Sunday, February 23, 2025

Government needs a spy. Marsha has an eye

Gotham State Penitentiary

‘Well I’m all for prison reform and giving even the most hardened criminals a chance, but I must say

gentlemen, even this request has me a bit, well, perplexed,’ Warden Crichton said as he leaned forward in his


‘You don’t think it's a good idea then,’ one of the men asked.

‘Let’s just say it's asking a lot from both sides.  Usually we try to integrate them back into a regular routine. 

One where they can have a steady job, etc.  What your asking, from what you’ve told me, is the exact

opposite, sort of a freewheeling do what you want lifestyle, the kind that landed most of them here in the first

place.  Most might just devolve back into bad habits and end up right back here after who knows how much

damage they’ve done.  Finally, and I hazard to bring this up for your sake, they might just up and run leaving

you two and your superiors holding the bag, as the inmates word put it,’ Warden Crichton finished, then

leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed.

‘Everyone on our side of the table is willing to take that chance,’ the other man said, he just as serious as his

partner.  Besides, you saw the requirements, none of our agents even comes close.  The concern about

running away or amok should be mitigated by the other agent assigned to the mission.’

‘Well then, all the paperwork is in order and I’m not going to stand in the way of helping out our country in

any way I can, after all, that’s what a good citizen does and who knows this may be just the tonic and a new

method to add to my reform methodology.  Come this way gentleman,’ the Warden said as he led them out of

his office through several locked corridors then into a special wing marked Super Criminals.  They walked

on then came to a cell they wanted.

‘Ah yes, we try and give our inmates some luxuries and familiar items, furniture, clothes.  We’re about

reform as was as punishment, but too much of the latter doesn;t do any good with the former,’ Warden

Crichton smiled as they looked inside the very large cell.  A classic Chaise Lounge to the right, an ornate

four poster bed to the left and right in the middle a larger clay pot, but no sign of the prisoner.


‘Maybe in the yard for exercise?’ one of them said.

‘No,’ Warden Crichton smiled.  ‘Marsha, you have visitors,’ he said.  

From somewhere Middle Eastern Horn music started.  It went on for ten seconds or so before she emerged

from the top of the pot.  Marsha smiled as she could feel their collective intake of breath as she rose up and

swayed to the music.

The vixen seductress watched them follow her every motion, their eyes moving with her sways, following

the drop of a veil to the floor that revealed her face, a slow predatory sexy smile forming on it.  One she’d

seen so many times before on men’s faces just before they gave up everything to her, money, jewels but

more importantly, their will.  She’d lost track of the total and in truth it didn’t matter, it was playing the

game and of course winning that mattered most to her.  

‘That’s as far as the show goes darlings,’ Marsha smiled as she slipped her supple body over the top of the

pot, for a second one of her gorgeous legs emerged from her veils.  She left it there for just a touch longer

to mesmerise them.  ‘Warden, who are these two deary men in those drab suits?  Really, if you're going to

bring me guests can you at least brighten the place up a little with some colour in your clothes,’ Marsha


‘We’re from the Secret Service,’ one said.

‘The government, well that explains the drab.  Please do go on darling, but make it quick, I have a feeling

your conversation will be as dull as your attire,’ she added.

‘There here with a pardon, ah,’ he paused, thinking he better not get her hopes up of a clean getaway.   ‘In

exchange for services to our country,’ Warden Crichton interjected hoping to keep things civil.  

‘What services?’ Marsha answered in her usual short sharp and slightly annoyed tone, her eyes fixed on

them.  She could see she had them, not that it was a surprise, even without her love dust, darts or other

paraphernalia, she knew men found her fascinating.  

‘We’re going to get nowhere at this pace.  Come here darling,’ she motioned to the man with the attache

case, who moved willingly to her.

‘There that was easy,’ she smiled.  Now be a good little G-man or whatever you are and return to your

comrade while I go through this.  

‘Maybe we should do this in my office?’  the Warden offered.

‘Please Warden!  I do have standards.  Your office is smaller than here and lacks, how shall I put this, style. 

‘No here is fine, believe me, I read enough legal documents, mostly divorce ones, over the years, to know

where to look.  Just give me a moment and don’t worry darlings Marsha will return.’

‘There are a few changes before it's a deal gentleman.  I must admit the thought of being a spy certainly gets

me thinking and to that end, change one.  My Aunt Hildy darlings.  Yes, she’s a little out there sometimes,

well, most of the time, but she’s my Aunt and I love her, plus she’s a very brilliant chemist.  Was a Professor

at Gotham State until that unfortunate explosion.  I want her reinstated, I may have a need for her talents on

this mission.’

‘Done!’ both men said in unison to a smile from Marsha.

