Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Part 3 -Lights, Camera, Action, Mutual Satisfaction

‘Well Bruce, I think a divide and conquer strategy may be our best approach,’ Marsha smiled as she looked

about the room from the entrance, the floor where everyone was mingling was a couple of steps down,

giving them a perfect overview.  ‘I’ll take the men, young handle to women, neither should be a problem for

us,’ she added, giving him a squeeze of his hand from hers.  

Marsha moved off down the stairs, the thigh slit in her sequined dress announcing the arrival via her legs. 

She watched men turn to look at her, drinks pause at lips, uncomfortable feelings causing them to turn away. 

She smiled at the affliction she was causing as her elegant arms reached out, grabbed a drink from a tray and

moved into the centre of the room, a crowd of men circling around her.  

Bruce, meanwhile, his reputation as a millionaire playboy, most eligible bachelor in Gotham played into his

as the women drew to him, mostly because they wanted to, but also to show their partners that they too can

play the game.    

‘Wonderful of you to say.  I would love to have a turn in front of the camera, but you know, I’m not sure any

camera could catch me just right,’ Marsha said with a small laugh and a smile, then the touch of her hand to

his arm.

‘Those amateurs, of course they don’t know what to do with you.  There are cameras that would come very

close to capturing your beauty Marsha.  Close, I said mind you, for nothing could truly capture such a

goddess,’ the host, Erich von Klippentoff, noted director extolled.

‘Given all my activities related to Wayne Industries and of course all the philanthropic work I do I don’t have

much time for films, but of course, should the right opportunity and of course, director, come along I would

be interested in investing.  I hear Mr. von Klippentoff is considering a new film with a revolutionary camera,

something of course I’d be interested in funding,’ Bruce said to a group of admiring women.

‘Oh, it's not a camera Mr. Wayne,’ a young woman, obviously, a starlet or aspiring actress said.

‘Oh, no,’ Bruce answered, looking at her with his brown eyes and square jaw.

‘It's a lens, actually, said to be so sharp at focusing light you barely need any external lighting to shoot

movies,  Quite a bonus for those intimate bedroom scenes Mr. Wayne,’ she explained putting a hand on his.

‘Yes, I can imagine,’ Bruce said, looking uncomfortable, but needing to play this more.

‘And you would darling,’ Marsha said, giving him her best smile and moving her head just a little bit closer

to his.  ‘I can imagine in your hands and other areas,’ she smiled.  ‘We could be quite a team.  Perhaps we

could do a test shoot to find out, me in whatever clothes or position, or come to think of it, both, that you

desire.  You know anything to please the director,’ Marsha smiled, hooking her arm about his.  

‘I’d be very interested in this lens, as you say.  I wonder if I could persuade Mr. von Klippentoff to show me

the details.  You don’t by chance know where he keeps it?’

‘In his private little studio,next to his office, but it looks like someone has beaten you to the punch Mr.

Wayne and I hate to inform you, but she has certain angles you can’t compete with.  Money, after all, only

goes so far.  I guess that just leaves you and me and there’s no telling how far I can go.  In fact, I’m ready

for my close up,’ the young woman said, as she kissed Bruce while Marsha disappeared behind a door with

the host.  

‘I would prefer to keep my modesty until after the test and of course, a contract has been signed.  Besides, a

woman can be just as alluring, perhaps even more so, with her clothes on,  tends to make a man wonder,’

Marsha said as she went to sit down on the lounger.

He went to a panel, turned a dial and opened a cabinet revealing a series of portable cameras.  Marsha noted

they all had lenses attached, some with multiple rotating ones, but that there was one lens not attached to

anything, she tried not to make her eyes widen at what she and Bruce were after.  

Marsha posed, moved and extolled her talents for various cameras von Klippentoff used.  She artfully drew

him closer, her intention and when he finally went to put the last camera back in  the cabinet she was right

there behind him, a predatory smile forming on her face as he turned about.

