tell me how would one go about caressing her into immobilization?” Salome asked feeling the heat of Lamis’s words sting her.

         “Many ways, but I think The Cashmere Caress would be particularly effective against Miss Chase if administered by an expert!” Lamis soothed as the sponge slid further up Salome’s leg than it had before. 

         “Please explain,” Salome said hungrily as her body wiggled in the water creating ringlets of desire on the surface.

         “The sexual component relaxes and weakens the opponent while building a false trust with the victim.  All the positional couplings favour the opponent, a quick strike or turn of their body and you are entangled in their snare.  Usually after the second encounter the intended victim relaxes, falsely thinking this is just a sexual encounter and they are controlling the situation.  During each encounter a part of the knot is set in place until finally all ten are set and the trap is quickly sprung!” Lamis cooed as the sponge trailed over Salome’s leg and down between them in a tender circular motion.

         “Tell me more about the knot,” Salome breathed as her head fell back against the edge of the tub.

         “Ah, the best part of the trap.  Thin, translucent fibres of pure cashmere wool, ten in all are strategically affixed to the attacker’s body in such a way as to be made undetectable to the victim.  One is removed and placed   during each session encounter and so on until all ten are in place.  Micro knots connect them together through the insidiously sexy method of hand and foot caresses during each session.  The eleventh position rolls the victim into the knot and a final knot secures their fate as the attacker rolls free!” Lamis answered softly as she worked the sponge about Salome’s aroused nipples.

         “Then what of the victim how do they die?” Salome moaned.

         “The victim is exhausted from the encounters, weak and spent and now desperate to be free.  However, their frantic struggles soon reveal yet another lethal twist of the trap!  Each knot is dependant on the other; move one, another tightens, never to loosen again!  Before the victim knows it they are taut and helpless, now even their breathing constricts the fibres!  In a matter of one hour they are dead, usually they victim is gagged to prevent their screams or cries for help!” Lamis concluded.

         “Excellent!  Do you have anyone in mind for Miss Chase?” Salome gasped as she pulled Lamis close her long legs wrapping around the woman’s waist.

         “I think I do, but not tonight I have an unbreakable engagement it seems,” Lamis said as she stroked Salome’s legs with a smile.

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         Alex smiled as she opened her compact.

         “Perfect!” she said removing the hard circular disk that was once her powder.

         She glided to her desk, picked up her eye brow liner, turned the cap all the way around once and watched the small razor sharp concealed blade emerge from its secret compartment in the base.  Carefully she began cutting away the excess around the impression of the key.  It had taken five nights.

         “Five very pleasurable nights!” she reminded herself, but was still glad he hadn’t made it six.

           She’d found it on the third night, but circumstances and the Sheik’s appetite for her had only allowed her the brief moment she needed to copy the key on the fifth night.  While he was distracted the spy had quickly opened and pressed the key into the powder, closed the lid and pushed the clasp lock three times releasing a special chemical that reacted with the powder, hardening it instantly and giving her the copy she needed for the door.  The blonde C.O.I.L. agent had just finished cutting away the last piece when a delicate knock echoed across the marble floor of her new upgraded quarters, courtesy of the Sheik, as a gift for her, as he put, ‘special talents’

         “You have no idea” Alex had thought with an inward smile as he’d said it.

         She put the key in the desk drawer, got up and made her way to the door, her light pink silk sarong shimmering in the late evening light that streamed through her window.  Her legs alternately flashed in and out of the material from the slit in back, their effect no less dazzling than the silk nor her placement of the material.  Her marble ass shifted as she walked in the sarong it clung just above the line that divided her cheeks!  Her magnificent décolletage, firm and erect was merely covered in a band of cloth for modesty, they needed no support!  Alex had swept up and piled her blonde hair in such a way that ringlets and spare strands fell about her face in a very fetching way, making even more desirable to those whose gaze she attracted. 

         “Good evening Alex,” Lamis said warmly with a smile that matched.

         “Same to you Lamis” Alex said her voice sunny as always. 

         “I hope you don’t mind my calling, but this is the first night you’ve been free in a while,” the D.O.O.M. spy stated in an innocent way.

         “Yes it is” Alex smiled.  “What can’t I do for you?”