‘Nice to see my charms have not lost their edge despite being cooped up in this dungeon.  Now two.  This

agent of yours, the one who’s to be my partner, Reed Richards, afraid not.  While passably attractive, I just

can’t get over that name, plus unlike me, he has no connections to the people on this list that I know. 

Presumably, why are you offering me this deal? You can’t get close to them, I can because I know so many

of them.’

‘Because you stole from them,’ Warden Crichton interjected.

‘You would have to bring that up,’ Marsha flatly answered.  ‘But no matter, forgive and forget, besides, who

says no to Marsha, ever.’

‘There is only one man for this job and my partner,’ she smiled.

‘This is serious Marsha, it's one of your usual romantic flirtations,’ the Warden said.

‘You think of the mission your way and leave me to mine,’ she said, looking coldly at him.  

‘Can we ask Marsha darling, who is the man you want?’ the two again said together.

‘Bruce Wayne.’

‘Never.  Millionaire Bruce Wayne is far too upstanding a citizen to be seen with you Marsha.

‘Just what do you mean by that!  I should think it the other way around!  I'm the one that’s trading down. 

Have you ever had to sit through one of his Parole Hearings, dull.  But on the positive side, he is tall,

handsome, rich and an excellent dresser.  I suppose I could let the other slide as a patriotic sacrifice.  The

things I do for my country,’ she mused, then made the final point in a manner as sharp as one of her love

darts.  ‘Besides he knows the people on this list I don’t know.  Makes us a match made in heaven, for your

perspective anyway.’

‘Reed Richards is who our computer has chosen.  Given all the inputs it told us you two would be a perfect

match,’ one of the two government drones answered.

‘It's him or no deal and you stay here, no matter how much we’ll miss you,’ the other said.

‘As my Aunt Hilda says, dearie me.  You two love the government more than anything else.  Well I suppose

I could meet him to see if we are compatible.  But if not, then it's Bruce Wayne’s turn in my arms,’ Marsha

smiled and they agreed.  ‘Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me and yourselves, I need to change to meet

your Mr. Richards.  Normally, I’d just change in front of you and drive you crazy, but my extended stay in

this place seems to have infected me with some form of modesty.’

‘There called manners, Marsha,’ the Warden said.

‘You dont say.  I hope they're not permanent,’ she added at the end in her trademark low voice and smile

before a shooing hand waved them away.

Marsha changed her clothes, checked her look in the mirror then pushed a secret panel on her pot, smiled

and departed for her meeting.

The government issued car pulled up to the door of Richards Research Labs, a nondescript glass and steel

one story building in a sea of the same in an ocean of an Industrial Park. One of the agents hopped out of

the front seat and held the back door open for her,  Manners, but also, the chance to look at her legs dictating

his actions.  Marsha glanced a look at the other agent how clearly looked upset he had missed the chance to

look as well.  

He dashed ahead, held the door to the building open, this was ensuring he got a chance to see her coming

and going, it was hard to decide which was better.  

‘I’m here to see Mr. Richards,’ Marsha said to the receptionist.  ‘I believe he is expecting me and if he’s not,

well, it's his lucky day.’

When assured she was indeed expected and had obtained the directions to his office, Marsha was off, the

two agents hurrying behind her while her heels tapped out a steady rhythm on the tile floor.  

She pushed open the two outer doors to his office and looked around at the reception area, her face falling. 

‘Just like prison, all brown, black and grey.  Oh well, I suppose we all create our own.  Let’s hope the inside

is better, it can’t be worse, I hope,’ she added, advancing on the door to the inner sanctum.  

‘No, no darlings, you wait here.  You what they say, two’s company, three’s a…’ she stopped, smiled, then

frowned.  ‘Oh, dear, I have been in prison too long. No worry, this will get me back into the swing of things.

Now where was I, oh yes.  Wait her darlings, I have to see if Mr. Richards and I can work together and alone,

you’ll just make him jealous and nervous.  I don’t want the jealous, but leave the nervous to me, I’m very

good at that with men.’

‘Reed darling, your new partner is here.  I thought it best we meet before the action starts and speaking of

that,’ Marsha announced as she walked across the office, slipped her arms around him and kissed him as

he’d never been kissed before.

‘I’m going to give you, what’s that term they use in golf, a munchkin,’ she said.

‘You mean a mulligan?’ he answered, trying to compose himself.

‘Good for you, daring.  I like a partner who’s quick on the ball,’ she said, pressing herself into him. 

‘Munchkin certainly was the wrong term,’ she smiled as her hips swirled about his.  ‘Now, about that, this is

your chance, thrill me!’ Marsha commanded in a sexy voice.

‘I told them I was none too happy to be working with an amateur on such an important mission,’ he said.