‘Just enough time for one more close up,’ she smiled and kissed him.  The Queen of Diamonds always

believed in giving her best, after all, she did have a reputation to keep up against the other female

supervillains.  It also gave her time to let Aunty Hilda’s love potion lipstick penetrate his skin and take effect.  

‘There darling, did I pass the screen test,’ she smiled after releasing him.  

‘Very wonderful but I must get back to the party,’ he said.

Marsha knew instantly her aunt's love potion had failed again.  ‘Why do I keep trusting her?’ she mused

silently.  ‘Just one more darling,’ she smiled and swept herself into his arms, turning so her back was to the

open cabinet.  

‘Mr. Wayne, my profound apologies for not greeting such an important and influential guest earlier,’ Von

Klipptentoff said as she shook Bruce’s hand.

‘No apologies are required.  I saw that you were otherwise, how should I put this, engaged in more active

pursuits,’ Bruce said looking over von Klipptentoff’s shoulder at a smiling Marsha.  ‘Talk is your thinking

of a new film, something quite revolutionary or that seems to be the talk.  As a patron of the arts, The Wayne

Foundation is always interested in backing such interests, but we can discuss that another time, please call

me,’ Bruce offered.  

They spent the rest of the night apart, as per the plan, each gathering intel from the guests until as the party

began to fade they paid their respects and left.  

‘Oh, it was right there for the taking,’ Marsha seethed.  ‘Why do I keep trusting Aunt Hilda?\ she continued

as she paced back and forth in the living room of their hotel suite.  

‘Because she’s family and well, you trust your family,’ Bruce answered as he watched her legs flash in and

out from the material.

‘Thanks goodness we had a back up plan.  What my lipstick didn’t accomplish, my dress did.  The second

kiss I detached a special sequin from my dress and dropped it inside the cabinet.  We can use it to decode

the lock and get the lens.  I take it you took care of the alarm system?’

‘One of the advantages of owning Wayne Industries is we have a home security division, a good one, but

when you know the backdoors and disabling codes, it makes things easier,’ he smiled.

Marsha smiled.  ‘Then we need to get ready.’

They parked down the hill, just at the bend in the road, Bruce pulling the car as far into the bush as he could,

covering the back end with branches to conceal it.  

‘Just up the hill is the fence about the property, there is a tree we need to climb up about eight feet or so they

leap from the branch onto the lawn.  I’ll go first, then catch you,’ Bruce instructed.

‘I’m perfectly capable of holding up my end of this partnership.  I’m not just another pretty face, although

I am that,’ Marsha mused, smiled then continued.  ‘I have an athletic background, I just don’t use it, my

other skills are usually all I need,’ she added with a smile.

‘Like earlier this evening?’ he said.

‘That was Aunt Hilda’s fault, as I explained,’ she added, then moved off quickly and silently, so much so

Bruce had to scramble to keep up with her.  

Marsha went up the tree first then sprang off the branch, tucked her body into a ball and rolled a somersault

silently onto the lawn.  She looked over her shoulder to see Bruce doing the same and landing beside her.

‘You could give Batman lessons on that,’ she smiled.

They stealthily moved across the lawn then up against the house.  The security control panel was just around

the corner but a guard was in front of it.  Bruce made to move toward him when Marsha placed a soft hand

his arm.  

‘Let me.’ she said softly then moved into the darkness like a black snake slithering away toward her prey as

Bruce peered around the corner.  He watched her come right up behind him, tap on his shoulder and as he

turned about she smiled then softly but quickly kissed, a smile crossing her face as he fell instantly.

‘I don’t make the same mistake twice darling.  That was Knockout Lipstick provided by our employers and

that wonderful female agent they assigned me.  Problem is, it's only good for one kiss and well given the

nature of my outfit, no place to keep the case.  Now do your thing so we can get in and call it a night,’ she


Bruce went to work, Marsha impressed with his speed and skill.  

‘My turn again,’ she smiled, pulling a bobby pin from her hair, pressing it hard into the vinyl frame of the

window by the lock then watching it melt away the mechanism.  They were inside the small studio in


Bruce pulled a metal catch off his body suit and placed it against the cabinet safe.  His ear close to the catch

could hear the amplified clicks from the sequin microphone Marsha had concealed inside earlier.   