         “Well I came by to apologize.”

         “For what?” Alex said looking puzzled.

         “I was the one who gave you the night off I’m afraid!  As you know I’m also the administrator for the Sheik, so I rearranged his schedule without his permission, making it look like an accident of course, to give you a break from him.  I know I was intruding and I realised that when it was too late, so I came to beg your forgiveness,” Lamis slyly stated. 

         “No forgiveness is needed, in fact I welcomed the break I only hope it can be extended for a while!” Alex said opening the door and motioning the serpent in.

         Lamis lingered for a second admiring the room with its tilted ornately decorated mosaic ceiling, large formal area complete with fine furniture and large potted plants then passed close, but didn’t touch Alex as she moved by, her perfumed body doing the lingering for her as it invaded Alex’s senses right to her core. The C.O.I.L. agent closed the door and moved behind Lamis watching her as she went.

           She was in her early thirties, almost the same height as Alex processing an equally effective figure as Alex could well see.  Lamis was wearing flowing viole body suit of white that left nothing to the imagination, as she worn nothing underneath it save a pair of small heeled elegant sandals.  A set of diabolically sexy legs rose up to a rounded ass that moved with a grace and confidence of a woman who knew her assets.  Lamis turned slowly; giving Alex a look at her breasts, taut and impressive, before she lowered herself on the divan, pulled up her legs like two coiled serpents and stretched herself out in most provocative way.  Her beautiful thick red hair was styled and coifed to perfection in rings that hung about her lovely flawless face.  Her lips where half way between full and thin, perfectly matching and balancing her face and her soft brown eyes.  Alex poured her a drink of water with lime and handed it too her, Lamis took it careful not to touch her charge

         “Not yet at least!” she thought.

         The D.O.O.M. spy studied Alex carefully, her experienced eyes gathering knowledge without giving away that she was.  Her victim was strong and flexible, her muscles gave that away as did the way she sat, one leg pulled up on the chair seat, it never fidgeted once she placed it there, a sign of a fit and flexible young woman.  She gathered one other thing, mistrust and a straining will to keep her distance.

         “I will need to gain her trust before we can proceed,” she thought craftily. 

         “I have been taking an interest in you since shortly after you arrived Alexandra,” Lamis espoused.

         “Really?” Alex said her body remaining neutral.  “I hope it is a positive interest.”

         “Of course!  It took a day or two spot your talent, what with my other duties, but once I saw you dance I knew there was something special about you, more than the dancing I mean.  Your interaction with the other girls, once you had the Sheik’s eye was most telling.  You never boasted or acted superior; you did your duties and still had an open mind to learning from others with more experience.  Even your elevation to this marvellous room was handled with tack and grace, I know for a fact you moved in the middle of night to avoid making a fuss, the sign of a woman of class!” Lamis smiled.

         “Thank you,” was all Alex offered with a bow of her head.

         “A young woman with your talents could go very far here if she wished to and others wished her to as well!  Things never stay the same in this house for long, allegiances and alliances shift, for a fortunate few it can be pleasant experience with many foreseen and unforeseen benefits!” Lamis offered in a sly voice.

         Alex said nothing feeling it was the most prudent form of communication she could offer at the time as her mind was still undecided about what had just been said and more importantly the person saying it. 

         “I’ll leave you with that thought,” the D.O.O.M. spy spoke knowingly as she got up and moved toward the door with Alex in tow. 

         “My advice, hospitality and of course my door are always available for you Alexandra should you chose to take advantage.  Perhaps you’ll find we have more in common than you think?” she said before departing. 

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         “I’m more than somewhat concerned that you didn’t take care of Miss Chase when you had the chance last night!  That’s not like you Lamis? Tell me what game are you playing at?” Salome asked.

         “No game, Alexandra must be properly prepared for the trap or else it will fail,” Lamis said calmly.

         “Nonsense!  You’re wasting time or have fallen under her spell instead of the other way around!  I’m cancelling your little excursion; I’ll finish Miss Chase off myself tonight!” Salome commanded.

         “Have I ever failed before?  Give me more time, at least till the end of the week, by then I should have her!” Lamis insisted.

         “What if she tries for the room before you ‘have her’?” Salome slammed the words back at her.

