Friday, January 24, 2025

Night Creature - A Roz Downing Vignette

From my twisted mind I came up with this.

maybe not for everyone, but, if you like it

and would like to see more I can up with

further adventures

Roz Downing returned to her Cabana after a successful evening out, success having a different meaning for her from most people.  She made her way into the bedroom, removed her jewelry, placing the USB earring in the secret compartment of her suitcase.  

‘You delivered again, that’s why you're my favourite,’ she said, slipping off her dress then carefully

handing it up before making her way to the bathroom and her well deserved victory shower.  A rewarding

cascade of water met her body, moments later her curvy form was luxuriating in a soapy sandalwood

scent caress.  

Roz carefully padded her body and hair dry, then pinned up the latter and lubricated herself ensuring the cream was oozed into every corner, curve and crevice.  Satisfied with her look the nude woman excited the bathroom making it halfway across the bedroom when it attacked.  All she felt was a quick sharp bite to the side of her foot and the next second she was frozen in amber standing stock still.  Her eyes looked down to see it scurrying around both her legs at the ankle then winding its way, first, up her legs, encircling them both then around her hips, breasts, neck them finally about her arms, pulling them up above her head crossing her wrists before stopping, the entire process taking less than 20 seconds for the spy’s entire curvaceous form to he totally helixed in the mechanical Centipede or as these lethal death traps were commonly referred to, a Mecsecta. 

The death that awaited her would be slow, as determined by her stamina and painful when it came.  Each of its hundreds of legs would lightly caress her skin, many positioned on erogenous zones that Roz would find impossible to resist.  After each climax the Mechsecta segmented body would contract, slipping tighter until she was brought to erect attention then tipped to the floor from there the torment would continue until she was either crushed to death or finished off from endless stimulation.  Once she was tight there would be no need for any further paralysing bites, until then the sensors built into the centipede would tell it to bite and contract.  

A multitude of fine legs started to twitch lightly on her enveloped form from the back of her ankles up

to the back of her neck.  Roz’s breathing instantly started to shallow as her heart rate increased from the

stimulation.  Her pink nipples stiffened to full blossom giving the creature room to use more legs.  Her

skin tingled, fire shooting through her as her paradise moistened.  Her body, still in the grip of the

paralysing drug, could not move to adjust or escape.  The spy orgasmed a minute later, a low throaty

moan filling the dark room followed by a metalic sound of links tightening on the centipede.  Roz’s legs

came closer together as did her arms.  

She hadn’t recovered from the first when stimulation to her neck and inner thighs crashed her to another

defeat from the mechanical death trap.  ‘Ooooooooooooooooooooh,’ escaped from her as the pleasure

washed over her.  The clinking of segments was immediate and her legs came fully together.  The

female spy was a totem fixed in place.  

Her body pin pricked in dots of perspiration, gasping from the pleasure still unable to move the legs of her tormentor everywhere on her aroused and helpless form as a long low and endless moan, deep bass notes indicating the depth from where the pleasure residue bubble and exploded on the surface.  The synchronated centipede clinked tighter as she moaned in pleasure and pain, but she managed to stay upright only just but then she felt a nip to the back of her neck.  Another injection but this nip remained in place driving her mad with desire.  The curve spy pushed her desire down, but her lover's grip and touch were persistent and endless and she was easily climaxed this time she fell to the floor, her body pinched tight in the embrace as her hair cascaded open.  

The spy endured another series of orgasms, each more tortuous than the previous as she was having trouble getting there, the torment in between pleasure was madness as she actually willed her orgasm knowing it would seal her fate but desperate for relieve.  The last one took 45 long minutes to come but she was finally free of the paralysing drug.

Roz, illuminated only in the moonlight, strained and bent in an effort to dislodge the Centipede Mecsecta

coiled around her body.  Mecsecta’s came in various species, spiders, gel worms, but by far the deadliest

was the centipede.  The Mechsecta’s form stretched and moved with hers rendering her efforts useless to

her but helpful to her opponent as the AI insect adjusted itself about her catching new areas to stimulate.  

Her squirming body desperately tried to find a position that would offer some relief from the torment

her nude form wet from her labours as she strained helplessly on the Tatami mat.  When the orgasm

finally took her, she was lost in joy, her body snapped and twisted then flipped about the floor, her head

shaking side to side as her screams of joyful release echoed about the room until she lay still on the floor

he Mecsecta tighter and everywhere on her.  Roz knew another when it came would kill her.  She gulped

air, her body the colour of copper from the torment as tilted her head to one side in the moonlight, her

eye catching a glint of something in the moonlight she was bathed in.  She reversed her move then

slowly went again, her eyes stinging from sweat but she managed to see it.  

She rolled, but in the process exposed herself and the creature adjusted.  It sensed she was near the end, its sensors giving all the information it needed and now the chance to apply a complete sensory overload.  She faltered as it hit her, then forced herself to move, in spite of all the orgasms, so many, she’d lost count, she knew she was very close again, too close as the Mecsecta increased its leg twitches.  She lowered her head hard, then raised, moved and repeated again until she felt something give and then the orgasm crashed into her and she blacked out.

Roz woke up hours later, the sunlight causing her eyes to flicker.  She had to think about how to move. 

A slow roll while her legs spread apart and the noise of multiple pieces of metal hitting the floor told her

she’d succeeded.  She continued to roll toward a chair then propped herself against while one hand tried

to push her up so she could look about.  

‘You really went to pieces,’ she managed to say while surveying the carnage in the room.  Parts, both

large and small segments, lay about the room, one piece had one of her hair pins sticking out of it,  

‘Thank goodness I pinned my hair up.  All it took was that pin sticking out of the mat and me slamming

a segment into it to short circuit the creature.  I wonder what they have in store for me in the future.’    

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