A turn of the handle door and there it was.  Just as Bruce reached for it a light flicked on!

‘Cut and print, that was performed perfectly,’ von Klippentoff smiled, rubbing his hands together in triumph.  

Bruce and Marsha turned to look at him and his three goons along with the young woman Bruce had been

talking to at the party for which Marsha gave him a sideways glance.  

‘When I saw notorious Gotham City and socialite Marsha, Queen of Diamonds at my party I was naturally

nervous, but intrigued.  I do have a few valuable gems here and about.  I suspected you’d come back, I had

no idea Mr. Wayne was party to your criminality, but seeing in that catsuit, as revealing as your dress was

this evening, it can’t hold a candle to your current outfit, perhaps the same is true for Mr. Wayne,’ he added.

‘What are you insinuating with that comment,’ Bruce said, his voice very short, sharp and cold.  ‘Marsha, is

a lady and I won’t have you talking about her like that,’ Bruce stated, his fists clenching.

Marsha found this thrilling, but she showed none of it.  Bruce wasn’t under her spell, yet here he was

defending her honour, dubious as it may be, even she had to admit.  

‘Erich darling, no need for all this testosterone,’ she smiled swaying across the room to him.  ‘You should

save that for later when we can be alone,’ Marsha smiled as she tickled his ear with her fingers before driving

a knee between his legs, then spinning about on one foot delivering a back heel to one of his goons.  

Bruce was on the other two goons, fists flying as Marsha took care of the other female quickly dispatching

her with a sharp chop to the neck before joining Bruce in the fray.  She skipped into the air, Bruce catching,

her body a wisp in the air as she circled his torso, came up off his shoulders into the air where her long sexy

shimmering legs wrapped about the neck of a good Bruce had just punched.  She scissored tight, twisted

and fell snapping him to the floor and then crashing into the wall where he lay unconscious.  Marsha struck

a pose

As she watched Bruce finish off the last goon, her mind found something familiar, wonderfully and

exhilarating about it.

‘Now Von Klippentoff I think we can safely call this a wrap,’ he said.

In the melee the director had managed to recover just enough to slump by the door.  Bruce and Marsha, who

had come to his side, saw him put on a pair of dark glasses and then push a button on a remote device he’d

pulled from his pocket.  Suddenly the room was filled with flashing coloured lights.

‘So close, but you're missing that final step, in fact any steps,’ von Klippentoff laughed.  ‘Unless you are

wearing these special glasses you are, as both of you can feel, frozen in place.  The lights, a special invention

of mine, disrupt the nervous system, only temporarily, but just long enough so set up for my final scene

with you two as the stars,’ he laughed again.

‘Remember Bruce when I said I had considered a career in film.  Well darling, this is definitely not what I

had in mind,’ Marsha offered.

‘Hardly the way to be immortalised on film,’ Bruce offered.  

‘This scene will go down in perilous cinematic history, but you two, I’m afraid, will end up on the cutting

room floor, permanently,’ von Klippentoff laughed.  ‘Let me explain the fate that awaits you.  The film

wrapped your bodies will be slowly rewound from one giant spool to the other.  Of course as it does it will

tighten against your bodies, pulling you closer to each other until it crushes the both of you.  That of course

will take some time, because I want this scene to last a while.  If I’ve learned anything in this business, it's

that you have to give the audience what they want.’

‘You diabolical fiend,’ Bruce said.

‘Really Bruce, don’t ruin the moment by dragging your friend Batman into this,’ Marsha said in a somewhat

exasperated voice.  

The duo were back to back, stretched out fully, the celluloid wrapped strategically around each of their


‘Well darling, if there is a positive side to this, it's that we will be closer to each other, although, I do wish

we’d been facing each other, I rather like kissing you,’ Marsha said as the reels started up.

‘I’ll leave you two to make cinematic magic,’ von Klippentoff laughed as he left the room, his mocking

reverberating about as the two began to feel a little uncomfortable.  