         “Then kill her yourself if she tries!”

         “We’re taking a big chance!  I’m going to keep a very sharp eye on her!” Salome challenged as her fellow agent turned to leave.  “The other eye will be focused on you!”

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         Lamis kept her word and offered Alex advice and skills when she could, all of them designed to gain her trust and boost her ranking which they did.  She gave Alex little administrative tasks and access to greater levers of control throughout the palace.  She also used her seductive skills to bring Alex closer, a small touch, a look, a close approach when discussing a matter or looking at a document together.  She graduated that to kisses of greeting and departure, always on the cheek, but long enough and with just a twitch of her lips to convey her meaning, intention and desire. After several days she could sense Alex bending to her will.

         “Time to ensnare you my dear!” she though after a supposed missed kiss on the cheek glanced her lips and Alex flicked her back.

         “I would like to drop by tonight if you will allow it Alexandra there are several things I need to discuss with you that are for only the two of us to hear!” she whispered in her ear as Alex was about to leave the office, the tip of her lips just touching Alex’s ear with the final syllable.

         Alex smiled her consent.

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

         The C.O.I.L. agent’s heart skipped a beat as she closed the door!  Lamis slipped inside closed the door, read the reaction perfectly and lightly painted her lips to Alex’s before moving to the Turkish Divan sofa.  Tonight Lamis was wearing a black Lastex body suit that hugged her seductive figure with eye catching appeal!  Over it she’d completed the masterpiece with a white macramé spider’s web creation that flowed free as she moved.  She reclined once on the divan a long smooth luscious leg sliding free of the silk as it tapered off her body in a stream of fabric.  Alex seated herself on the edge of the divan, tactically keeping Lamis exposed leg away from doing any further wondering, namely about her.

         “You wanted to talk in private I believe?” Alex said bending over and speaking before pecking softly at the woman’s lips

         “I know you are a C.O.I.L. agent and you most likely already have a copy of the key and will make a play for the stone shortly,” Lamis answered between kisses.

         Alex pulled up and tensed drawing her fist back ready to strike!  Lamis leaned forward and kissed her clenched hand

         “My dear if I wanted you dead you’d be dead already!” Lamis said.  “My kisses would have killed you but now!”

         Lamis smiled and reclined on her side, Alex followed suit as the two lay side by side on the divan.

         “Now where were we?” she smiled as she kissed the young spy.

         “Maybe you just want to disarm me into thinking this is just a perk of the job so you can kill me with some other method at your disposal?” Alex smiled between kisses.

         “That could be true, but it could just as likely be false, I’ll leave the choice up to you?” Lamis offered.

         Alex looked the woman over, her words rang true, so the spy decided to play along and listen, for now. 

         “As I said in our last meeting, things change here quickly, Salome has fallen out of favour with D.O.O.M. and the Sheik and I have fallen into favour with both.  I volunteered to kill you knowing Salome would accept and have thus set my plan in motion, I care nothing for the stone, only the position she current occupies, but how to get it without removing myself from the picture was impossible until a certain blonde C.O.I.L. agent came to the palace!” Lamis said softly to Alex. 

         “A dangerous game and I sound like a pawn or perhaps a better word would be fool in this plan of yours, but go on, the pleasure of the company I’m keeping is interesting enough to keep listening,” Alex whispered.

         “I will get the stone for you if you kill Salome, with my assistance of course!  I know her weaknesses and will tell you them, making your job simple.  Your reward will be the stone and freedom, mine is her position along with the power and influence and she takes the blame in my report to D.O.O.M. for allowing you to succeed despite my pleas not to let you get that close to the stone, “ Lamis smiled stroking Alex’s hair and cheek.

         “Impressive, but why would D.O.O.M. believe your report of matters when Salome’s will surely contradict it?” Alex challenged quietly.

         “Because I’m intercepting and altering her reports on a daily basis!” Lamis answered.

         “What proof of that do I have, just your word and that is not convincing enough in spite of your actions earlier?” Alex charged.

         “Then I shall have to convince you further, but not tonight.  Come to my suite tomorrow and I shall have all the proof you require and more, but beware Salome is everywhere as are those loyal to her, my staff will do their best to keep us both safe until we decide to move,” Lamis warned.

