‘Now that is a kiss,’ Marsha said to Bruce. ‘I knew you’d be the perfect partner. ‘I had to drug that Reed
Richards so I could get my choice,’ she mused still with her arms around him. ‘Oh, don’t worry darling,
nothing like that for you, besides with those lips of yours why want to. It would just turn you into a
stumbling fool of a man and there are more than enough of those around already. Besides, this mission is
going to call for sharp wits and you fawning over me from one of my love darts or some other such thing
would hardly be useful should we encounter hostile forces, after all, there’s only so much one woman, even
The Queen if Diamonds, can do. You have my word on that not as a woman, but as a Super Criminal and
who knows, if this works out, made a new career as a super spy. Now where were we? I strongly believe
in second opinions,’ she finished as their faces came closer together.
‘There you are dearie’
‘Aunt Hilda, your timing is as always interrupting,’ Marsha said, as she and Bruce unclinched.
‘Professor Lundegaard. Good to see you again. I sponsored a series of lectures by you regarding the uses
of fungi for hypnosis. Fascinating topic and you were an excellent speaker,’ Bruce said.
‘That would be two people who found it interesting. ‘Now, I’m sure you have many things to attend to
Aunty back at Gotham State. I made sure you got your old residence back. I’m assured it has been
untouched since you left it, something about unknown substances and no one wanting to touch them or that
creature you created, Cyril. So you can run along, I’m.i.l.f. Sure one of these government men would be
happy to assist in that,’ she said looking over at them.
‘I took the liberty of preparing tea sir,’ Alfred said as he entered the room with a tray. ‘And of course biscuits.
‘This really is turning into a dreadful afternoon,’ Marsha said as she turned away and lowered herself
elegantly onto the large sofa, her wonderful legs crossing as she went.
‘I’m terribly sorry professor but we are all out of Newt cakes at the present. I shall add them to the shopping
list. But, for the present, I thought a Fig Newton might be a passable substitute,’ Alfred added, with a smile
at Hilda.
‘Such a considerate man,’ Hilda smiled back. ‘I can’t wait for tonight. Are you sure you don’t need
directions to my place?’
‘I’m very familiar with the university. I shall be there promptly at 6pm,’ Alfred smiled at Hilda who smiled
back, then he departed in silence.
‘What was that about?’ Marsha said in a slightly raised voice from the sofa.
‘Alfred and I have a date tonight. A small drink at my place then he’s taking me to the cinema,’ Aunt Hilda
‘You work fast darling,’ Marsha quipped.
‘Must have learned that from someone. Besides, I've been inside for a while, a girl has needs,’ Hilda added.
‘You and Mr. Wayne are welcome to join us, a double date if you like,’ Hilda added.
‘No thank you dearie. I don’t have to be home by 9 anymore and may I remind you you're not a girl
anymore,’ Marsha replied, her voice having just a hint of sarcasm in it.
Neither are you and that never got in your way, besides you can have more fun that way,’ Hilda added and
Marsha stuck for a reply just glared at her.
‘You have other plans?’
‘As a matter of fact, we do. Bruce and I have to go over the mission together, see how to approach it,’
Marsha said.
‘Looked like your usual approach when I saw you,’ Hilda added and Bruce just smiled.
‘We may need your help on this professor, your lab expertise, especially your niece when it comes to certain
areas. I’m sure the government would be more than thrilled to have you on board and please call me
Marsha saw her chance. ‘Excellent idea Bruce! You need to run along and get your lab back up and
running, my head is just spinning with ideas for you to create. I’m sure these two gentlemen will be more
than happy to take you. Don’t worry about me, I'll be fine here going over the drudgery of the mission
instead of watching the exciting process of you being creative,’ Marsha said as she came out of the sitting
position, helped her Aunt up and walked her to the door. ‘Besides, you have a dae to prepare for and you
want to be at your best.’
‘I’m always at my best dearie,’ Aunt Hilda said with a sly smile that Marsha shuddered at as she passed her
beloved Aunt off to the two agents.
When they had left, Marsha closed the double doors, whirled about, a hungry smile on her face. ‘Now,
where were we?’
‘Oh, no, I don’t see myself having to do any of these physical things, besides I have Bruce for that,’ Marsha
said the next day.
‘What if you don’t have him around at the moment of crisis?’ a very stunning brunette young woman
The woman had been assigned to escort Marsha around the HQ of the government. The Queen of Diamonds
assumed she was an agent and Marsha was impressed by her from the start.
‘Don’t you find you can catch more flies with honey darling,’ she probed to see where it would go.
‘I agree and the taste is so much sweeter. I think we should move on from here and give you the equipment
that best suits your style,’
Marsha liked her more. They took an elevator down a couple of levels. They were already several floors
underground, Marsha wondered how deep it went just as the doors opened. They had to go through several
very secure doors, waiting each time for one set to close before the other opened.
‘Security is tight around here,’ the female agent said.
Believe me darling, I’m very much used to it,’ Marsha answered.
