Saturday, May 1, 2021

Short Tales

Career Change

‘Wonderful to see you again, Miss Baxter.  I have your favourite table as requested, if you will

follow me.’

Claire was escorted into the Thames Foyer to her usual place and seated, she drawing eyes

as they went

'Will guests be joining you today Miss?’ he asked.

Just one, a Miss Darcy Tompkins,’ she smiled.

‘Very good Miss Baxter.  ‘Can I get you anything in the meantime?’

‘No thank you,’ Claire answered.

Claire looked about the room, she had, of course, been here many times before, but The Savoynever failed to impress, in style, service and discreteness.  Claire knew the Maitre D recognizedthe name of her guest, she was famous of course, in certain circles, but discretion  was what

Savoy was famous for.  

Claire did not have long to wait. Darcy made her way from the entrance toward her table, eyes

on her guest now, some knew who she was other’s by her cool beauty and skilled choice of

fashion.  Claire stood up, smiled and shook her hand, the two sat down, a waiter appeared,

tea was ordered along with finger sandwiches, after that, the highlight, the famous dessert carts.

'Quite a wonderful choice, extra crunches and miles tonight,’ Claire smiled and selected what
she wanted.  ‘Oh no, you’re not leaving me out there Darcy, pick a few,’ Claire teased as Darcyresisted.  ‘Very well, you forced me, remember that.  She’ll have that one and yes, that you, itlooks loaded with calories.  Thank you so much,’

When the server had left the two enjoyed their selections, Claire didn’t need to prod Darcyanymore, the dessert did all the tempting.  

‘You’re so bad for me, you always do this to me when we get together, still I shouldn’t complain

too much, you are my biggest fan and as you said extra workouts,’ Darcy smiled as she put a

piece of a chocolate truffle in her mouth and smiled.  ‘Besides, I have time, I’m still in rehab from

the injury.’

‘How’s that coming along?’ Claire asked.

‘Good, ahead of schedule actually.  Next week I’m going in for light workouts, so fingers crossed

you’ll be seeing me on stage sooner than expected,’ Darcy said as she took another bite.

Claire said nothing for a long time.  ‘We’ve been friends for what, 6 years and good friends for 4

of those.’ Seeing no objection Claire pressed on.  ‘If you were doing so well you won’t be eating

that right now.  I know your obsession with weight and discipline, it's what made you a great

dancer and kept you there.’

‘Of course, but a girl has to cut loose now and then, no time like the present, then make a big

comeback, a little reward before the grind again,’ Darcy smiled trying not to show anything.

‘That’s not what I hear,’ Claire said. 

'And who did you hear that from?

‘MI6, they say your career as a prima ballerina is over.  Sure you could dance for secondarycompanies, small communities and the like, but nothing major again,’ Claire said, her voiceserious and calm.

‘MI6!, what are going on about?’

‘I know they recruited you on several occasions to do work for them, nothing big, small time

intelligence on dignitaries and anything you could pick up at parties and as a guest of foreign

recital companies.  Excellent cover and by what I’ve seen you did a very good job, so good in

fact they want you to become a full time agent, now that your career is over,’ Claire stated, then

saw Darcy start to say something so she jumped back in again.  ‘I’ve seen the x-rays, the

ultrasounds, all the other medical results, it's conclusive from all parties concerned.’

Darcy was more than a little nervous at this point, Claire, her friend suddenly had a side she did

not know, a side that knew far too much about her, what was this all about, was she an MI6 agent,

testing her loyalty, a forgein agent looking for Intel or blackmail.  Darcy decided the best course

of action was to leave and go straight to MI6 and report what had happened.  She was a very

small cog, nothing important.  True she had done a few assignments, nothing super spy, James

Bond like, just basic stuff, she was sure nothing she had done was ever of any use or importance,

but being a non professional in the area, how could she be sure?  

‘Before you run away to MI6, I have a better plan, here call them, the numbers on the screen use

your own phone if you wish, the answer will be the same.  ‘Yes we know Miss Baxter well,

extremely effective, work closely with her organisation from time to time, we think, all things

considered you’d have a bigger impact working for her,’ Claire smiled.  ‘We agreed on a prepared


Darcy just looked at Claire who read her thoughts.

‘Darcy Tompkins, will you come spy with me?’