         “I look forward to the visit!” Alex said fondling the woman’s wonderfully thick auburn hair with her fingers as Lamis soothed to the touch of her.

         “I should be going, until tomorrow and a temporary beneficial alliance,” Lamis said getting up and moving to the door her body parallelisingly effective in the light.

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         Alex prepared herself for her rendezvous with Lamis, carefully choosing her outfit and accessories for maximum effectiveness.  Whether the D.O.O.M. spy was telling the truth was not of any consequence.

         “After I work my magic, the truth will be the only thing I hear!”

         She wore minimal clothing, a single string thong, both front and back, sheer light blue harem pants, slit on both sides and an accompanying see thru turquoise shell for a top, slip of flats completed the clothing.  She pulled her hair up and back, scented it and teased it to stunning effectiveness.  She’d chosen sparing make up and jewellery, but what she had used and adorned herself with was duplicitous in nature. 

         A final check in the mirror and she was off, walking to the other side of the palace and Lamis’s suite.  Through the open columns and courtyard the sun danced off her bronzed body with each little turn of her heel.  Here and there large potted plants and babbling fountains cooled and gave colour to the white hot landscape.  She turned several corners, nodded at servents and other girls, before she turned a final corner and was greeted by a sharp kick to the stomach!  Alex barely had a moment to catch her breath when a chloroformed cloth was slipped of her mouth and nose.  She fought for a few seconds, widely licking and shaking, trying hopelessly not to breathe, until she could feel herself starting to fall victim to the drug!  Her eyes flickered, her body thrust one more time then she passed out.

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         “Ah, just like sleeping beauty, awakened with a kiss!” a voice rang out above Alex’s unfocused eyes.

         “What happened I..”

         “Be still Alexandra, I told you Salome’s people were everywhere, but not to worry, so are mine!  They got to you just in time and fortunately for both of us in time to also take care of your attackers!” Lamis said as she watched Alex’s eyes try and focus.

         “Here drink this,” The D.O.O.M. spy said tilting Alex’s head a little and giving her a sip of water.

         “And taste this!” Lamis said sealing her lips about Alex’s who responded enthusiastically after a slow start.

         “Mmmm, I’d say you’re nearly recovered!” Lamis smiled after the kiss.  “But I’m afraid your hair is a little worse for wear!” she added helping Alex into a sitting position.

         The C.O.I.L. agent touched her hair slightly and frowned.

         “Give me a minute and I’ll show you what I intended you to see me as,” Alex said getting to her feet carefully with help from Lamis.

         “Your exquisite the way you are but my curiosity begs to see what you can do to make yourself better?” Lamis answered leading her to the bathroom by one hand.

         Alex closed the door and worked on her hair coaxing it back into place until she was happy with its placement.  She straightened her clothes, such as they were.

         “I don’t think I’ll have much use for them for the rest of the evening!’ she purred.  “Now for one final touch!”
         Alex Chase removed one of her earrings, an impressive platinum and opal teardrop combination, turned the piece upside down placing the opal against her lips and turning the base.  The stone slowly secreted a clear paste that she rolled around her lips, pressing them together upon completion to ensure an even coat.  The spy held her lips apart for a few seconds letting them dry clear as if nothing was there before twisting the base the other way and releasing a small needle that she quickly jabbed herself with.  The earring returned to its proper place, she smiled into the mirror.

         “Good thing I planned ahead, the attack wiped away my surprise, but I’m armed once again!”

         “In a way its fortunate Salome’s people tried for you tonight.  It only strengthens my claim that I’m on your side, for the moment at least,” Lamis smiled as Alex came into the room.

         She was a wearing as little as Alex, each knowing it was business and pleasure mixed together.  A green ultra diaphanous body glove with a black crisscrossing pattern with spaghetti strap’s accessorised with translucent arm coverings that came to her elbows. 

         “What shall we complete first, business or pleasure?” Alex smiled as she moved sexily toward Lamis who in turn smiled and moved toward her guest area, a traditional large rug with pillows spread about in the middle of her room, reclining on a soft pillow with palm plants dangling overhead  she held out her hand for Alex.