‘Amatreur indeed! How insulting.  Darling that kiss was bad enough, but now this.  I’ll have you know I’m a

professional super criminal and those skills are very transferrable.  Much like men’s bank accounts,’ she

added with a smile and a pat of her hair.  ‘If it makes you feel any better, you were not my first choice either,

but here we are.  The government thinks we’d make a good team, but when are they ever right, so perhaps

you're right, we just call it off, you pick a new partner and I go back to prison,’ Marsha resolved.

‘Doesn’t seem like much of a deal for you?’ Reed said Marsha noticed his arms around her waist had not

slackened, neither had other parts of him.

‘Darling, I may be a super criminal and out for myself but I’m also an American and in this case, much as it

pains me to admit it, country comes before crime.  I suppose I should go tell my chaperones it's no deal and

they can take me back to prison.’

‘Aren’t you going to give me that Mulligan,’ she smiled then pulled her tight, Marsha’s arms twisted tight

around his neck.  Marsha’s lips danced, moving about his as she pulled and turned him at her pleasure, her

tongue made fleeting teases to his, mostly to distract him so she controlled the dance.  Her hands crossed

over each other at the back of his neck, a playful innocent stimulation, but Marsha had other plans,


A turn of the cap on her ring produced a needle.  Small enough to penetrate the skin but not big enough to

elicit a response, not with a Marsha kiss overwhelming all his senses.  The deed accomplished she finished

the kiss and waited a few seconds for her love potion to take effect before speaking.

‘Passable, but still room for improvement, pity, we won’t have the time to try.  I must be going now darling,

my chariot awaits my swift return to Gotham State Penitentiary.’

‘No Marsha!  You can’t leave, I can’t live without you!  I’ll break in and bust you out, anything to be with

you!’  Reed said as Marcia opened the door so they all could hear.  

‘I can't work with a man who will be drooling over me the entire mission, darlings. I need Bruce Wayne. I

thought you said he was your best choice darlings.  Your computer needs a tune up.  Come stately Wayne

Manor awaits and a real man.’

Marsha please no, I can do better, whatever you want I’ll do, whatever you need I’ll get it for you.  Just give

me another chance. I beg you.’

‘Sorry darling, you just didn’t measure up.  But to make it up to you I’ll send you some postcards once in a

while.  All featuring me of course.’

‘Come darlings, next stop Stately Wayne Manor and my new partner.’

‘He has to agree of course,’ Warden Crichton interjected.

‘He will, no man says no to Marsha.’


‘Mr. Wayne is not in at present, but he is expected back momentarily, if you would care to wait.’

‘Thank you Alfred,’ Warden Crichton answered.

‘I’ll be in the main room.  Send Bruce in when he gets here,’ Marsha smiled at Alfred.  ‘My entourage will

wait here.  No moaning darlings.  Here this should tide you over,’ Marsha slothed giving them each a kiss on

the cheek. 

Marsha walked into the room accompanied by Alfred.  ‘Can I get you any refreshments while you wait, Miss


‘No thank you.  Could you please close the doors when you leave.  I want this to be a complete surprise for

bruce when he sees me again,’

‘I’m sure it will be,’ was all he said, turned smartly and left, closing the doors softly as he went.

A quick survey of the room told her where she needed to place herself.

‘Hello Bruce, nice to see you again,’ Marsha smiled, her body draped across the top of his settee.

‘I had a talk with the two men in the hall, so I know you're not here to steal anything from me again,’ Bruce

Wayne answered.

‘Just like you to bring up past encounters darling.  Besides, you got the diamond back and I got prison for


‘I did my best to keep you out, you know that.  Now I see they are offering you another way out.’

‘There is a string attached, you,, but I don’t mind pulling that string, as many times as it takes,’ she purred

then held out her hand which she knew he’d take.  ‘We’d be working closely together, I won’t complain if

you won’t and I know you won’t.’

Bruce pushed her away, something Marsha wasn’t used to.

‘Think of it as our patriotic duty then,’ she said.

‘You mean your chance to steal as many jewels as you can.  I read the briefing dossier the same as you


‘What of it, on the way here those two government drones made it very clear they didn’t care about any of

that as long as we succeeded in the mission.  By the way darling, did they tell you I was the one who asked

for you.  I thought not.  You know the people I don’t, and vice versa and we make a very elegant couple if

I say so myself.  I could have picked any number of eligible millionaire Gotham City playboys, but I wanted

you and what Marsha wants, Marsha gets,’ she said.  ‘See,’ she smiled, Bruce somehow finding her in his

arms. ‘Now all that’s left is to tell them and for us to seal the deal.  I’m open to suggestions on how that

should be accomplished,’ she smiled. 

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