Agent Trainee Dossier

Name: Darcy Tompkins

Former Profession:  Prima Ballerina

Skills:  To be Determined

Intimate Relations

The paralysing dart found his neck just as things were heating up, she tried to move but was

darted with a muscle relaxant, she crumbled to the floor.  He was placed sitting up in a deliberate

position, unable to move but able to observe.  His partner, Gia, was stripped and two women

began to wrap her as the woman who had darted them stripped him.  Gia had her feeling back

and she twisted and countered, loosening herself as the tangle of females played out before him. 

'Your lover is quite skilled, her body is impressive.  Its really quite erotic to watch, women use

their bodies in various means, this is one of the deadliest, your hard already, I don’t blame you,

but it hardly seems fair, they have her to play with and you have no one, but we can remedy that

easily,’ she hotly said.

Gia watched as the woman applied a Draining Python, a knot she had used many times herself.

She lost her concentration for just a second as she watched the woman work and they took her. 

‘Your partner is now caught, my students have knotted her into a Thai Steam Wrap, their bodies

are coated in a heat activated lotion that loosens the victims muscle while draining their strength.’  

Gia’s beautiful body was entangled in the two students with enough showing that he was aroused.

She didn’t blame him, she was having the same thoughts, his body was wonderful, he watched

the Thai beauty slither about him, her experience feeling about for points to lock into.  Slow and

sexy she worked, a classic Thai woman, tall and thin, perfect for knotting.  She delicately

positioned herself, every movement practiced and alluring and arousing!  She finished an hour

later, Gia was still loosely entwined in the students, he was coiled in her body.  ‘How does it feel

Gia watching another woman wrap around your man, entangle him in my nude form, seduce him

while you watch hopelessly.’  Gia was helpless, she watched the woman lower her head and

take in his cock.  He twisted in delight and Gia watched her lightly move closer.  She watched

him fight her, refusing her siren call, Gia knew it was impossible, he finally climaxed after half an

hour, her coils tightening as he gyrated.  Gia too had been contracted, the students closed around

her, their lotion heating her up. She was wet and dripping and hot, her body covered in a blanket

of flesh.  You’re heating up nicely Gia, the lotion and my students defeating that stubborn body

of yours.  Your man put up an excellent fight but in my mouth his will is useless.’  She turned her

head and pulled him in.  He struggled against her again but she had already picked his lock

once, a second time was much easier.  He thrust frantically in pleasure, she pulled and caressed

him to disgorge his juice as Gia looked on.  The captured female watched her opposite numbers

sylph like body cinch in with each movement of his body and he stilled and she released and

turned to Gia.  ‘I’m getting tighter baby, so’s your partner, in fact she’s being steamed open, look

at her, her skin bronzed and wet, my students twisting the knot into her deeper with each minute

just as I’m creeping about you, my body is deadly, soft but fatal and pleasurable,’ she said

cobbling his soft appendage to hardness in seconds.  Gia watched as she moved her head about

swathing his prong in her soft embrace, he came in seconds, her body quivering about his, she

was sexy and fatal.  She constricted him again and held on, her motion changed, the Draining

Python working easily.  She braced him upright as she worked, her coils advancing slowly,

could she she was in no hurry, she had him, Gia knew, just as she knew when she used it. 

Gia was tight inside the two students, her body overheated and limp and was being crushed

constantly now.  The students moved in unison when she did so they each had her balanced,

she looked at her partner, the woman pulled another from him, his eighth climax.  ‘His stamina

is impressive, but I’m sure I’m

not telling you anything you didn’t know, so is yours,’ she smiled.  ‘A new position, Indonesian

Sea Sponge.’  She opened her mouth and took in his limp member, he was hard again in no time

and she extracted his energy.  She continued, her body twitched as he moved, her mouth seared

into him at will he cumming again and again as she threaded tighter about him.  Gia was finished,

the girls waiting for the word to kill her, Gia watched him struggle as she cummed him with ease,

adjusted her mouth and began again. She pulled five more from him then contracted before she

lowered to finish him. Gia was relieved he wasn’t fighting anymore, the knot was torture for the

male.  She brought him to climax quickly then relaxed and let him go as did the students to Gia.