         “Lets save time and do both!” she said flipping open her laptop as Alex joined her.  “Here is all my proof and the information on Salome.”

         Alex absorbed the information with great interest, taking her time, reviewing and cataloguing it at.  It was impressive and detailed, but she needed to verify it further.  She closed the laptop and reclined on the pillow close to Lamis who trailed a hand down her lovely smooth firm thighs.  Alex pulled her leg up allowing the downward touch to continue; Lamis smiled and swept her hand down cupping her heel and removing her sandal, before delicately removing the other.  The D.O.O.M. spy returned to the other leg, pulling it up at a 90 degree angle to Alex’s body as she sat up and began kissing it, her tongue dancing over Alex’s toes before taking them in her mouth.  Lamis’s hands slithered inside the slit and surged downward cupping Alex’s raised ass before pulling the harem pants up and free of her!  The woman’s lips torturously slid down the up swung leg, her tongue trailing fire across her calf and onto her thigh!  Lamis guided the leg behind her neck, Alex willingly letting it lock about her before she pushed forward slightly and rocked Alex back, tilting her hips up.  Her tongue slid closer and closer, small exhales of air brushing her pussy hair to and fro! 

         Lamis rocked her back a little more; impressed Alex knew the technique so well.

         “Your yoga skills are subtlety impressive!” she noted.

         Lamis rolled her body and turned them over, inverting their positions as Alex’s free leg wiggled down the woman’s body, her foot cupping into between the woman’s thigh and muff.

         “I’m impressed Alexandra, I had no idea your sexual yoga skills were so advanced!  Tell me besides the Conjoined Women, what other positions do you know?”

         “I’ll never tell, half the fun is in finding out!” Alex laughed a little in a teasing way.

         Alex had Lamis in her grip; one twist of her hips would end the woman’s life!

         “She’s trying to build trust, let her; I hold all the cards and one I haven’t played yet!” Alex smiled.
         Her tongue traced Alex’s pussy lightly at first for several minutes until Alex moistened, then Lamis worked about her lips a little harder finding them pliant to her curling attack.  She silkily spread Alex’s wet walls and found her clitoris, her tongue wrapped about it in seconds pulling back and forth with just a feathery touch!  Alex rocked back and forth, her breathing becoming laboured with each touch of her lovers tongue!  The blonde spy closed her eyes, her small hips dancing to the caress.

         Lamis felt her weaken, she was near the edge, her tongue stiffened its resolve and the blonde C.O.I.L. agent until she moaned in delight and twitched upon her, hips arching in joy!  The D.O.O.M. woman took advantage as Alex’s body went limp for just a second, she slipped first her head and then legs free swinging them up and over her body and locking her toes together under Alex’s chin!  Alex rolled over on her side in panic at having been trapped, but Lamis had her secured!  The orgasm continued as Lamis pinned Alex’s arms at her side with her own and tightened pulling her tongue deeper into the spy and spinning Alex further down the vortex of pleasure she was experiencing. 

         The blonde twitched her body in joy, the orgasm endless in her mind as Lamis worked about her draining her of vital energy with each touch of her lips and tongue!  The D.O.O.M. spy, her charge wrapped in her embrace, teased, nuzzled and kissed Alex’s muff for several minutes as the young spy strained in the hold until Lamis released her. 

         “The one flaw with the Conjoined Women is the victim, although she appears to be helpless, actually has the better position from which to strike.  How she uses her touch about her capture determines her fate!  A skilled practitioner will always induce a near crippling orgasm to her capture as I did to you and reverse their fates!” Lamis smiled as she touched Alex’s hot cheek

         “I could have finished you Alexandra but I needed you to know I was serious in my offer,” she added before she slipped off Alex’s top and tossed it away to join her thong she’d removed during their session. 

         “You see business and pleasure can be discussed together, shall we continue our discussion or are you all talked out for the evening?” Lamis said coyly as she pulled the shoulder straps of her body glove off and slid the top down to her waist where Alex took over.

         The C.O.I.L. agent deftly removed the rest of the body glove and grinned dangerously.