They walked along a corridor with labs on either side, people busy inside with all manner of breakers, tubes,
cylinders and other scientific equipment when a flash and a puff of smoke filled one area. Marsha saw a
waving hand and crooked hat then an equally crooked smile then a wave.
‘Oh heavens!;’ she said under her breath.
‘Not all experiments turn out right the first time dearie,’ Marsha heard Aunt Hilda’s voice saying to several
exasperated other people.
‘Try not to wreck the place on your first day, Aunty. Remember what got you in trouble the first time,’
Marsha stated.
‘You did, I think,’ Aunt Hilda answered.
‘The time before that,’ Marsha clarified.
‘Oh, yes, well I was in the process of correcting that then the police showed up. Nice men, but they were
insistent about the property damage.’
‘Your Aunt is unorthodox, but she is brilliant,’ one of the scientists said to Marsha.
‘I like him,’ Aunt Hilda said.
‘Good, then try not to blow him up,’ Marsha responded. ‘What have you got for me,’ she said to the crowd
that had assembled.
‘First, we need a small sample,’ one scientist said, holding out a cotton swab. ‘Please open wide.’
Marsha did as commanded.
‘They use it to match the drugs to your biology, making you impervious to their effects but not anyone else.
Think of it as custom made cosmetics,’ the female agent said. ‘Come over here and I’ll introduce you to the
line up.’
‘We know you are a good free of Batman, Mr. Wayne, so I’m not sure we could give you anything that he
doesn’t already have except for maybe making them a little more stylish. This Rolex Submariner. The time
adjustment knob, you pull it and out comes a strangulation wire, the lab tech explained. You turn the dial
this way and it becomes a compass, the other and its a tracker. Your partner will have the trackers. We’ve
found through experience that women are much better at planting things than men. This comb, a touch here
and voila, a small but very effective blade. Your cologne, the bottle is divided into two parts, this side is the
cologne, but if you turn the medallion on the front like this it causes the liquid in the second container to mix
with your cologne. Count to five and through it, the explosion is just like that of a hand grenade.
‘That’s what I call a powerful scent,’ Bruce chuckled and the rest followed along. ‘But to your comment, yes
Batman has offered me some assistance, but I’ll not turn down anything my government thinks I may need.’
‘Excellent to hear Mr. Wayne, if you step this way we have some other things we think you may find
So any shade you want so don’t worry about that. Now what you have in front of you are the choices. We
start here, this is a knockout lipstick, one kiss and your partner goes night night for several hours, excellent
for escapes or for searching for something. Now this one is a hypnotic one. It works slowly, so many kisses,
nothing wrong with that,’ the agent smiled at Marsha who was clearly excited by the options being shown.
Once applied the person is totally under your sway, will do anything you say, tell you anything. There is a
catch, it works for about 24 hours, you can administer a second dose for the same time extension after that
another application is deadly. Now this group is split into two opposite but very effective camps. This is a
relaxing lipstick, makes your target go completely limp, this one a paralysing one, good for escape and other
certain things.’
‘What things?’ Marsha said enthusiastically.
‘We’ll come to that a little later. Last, but not least. Poison Lipstick, the kiss of death. This one takes a few
seconds after the kiss for the victim to react enough for you to pull away and enjoy the moment. Finally this
one, a delay, typically 6 hours, perfect for the goodbye kiss or the hello peck as a greeting at a party, you
have fun, do business, if you have any, then leave all before anything happens and you might be considered
a suspect.’
‘These are fantastic and far more imaginative than Aunt Hilda could dream up,’ Marsha said quietly.
‘Shall we move on,’ the agent suggested. ‘But first, this is yours.’
‘I have a nail file darling.’
‘Not like this one,’ the agent said, picking up a shot of note paper then running her nail along an edge slicing
off a section. ‘This file sharps you nails to a fine edge, cutting as you can see, perfect for these.’
‘Oh darling, tell me they come in the same variations as the lipsticks,’ Marsha beamed.
‘They do. One scratch, your nails are so sharp, they never even notice and you get to watch the reaction,’
the agent smiled and Marsha beamed back.
‘You know, I could get to like this business. What else have you got?
‘Our first part of the mission Bruce, a swanky party in the Hollywood Hills hosted by famed movie mogul
Ronald Pinewood. You know I was in a movie once, even considered it as a career,’ Marsha explained as
Bruce swung his Red Jaguar convertible XK-E into the circle of drive of the mansion.
‘What movie was that?’
“It never saw the light of day, due to unforeseen circumstances. Believe it or not, Batman was my co-star, we
had this terrific love scene. Had to shoot the kissing scene so many times his lips got chapped. He was tall
and firm, kind of like you, only you’re a much better kisser darling, although, now that I think about it, oh
never mind, we need to focus on this first part of the mission darling.’
Now onto the mission and this is where input
is needed, but more important, wanted. Ideas
for perils, gadgets, what you want to see from
Marsha and Bruce in terms of a romance or
anything else you want. Please send me a NOTE
or CHAT or just drop a comment. I’m want to
incorporate your ideas into the ongoing story.
Cheers Steve
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