‘It won’t be that easy Gia,’ she smiled as the student dragged her over and placed her precisely

with her partner then the students took thin stands from a box and began an intricate binding of

the two. 

‘Once these specially treated bamboo strips begin to dry they will contract pulling you two into

The Siamese Spider, the details are inconsequential, you wrap around each other and kill each

other,’ she smiled. ‘Hours away of course, your exhausted bodies will be much too entwined by

then to resist,’ she smiled as her students finished.  

The two exhausted agents lay slumped against each other, neither able to move.  The strands

dried and pulled them tight together within several hours, Gia finding comfort being able to kiss

him as their bodies entwined further.  

‘We’ve been in tight spots before,’ he said, trying to make light of the situation.  ‘I can’t help much,

her technique was very effective.’

‘Conserve your strength, we have a long way to go,’ she answered softly.

As the bamboo tightened around them they were drawn into each other, Gia could feel his

hardening rod sliding along her inner thigh, each pulse of his tip against her soft skin swelling

him further much to her delight.  

‘We’ll be together soon, at least she left us that mercy,’ Gia breathed as she felt his touch just. 

Neither pushed and pulled, she let his magnificent spear pierce her in a slow crawling motion,

her lips drawing over his pounding tip then languidly surrounding his shaft as she sealed him into

her embrace fully over time.  As the strips did their devious deed it shifted the two, stimulating

them, Gia’s body was delectable all the time but this trap made it even more so for him and her

kisses were never more arousing, he came, his body convulsing in joy.  Gia tightened around

him, her body was dangerously in position now as was his.

‘Now honey,’ she said, showing him her hoop earring and smiling.

His mouth and tongue undid the clasp, the sensuous touch releasing her pleasure as she

moaned in joy, her body heaving as best it could.  When she had recovered, she dropped it into

her hand, she fed the open end into the strip and pulled up, the blade on the inside of the hoop

cutting the strand and freeing them.  Gia fell forward on top of him smiling.

‘The pleasure was worth the risk,’ she said and slowly rocked her hips, his arms swirling about

her .  

Perks of the Job

‘Oh you can blame my muscle relaxant lipstick, Prawn Sunset, it acts quickly.  Salon agent Dao

Phuong, my assignment didn’t include you, but well you’ll just be the bonus. Let’s get you and I

undressed,’ she hissed.

Dao was elegant and graceful as she worked, her soft body a treat as she worked about to place

herself, her hugs and soft kisses a deadly bonus.

‘There, I haven’t used this one in a long time, it's called The Massaging Centipede, sensuous

and slow you die from too much of my body. I will get a little tighter but then it stops and my

massage takes over, a slow relaxing rub you can feel everywhere, unfortunately it relaxes you

totally and permanently.  My lipstick is exhausted so we can kiss until you recover, I prefer my

victims have a chance. Oh yes, you can escape, but it's extremely unlikely.  The only one who

did was a wandering monk in southern China, he was caught by a female monk in a poisonous

eel knot, her lotion slowly relaxing him over hours as the two struggled until he relaxed fully and

she took control.  He managed to escape or was allowed to escape after 5 hours, but the damage

was done, he died several days later.’

Dao was correct, he could feel her everywhere as she worked, her lips delivering tantalizing

kisses as her body rubbed and swayed until she finished him hours later, a final kiss to the cheek

before she relaxed her deadly form and slipped free.

Twisted Triangle

She had been caught at her own game as she snapped her caught form.  Yosida Kamara, her

target, had caught her during foreplay in a Clutching Crab, but he had other plans for her.  ‘The

tables have turned Miss Bao.  I am a well trained executive, a match for any female, even a

SALON agent such as yourself, I just needed the opportunity to demonstrate.’  Tran Bao wiggled

helplessly, his Japanese Clutching Crab was perfectly applied to her nude form. A sliding door, a

woman bowed and entered and came over to them, kneeling again.

‘It was as you predicted Yoko,’ he said and she bowed in gratitude.

‘Shall I finish her for you Kamara-san while you watch, Sensu Fan is slow and visual,’ she offered

smiling at Bao.

‘Generous but I want to finish Miss Tran personally,’ he said.  Hai,’ she answered then spoke to

Bao. ‘Would have been better for me to finish you Bao-san.  Kamara-san’s death will be merciless.