         “I’ve always found the direct approach works best in this case, no special positions, but the results are just as spectacular!” Alex’s words danced off her tongue before it danced elsewhere.
         Alex nuzzled the splayed woman’s pussy while her hands massaged Lamis’s beautifully small brown nipples to attention!  Carefully the C.O.I.L. agents mouth opened and closed about the woman’s moist labia, she picked and nudged and cajoled Lamis for several minutes before looking up to observe her effectiveness.    Sliding up the woman’s body until there lips met moved together for several seconds a final nip from Alex brought a smile to her face.

         “I was beginning to think my lipstick wouldn’t be effective, so I took a direct route to administer it!  Don’t worry its non fatal, just a small muscle relaxant coupled with a very effective truth serum!  As you said mixing the two is the best way!”

         Alex pulled her up and wrapped her legs around Lamis her feet stroking her muff as she entangled their arms together.  Alex kissed her neck before tilting the drugged woman’s head and flicking her tongue about the helpless woman’s mouth.

         “The drug works best when the victim is stimulated and the heart pumps faster, how exciting for both of us!” Alex shivered as she worked Lamis to orgasm.

         The D.O.O.M. spy was overcome and came quickly flooding the drug into her system!  Alex released her, delicately reclining her head onto one of the pillows.

         “It’s not that I don’t trust you, well actually it is just that, so I need to be sure, before we seal this limited partnership!” Alex said dancing her lips just above Lamis’s as the spy’s hands gently held her cheeks.

         “Answer my questions and I’ll give you the antidote, don’t fight it, you have no choice!”

         The questions, combined with soft rubs, caresses and kisses of impossible beauty got the information Alex asked for.  Lamis, she confirmed had been telling the truth, Alex removed her other earring and injected the antidote in a fevered woman before leaving her to get them both a drink.  Upon her return Alex resumed her position around Lamis, softly holding her body next to hers as only a woman can do and letting her drink as she recovered.

         “Welcome back, the both of us have had quite an evening but new partnerships always have rocky moments in the beginning!” Alex smiled.

         “I trust you’re now satisfied?” Lamis said softly.

         “Extremely satisfied!” Alex hummed leaving now doubt as to the double meaning of her statement.

         “Your resourceful and inventive and with the information more than a match for Salome when the time comes!” Lamis complimented.

         “Speaking of comes!” Alex said as she started to run her tongue over Lamis’s ear.

         It took every bit of strength and resistance the D.O.O.M. spy could muster and even at that she barely escaped the touch of the young woman! 

         “Much as I’d love to we need to call it a night!” Lamis stammered as she wobbled to her feet.  “I’m still feeling the effects of your rather potent lipstick and I’m afraid I can’t!”

         Alex smiled, got up and put on what little clothes she came with and made her way to the door accompanied slowly by Lamis.

         “When you’ve fully recovered come see me,” Alex smiled depositing a seductively promissory kiss to her partner’s lips then departing.

*       *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

         Alex encountered no more of Salome’s friends over the next several days, Lamis made sure of that always having her in the company of her loyal supporters.

         “This gives a whole new meaning to the term palace revolt and I’m the lynch pin upon which the whole thing hangs or at least stalemates until I make my move!  Just when that will be of course depends on my partner informing me when she’s obtained what I require,” Alex though as she checked herself in the bathroom mirror before turning out the light and making her way in the pitch blackness to her bed. 

         “You’d think being a Sheik he could spring for a few more lights in each room; you can’t even read in bed if you want!” Alex grumbled.

         “I prefer other means of distraction before I sleep Alexandra,” Lamis said. 

         Alex jumped from her place in the large king size bed to near the edge with the shock before that emotion gave way to anticipation.  She crawled back toward the voice like a predatory cat stocking its prey, Lamis’s intoxicating perfume drawing her on!  In the absolute darkness their hands traced the outlines of each other’s bodies, light touches, expectant caresses, and hopeful strokes as they played and teased each other! 

         Lamis slid and nipped at Alex’s lips as she moved about the hard bronzed body of the young spy enthralling her charge with her skill!  The D.O.O.M. spy manoeuvred them into a mutually beneficial arrangement and softly, tenderly the two pleasured each other Alex trying to mimic Lamis soft stroking technique. 