Bruce pushed back against the relentless constriction, his purpose was to buy his partner some breathing

space for as long as possible.  Marsha could feel his body pushing against and shielding her.  Normally,

she’d have become aroused at the feel, but this time so was mostly annoyed.

‘Darling, I’m not fragile, I can take it, no need for all that male bravado, it's tiresome,’ she said, trying to

brave even as her body began to fight for air.  ‘If you want to do something useful, our fingers are just

about touching, when they do bend my middle finger up as far as it will go until it contacts the film, break

it, if you have too.’  Marsha explained as she heard an audible gasp.  ‘As I said Bruce, I’m as fragile as

people think.’

They waited, every minute in increased agony until finally Bruce had her fingers, a strange sense of comfort

coming over each of them, although neither mentioned it.  His middle finger wrapped around Marsha’s and

slowly pulled it up.  Marsh’s body arched to give it more leverage, Bruce surprised by the feminine strength

and determination from a woman known more for her wiles than physical assets.  

‘Just a little more darling, I’m fine, do as I say,’ she said between gasps until finally she smiled as a flurry of

ribbon flew into the air and down about their freed bodies.

Both were on their feet in seconds, Bruce exposing the films to destroy them, Marsha moving to the door to

listen.  He joined her, she nodded, opened the door, the two silently and quickly moved across the hall to

this small studio.  Bruce, having memorised the combination worked the mechanism, took the lens and the

duo moved off, first through the window, then over the fence to the car and back to their hotel suite.  

‘I could really get to love this game, that was exciting, not to mention profitable,’ Marsha said, as she slightly

unzipped the front of her catsuit and pulled out several diamonds.

‘Where and more importantly when did you acquire those?’ Bruce said.

‘Darling when you were concentrating on the safe.  I saw he had nothing in there before and when he

mentioned he had some to us I knew he must have had them stored in his desk thinking no one would ever

look there, no one except for Marsha,’ she smiled.  ‘More importantly, we have the first piece, the focusing

lens.’ she added.

‘More importantly,’ Bruce interjected in a surprised voice,

‘Yes, I know,’ Marsha started, her voice somewhat despondent.  ‘As I mentioned, this career alternative

seems to be growing on me, much to my chagrin.  Doing the right thing,’ she shuddered at saying the

words.  ‘Seems to have found a place in my mind.’

‘How did you get us out of that death trap?’ Bruce asked.

‘A special nail varnish and file.  The varnish strengthens the nail or nails allowing the file to put a cutting

edge, razor sharp as it seems.  This allowed me to cut the film.  Another of my scenes ends up on the cutting

room floor,’ she mused.

‘Your full of surprise, good ones,’ Bruce offered as she smiled back at him.

‘You don’t get a body like this from lying about on loungers eating grapes.  I do yoga, fantastic for stretching

muscles giving me a lithe and supple form as well as stamina.  Come to think of it, I have yet to do my

routine today.  Perhaps I should intensify it given what we seem to be up against?’ she mused as she took

Bruce’s hand in hers and guided it to the zipper on her catsuit.  

Bruce pulled it down slowly, their eyes locked on each other.  It stopped just above her mound, then Marsha

did the same to Bruce.  Arms swept up each other's chests then hooked onto the fabric pulling it off the

shoulders.  Bruce revelled in Marsha’s firm perfect breasts while she palmed his hard chest and stomach

before their lips came together.

She pulled his suit down first, one leg reaching up, her toes clinching the fabric pulling it all the way down,

she repeated the process before his hands swept inside her half discarded catsuit, swirled behind and cupped

her wonderful ass that tensed and turned from his caress.  He slipped it off her hips as she started to fall

backwards, his strong arms guiding her and them to the floor where his hands ran down each leg peeling

her free of the suit.  