Japanese Anal Scorpion.  Kill slow my love, I wish to hear her beg for death.’  Yoko kissed him

on the lips then slid down and took him in bringing him to granite hardness .  ‘You see Miss Tran

your death requires a helping hand, so to speak. With Kamara-san hardened, the weapon is

ready, now for the second step.  I will place myself around Kamara-san and slowly turn and move

him and you into the Japanese Anal Scorpion where I will guide him about you and his stem into

you, then I will leave you to die in the trap.  Yoko slipped off her robe revealing a very wonderful

slim form.  She intricately entwined herself into her boss, her hands caressing his staff to keep

him hard.  Yoko kissed him as she adjusted then moved taking the over two with her.  Yoko’s

arch fitted into place atop Boa’s arch preventing her leg from moving.  Yoko moved again and

pulled them closer together, Bao being placed inside him and he being guided into place around

her by Yoko.  A series of arches and rolls followed further confining Bao.  Yoko slowly undulated

her form moving them, her hands on his stem, hard and ready pierced Bao as she gasped, Yoko

removed her hands and rocked a few more times.

‘There Miss Tran, you are impaled, just enough to hold you,’ she said, slipping herself free and

coming to Bao’s face.  ‘You have only hope Miss Tran, not to move, if you do you will draw

yourself in, your movement causes the Anal Scorpion to sting and embed deeper into you

making the next sting even more painful, too many stings will kill you and Kamara-san is a most

venomous Scorpion, so do not move.’

Yoko kissed Kamara goodbye and left leaving Bao to her fate.  The SALON agent appeared

helpless. The Anal Scorpion had her enrtangled in his lithe form as she remained still, is cock

just embedded enough not to be able to pull out of. It was a delicate and intricate trap, typical of

Japanese agents, be they male or female.  Bao moved a touch and he stung, she gasped and

he pulled in a little.  She gave him that but nothing more for several hours. 

Yoko reappeared, bowed and kissed Kamara-san and looked.  She is well disciplined but youare a well trained Japanese man, she has moved and she will again, her fate is sealed just asthat Korean woman's was.

Yoko came in front of Bao.  ‘My compliments on your resistance.  Kamara-san is most lethal, but

you are unable to resist forever, you’ve moved once, it will happen again and then again, each

time quicker than the last,’ she said, then silently left again.  

The SALON agent maintained her stillness, but she was tiring, the knot was designed to be hard

to remain motionless in, the victim, no matter how strong, eventually succumbed to a painful

death. These thoughts played on her mind as she felt a second sting, more painful than the first.

Kamara-san was half embedded in her, his pulsing tail looking to strike again as she tried to

resist him mentally while her body wanted to push and surround him, feeling the siren throbbing

of his manhood inside her. She tried arching up on her toes to pull away, but could not and when

she lowered herself he stung her!  Bao’s body convulsed from the sting driving her in more.  It

was a series of near endless stings from his cock from then on, her body quivering causing

another sting as she cascaded into painful delirium.  Bao refused to scream or beg for the end

instead she concentrated on her motion until she had the counterwave to his thrusts, her small

ass snapping sharply against his wand until they were both still. 

 ‘A centipede only bites when the prey is too close to miss and you’ve been bitten twice.  The

second time was insurance.  You’ve done enough to ensure I can’t kill you, this time,’ she said,

giving him a small nip on his lips before making her escape.  

‘I wonder how Yoko will react to finding you’ve failed.’

Red Alert

‘You’re much too impatient, these SALON agents are excellent, it takes time to break them. 

Miss Yang isn’t going anywhere as you can see, my ladies have her quiet securely.  She’s

trapped in a Thai Sundial, her body will slowly be twisted until she talks.  Oh it could be several

hours before she begins to feel uncomfortable, it depends on her motion discipline, stay still and

prolong the ordeal move and pain fills 

you until you talk.  Oh, and just to be sure you talk my ladies sunscreen contains a very wonderful

truth drug.  Enjoy my dear.’

Mai Yang was entangled by two mature women, each posed to constrict and turn her, their

bodies sensing her as they held her at key points.

The woman led the man inside as Mai was adjusted by the women.

She emerged from the house to find Mai Yang gone and her ladies dead, a red bikini next to them.

‘Poisonous bikini.’

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