         “Shall we continue?” Lamis said not waiting for an answer but shifting herself and guiding Alex about her and into pose.  Gentle rubs and flowing crescent sweeps delighted Alex to orgasm in minutes and Lamis soon after with soft rumbling moans and a gentle tightening about Alex’s body. 

         Lamis revelled in the young hardness of Alex’s form, her perfect symmetry and the flowing softness of her body, each curve leading to another and a renewed passion.  Alex’s grateful acknowledgement of each touch, her insistent devouring kisses coupled with the yielding softness of her lips and the fiery passion made her an extraordinary lover.

         Alex found her counterpart magical, her slightest touch electric, her merest move calculated to please but most of all she loved her soft bendable body!  So supple she seemed to melt into it forgetting where she ended and Lamis began yet at the same time firm and thrilling with each touch!  Alex wanted all of her immediately and without the skilled guidance of the older more experienced woman would have spent herself too quickly.  A delicate turn, a quick deflection, blocked Alex’s fevered attacks again and again as she became frustrated only to be soothed and stroked to stillness by the woman before letting her continue to what she finally saw and felt was an infinitely more intense outcome! 

         They worked about the bed pleasing each other in a myriad of artful poses, each being joyously overcome again and again, Lamis generously letting Alex have multiple orgasms in certain positions before moving on.  Her soft body was a perfect foil for Alex’s and she used it to please the young spy.  Alex was quickly overmatched against her senior, her sexual skills to advanced for the young spy!  She became more frantic to please her partner, sweeping her hands everywhere in an excited orgy of passion.  Lamis skilfully calmed her with small cooing sounds and gentle touches, soothing and slowing her.

         “No one is keeping score Alexandra,” she softly said between kisses.

         Alex fevered and hot relaxed her activity and let Lamis have the lead.  She was rewarded in position after position by the experienced woman’s touch and skill.  The tenth joining hurtled Alex in a ceaseless writhing as Lamis over whelmed the spy with one climax after another until Alex’s fell limp her spent body hot and sticky to the touch!  Lamis knew she was finished by her tenth position and soon ready for The Cashmere Caress.

         “A small rest is in order Alexandra,” Lamis said breathlessly as she moved Alex and her into a pose and squirreled her liquid form deep into the body of her lover, Alex following her moves as the two locked themselves about each other as one.

         “No movement Alexandra!” Lamis hastened as the younger woman kissed the soft calf of her partner.

         They lay entwined for a long time, their steaming bodies paradoxically cooling and heating in the night air. 

         “Are you sufficiently recovered to continue Alexandra?” Lamis playfully asked not waiting for an answer before she picked up the conversation once more.

          "Our partnership is hereby ended Alexandra, luckily I have an escape clause in my part of the contract, pity yours doesn't although you were an interesting diversion during our time together!" Lamis teased as she tried to roll the two of them into the path of The Cashmere Caress, to lock Alex into its fatal embrace, to remove the cloth hair tie from her own head and gag her now helpless opponent.
         But it was with stunned disbelief that she realized that it was Alex that was turning the two of them, Alex who was reaching for her hair tie, removing it and gagging her with it, that it was she, herself, who was helpless.
         “I can’t have you screaming and drawing attention, better you die in quiet and not disturb all the others, after all it would inconsiderate to wake them, its still several hours to sun up, just enough time to complete my mission and be gone!” Alex smiled.

         “It seems your escape clause has been declared null and void, but I’ll insert a codicil just for old time sake, if you can stay alive until I get back I’ll let you go free!” Alex’s smile glowed as she turned on the bathroom light and swung around with a bounce in her step to look at Lamis bound in her own trap.

         “I only have a few minutes so I’ll try and explain as I dress,” Alex said pulling out her black cat suit from a drawer in the bathroom vanity and inserting a shapely leg into place.

         “Pardon the language, but just how fucking dumb do you think I am?!  You know I used to get upset when people just naturally assumed I was a blonde bimbo, all body no brains!” Alex lectured her hands making the gesture to her head and then her body as she spoke.

         “Then I learned that people’s assumptions about me could be used to my advantage!” she smiled.  “Hence we come to you and your scheme!”