‘Now that I’m nude I’m even more dangerous,’ Marsha said ravenously between kisses.  ‘No, No Bruce,’

she said, putting a hand on his lips as he was positioning himself between her.  ‘Remember when I told you

I did yoga.  Well, there are many types of yoga, let me demonstrate just a few and maybe a few more after

that if you're not too spent from, let's say, the routine.  The key is to be supple and free flowing,’ Marsha

purred as one of her long legs snaked around him, then her torso slithered up and against his chest before

turning around him.  

Bruce was full and hard instantly. Her small nips and kisses only added to the delightful torment Marsha was


‘Just let me go Bruce, my body flows and moves like a snake wrapping you in my body before we come

together.  Just a few well placed bites along the way to keep you interested darling,’ she purred as her mouth

closed around his stem, quaking in ecstasy from her skills.  

‘There darling I have you, a simple trap, but not even you and this insanely wonderful body, not to mention

your very impressive extension can escape.’

‘A Grecian Urn,’ Bruce said.

‘Precisely, a wonderfully erotic position where the female controls everything.  Just another of my skills, but

this one is for sharing with someone special,’ she purred as her hips thrust and took him in.  ‘Now Mr. Bruce

Wayne, it's time we truly cemented this partnership,’ she breathlessly exclaimed as her lips found his again

and her hips pulled and churned pulling him fully into the Urn.

Speaking strictly for myself Bruce darling, I hope this is a long, a very long mission, if that was anything to

go by,’ Marsha said later.  ‘My word, speaking of long, ‘she said as her hand closed about his worm. 

‘You’ve got more fight in you than Batman, only you're so much less square than he is,’ Marsha added as

she rolled on top of him, her eyes hungry once again.

‘What other tricks do you have or are you to spent to continue,’ Bruce asked with a smile.

‘Your really asking for it,’ Marsha smiled back.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Part 2 Her man in tow. The mission is a go.

‘Now that is a kiss,’ Marsha said to Bruce.  ‘I knew you’d be the perfect partner.  ‘I had to drug that Reed

Richards so I could get my choice,’ she mused still with her arms around him.  ‘Oh, don’t worry darling,

nothing like that for you, besides with those lips of yours why want to.  It would just turn you into a

stumbling fool of a man and there are more than enough of those around already.  Besides, this mission is

going to call for sharp wits and you fawning over me from one of my love darts or some other such thing

would hardly be useful should we encounter hostile forces, after all, there’s only so much one woman, even

The Queen if Diamonds, can do.  You have my word on that not as a woman, but as a Super Criminal and

who knows, if this works out, made a new career as a super spy.  Now where were we?  I strongly believe

in second opinions,’ she finished as their faces came closer together.

‘There you are dearie’

‘Aunt Hilda, your timing is as always interrupting,’ Marsha said, as she and Bruce unclinched.

‘Professor Lundegaard.  Good to see you again.  I sponsored a series of lectures by you regarding the uses

of fungi for hypnosis.  Fascinating topic and you were an excellent speaker,’ Bruce said.  

‘That would be two people who found it interesting.  ‘Now, I’m sure you have many things to attend to

Aunty back at Gotham State.  I made sure you got your old residence back.  I’m assured it has been

untouched since you left it, something about unknown substances and no one wanting to touch them or that

creature you created, Cyril.  So you can run along, I’m.i.l.f. Sure one of these government men would be

happy to assist in that,’ she said looking over at them.

‘I took the liberty of preparing tea sir,’ Alfred said as he entered the room with a tray.  ‘And of course biscuits.

‘This really is turning into a dreadful afternoon,’ Marsha said as she turned away and lowered herself

elegantly onto the large sofa, her wonderful legs crossing as she went.  

‘I’m terribly sorry professor but we are all out of Newt cakes at the present.  I shall add them to the shopping

list.  But, for the present, I thought a Fig Newton might be a passable substitute,’  Alfred added, with a smile

at Hilda.

‘Such a considerate man,’ Hilda smiled back.  ‘I can’t wait for tonight.  Are you sure you don’t need

directions to my place?’

‘I’m very familiar with the university.  I shall be there promptly at 6pm,’ Alfred smiled at Hilda who smiled

back, then he departed in silence.