         “Pretending to offer me something I need in exchange for a contract killing.  If you wanted Salome dead you didn’t need to wait for me to come along, D.O.O.M. hardly works on the delayed gratification model!  But that’s D.O.O.M., you however Lamis are a game player, a woman who enjoys the hunt, and a little pleasure along the way, after all what’s more erotic than a willing victim of a carefully constructed pleasure trap, very ego gratifying!” Alex said thrusting the other leg in place.

         “Your special interest in me, that progressed into sexual advances, both overt and covert, your close passes, the light touches in your office and your visits, coupled with those very sexy clothes all intended to lead me into your arms and ultimately your trust.  The risks were high on both our parts, I could have misread you and been your victim many times, the kiss we shared could have been poisonous as you pointed out.  The Conjoined Women also could have finished me, and yes you did break my hold with that wicked tongue of yours!” Alex smiled slipping an arm into place.

         “I think your crowning touch, besides tonight, had to be the staged attack on me. A very clever piece of reasoning on your part thinking that I wouldn’t trust you completely and would of course use my own means to confirm the information you offered.  Again a small but calculated risk on your part, you assumed I’d use a lipstick because I’d have little other means of concealing a drug given the standard choice of clothes around here.  Your minions knock me out and obtained a sample of my lipstick thereby giving you a means to create a quick antidote and reinforcing the trust factor when I woke up in your apartment, naturally drawing the logical conclusion that you’d rescued me, what other explanation could there have been?” Alex stated as the final arm went into its hole.

         “You assumed and rightly that I carry a concealed second coating and when I excused myself to the bathroom, at your suggestion, you had that confirmation, took the antidote and played along, just as I suspected!  I looked up on purpose, to give you that impression and you took it willingly, assuming I was young and foolish, as you can see one of those assumptions was incorrect, care to hazard a guess on which one?”  Alex laughed a little.

         “Tonight was my biggest risk, I’d knew you’d try and finish me as time was ticking down on our arrangement and you had no intention of giving me the key, the condition for my part of the bargain and you probably guessed, rightly so I can confirm, that I do and was near to using it.  But how would you try to kill me, what trap would you use, that was the enigma I had to solve?  I knew it would be slow and sexual in nature, but that still leaves so many options.  I had been expecting you for the last couple of days and had settled on a plan that I hoped would given me the clue I needed.  Before I went to bed every night I tipped my fingers and toes in a special phosphorous powder, perfectly harmless except when it contacts anything of a non organic nature, then it emits a low spectrum light.  Of course one must be wearing these,” Alex said reaching up to her eyes and removing a pair of contact lens.

         “It was a chance and a long shot, but the brief intertwining of our bodies in the Conjoined Women confirmed for me my yoga skills and body were superior to yours!  I know the counter to your little hold and could have escaped with ease, but that was just my little way to keeping the relationship tilted in your favour while I assessed you!” Alex said pulling up the zipper.

         “Sex and eroticism are your weapons Lamis so it would have to be something you carried with you, concealed on that oh so lovely and sexy body of yours.  Your trap would have succeed except in the dark you had know way of knowing that I’d rearranged each thread after you had and ten couplings, no matter how many orgasms you gave me and as wonderful a lover as you are, and you are wonderful, was not going to weaken me enough to make me your plaything for the end game you had planned I just let you think it was!  You rolled yourself into my perfectly constructed Cashmere Caress and I can see from its constriction already I arranged the pieces perfectly!” Alex smiled as she stood up her body sleek and smooth in the skin grabbing outfit. 

         “One final thing weren’t you the least surprised that I didn’t ask how you got into my apartment without me knowing.  You made a rookie mistake, over confident in my infatuation for you and your exuberance for the kill got the better of you and you stopped thinking.  Just for your information I discovered the secret passageway you used to get in her the first hour I was here!  I even know where all the side passageways that branch off of it go, one leads directly to the door and here’s the key!” Alex smiled holding up her acquired treasure. 

         “My promise still holds!” Alex said coming close to Lamis’s face before slipping down the gag.

         The woman tried to scream but Alex’s lips made sure she swallowed any sound that Lamis tried to make.  A final slow revolution of her head and she pulled away replacing the gag as quickly as she had removed it.

         “So sweet,” Alex said softly and disappeared into the blackness. 


















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