‘What was that about?’  Marsha said in a slightly raised voice from the sofa.

‘Alfred and I have a date tonight.  A small drink at my place then he’s taking me to the cinema,’ Aunt Hilda


‘You work fast darling,’ Marsha quipped.

‘Must have learned that from someone.  Besides, I've been inside for a while, a girl has needs,’ Hilda added. 

‘You and Mr. Wayne are welcome to join us, a double date if you like,’ Hilda added.

‘No thank you dearie.  I don’t have to be home by 9 anymore and may I remind you you're not a girl

anymore,’ Marsha replied, her voice having just a hint of sarcasm in it.

Neither are you and that never got in your way, besides you can have more fun that way,’ Hilda added and

Marsha stuck for a reply just glared at her.  

‘You have other plans?’

‘As a matter of fact, we do.  Bruce and I have to go over the mission together, see how to approach it,’

Marsha said.

‘Looked like your usual approach when I saw you,’ Hilda added and Bruce just smiled.

‘We may need your help on this professor, your lab expertise, especially your niece when it comes to certain

areas.  I’m sure the government would be more than thrilled to have you on board and please call me


Marsha saw her chance.  ‘Excellent idea Bruce!  You need to run along and get your lab back up and

running, my head is just spinning with ideas for you to create.  I’m sure these two gentlemen will be more

than happy to take you.  Don’t worry about me, I'll be fine here going over the drudgery of the mission

instead of watching the exciting process of you being creative,’ Marsha said as she came out of the sitting

position, helped her Aunt up and walked her to the door.  ‘Besides, you have a dae to prepare for and you

want to be at your best.’

‘I’m always at my best dearie,’ Aunt Hilda said with a sly smile that Marsha shuddered at as she passed her

beloved Aunt off to the two agents.

When they had left, Marsha closed the double doors, whirled about, a hungry smile on her face.  ‘Now,

where were we?’


‘Oh, no, I don’t see myself having to do any of these physical things, besides I have Bruce for that,’ Marsha

said the next day.

‘What if you don’t have him around at the moment of crisis?’ a very stunning brunette young woman


The woman had been assigned to escort Marsha around the HQ of the government.  The Queen of Diamonds

assumed she was an agent and Marsha was impressed by her from the start.

‘Don’t you find you can catch more flies with honey darling,’ she probed to see where it would go.

‘I agree and the taste is so much sweeter.  I think we should move on from here and give you the equipment

that best suits your style,’

Marsha liked her more.  They took an elevator down a couple of levels.  They were already several floors

underground, Marsha wondered how deep it went just as the doors opened.  They had to go through several

very secure doors, waiting each time for one set to close before the other opened.

‘Security is tight around here,’ the female agent said.

Believe me darling, I’m very much used to it,’ Marsha answered.

They walked along a corridor with labs on either side, people busy inside with all manner of breakers, tubes,

cylinders and other scientific equipment when a flash and a puff of smoke filled one area.  Marsha saw a

waving hand and crooked hat then an equally crooked smile then a wave.

‘Oh heavens!;’ she said under her breath.

‘Not all experiments turn out right the first time dearie,’ Marsha heard Aunt Hilda’s voice saying to several

exasperated other people.  

‘Try not to wreck the place on your first day, Aunty.  Remember what got you in trouble the first time,’

Marsha stated.

‘You did, I think,’ Aunt Hilda answered.

‘The time before that,’ Marsha clarified.

‘Oh, yes, well I was in the process of correcting that then the police showed up.  Nice men, but they were

insistent about the property damage.’

‘Your Aunt is unorthodox, but she is brilliant,’ one of the scientists said to Marsha.

‘I like him,’ Aunt Hilda said.

‘Good, then try not to blow him up,’ Marsha responded.  ‘What have you got for me,’ she said to the crowd

that had assembled.

‘First, we need a small sample,’ one scientist said, holding out a cotton swab.  ‘Please open wide.’

Marsha did as commanded.

‘They use it to match the drugs to your biology, making you impervious to their effects but not anyone else. 

Think of it as custom made cosmetics,’ the female agent said.  ‘Come over here and I’ll introduce you to the

line up.’


‘We know you are a good free of Batman, Mr. Wayne, so I’m not sure we could give you anything that he

doesn’t already have except for maybe making them a little more stylish.  This Rolex Submariner.  The time

adjustment knob, you pull it and out comes a strangulation wire, the lab tech explained.  You turn the dial

this way and it becomes a compass, the other and its a tracker.  Your partner will have the trackers.  We’ve

found through experience that women are much better at planting things than men.  This comb, a touch here

and voila, a small but very effective blade.  Your cologne, the bottle is divided into two parts, this side is the

cologne, but if you turn the medallion on the front like this it causes the liquid in the second container to mix

with your cologne.  Count to five and through it, the explosion is just like that of a hand grenade.  

‘That’s what I call a powerful scent,’ Bruce chuckled and the rest followed along.  ‘But to your comment, yes

Batman has offered me some assistance, but I’ll not turn down anything my government thinks I may need.’

‘Excellent to hear Mr. Wayne, if you step this way we have some other things we think you may find



So any shade you want so don’t worry about that.  Now what you have in front of you are the choices.  We

start here, this is a knockout lipstick, one kiss and your partner goes night night for several hours, excellent

for escapes or for searching for something.  Now this one is a hypnotic one.  It works slowly, so many kisses,

nothing wrong with that,’ the agent smiled at Marsha who was clearly excited by the options being shown. 

Once applied the person is totally under your sway, will do anything you say, tell you anything.  There is a

catch, it works for about 24 hours, you can administer a second dose for the same time extension after that

another application is deadly.  Now this group is split into two opposite but very effective camps.  This is a

relaxing lipstick, makes your target go completely limp, this one a paralysing one, good for escape and other

certain things.’

‘What things?’ Marsha said enthusiastically. 

‘We’ll come to that a little later.  Last, but not least.  Poison Lipstick, the kiss of death. This one takes a few

seconds after the kiss for the victim to react enough for you to pull away and enjoy the moment.  Finally this

one, a delay, typically 6 hours, perfect for the goodbye kiss or the hello peck as a greeting at a party, you

have fun, do business, if you have any, then leave all before anything happens and you might be considered

a suspect.’

‘These are fantastic and far more imaginative than Aunt Hilda could dream up,’ Marsha said quietly.  

‘Shall we move on,’ the agent suggested.  ‘But first, this is yours.’

‘I have a nail file darling.’

‘Not like this one,’ the agent said, picking up a shot of note paper then running her nail along an edge slicing

off a section.  ‘This file sharps you nails to a fine edge, cutting as you can see, perfect for these.’

‘Oh darling, tell me they come in the same variations as the lipsticks,’ Marsha beamed.

‘They do.  One scratch, your nails are so sharp, they never even notice and you get to watch the reaction,’

the agent smiled and Marsha beamed back.

‘You know, I could get to like this business.  What else have you got?


‘Our first part of the mission Bruce, a swanky party in the Hollywood Hills hosted by famed movie mogul

Ronald Pinewood.  You know I was in a movie once, even considered it as a career,’ Marsha explained as

Bruce swung his Red Jaguar convertible XK-E into the circle of drive of the mansion.

‘What movie was that?’

“It never saw the light of day, due to unforeseen circumstances. Believe it or not, Batman was my co-star, we

had this terrific love scene.  Had to shoot the kissing scene so many times his lips got chapped.  He was tall

and firm, kind of like you, only you’re a much better kisser darling, although, now that I think about it, oh

never mind, we need to focus on this first part of the mission darling.’


Now onto the mission and this is where input

is needed, but more important, wanted.  Ideas

for perils, gadgets, what you want to see from

Marsha and Bruce in terms of a romance or

anything else you want.  Please send me a  NOTE

or CHAT or just drop a comment.  I’m want to 

incorporate your ideas into the ongoing story.

Cheers Steve