Chapter Two: Twists
of Fate
Within the cool of her dressing
room Claire had time to relax and refresh. Two performances a day for the
past 3 weeks had given her body a chance to heal and grow even stronger.
The Canahotep Caravan was however, not her idea of a career move, even though
the money from the patrons was good, especially for her as she seemed to be the
new flavour of the month, so to speak, she didn’t want to make a career out of
belly dancing no matter how much she enjoyed it. The object she’d come to
Cairo for, a jewelled broach in the form a scarab beetle had until recently
been in DOOM’s hands. It now appeared that it had come into the
possession of a powerful shadowy corporate cartel that had in mind the
collection of the remaining pieces with an eye to either selling them back to
the highest bidder or worse yet trying to collect them all and using the weapon
for blackmailing the world into whatever it desired.
“Great, now I have two
sides to battle against as if one wasn’t enough!” thought Claire.
Her cover wasn’t just
therapeutic it also brought her in contact with the wide cross sections of
Cairo’s underworld, from the lowest petty thieves to the heavyweights, as a
result by use of the aforesaid cover and her sex appeal she’d been able to
ascertain from some loose-lipped customers exactly who had the scarab.
The right words whispered into the right ears had found their way to that
person and back to her by way of an infatuated male admirer. That person
was meeting her shortly and it was Claire’s plan to remove first the scarab
from him and then to remove him, permanently, she didn’t want or need two
against one for the rest of the missions.
Removing her costume and replacing
it with a robe and sandals she ventured out of her room and down the hallway to
the shower to refresh herself before her meeting and her last performance for
the day. Coming out of the shower Claire felt invigorated from the
cascade of cool water upon her lithe form. Donning her robe and sandals
she headed back to the cool of her dressing room to prepare. Opening the
door she found that her target had arrived early. Seamlessly changing the
plan in her mind she continued on.
“You’re a little eager
aren’t you, we agreed to a later time than this,” Claire stated.
“I figured the earlier I came the more time
we’d have to get to know one other!” the man answered posing and answering the
same question.
“This is strictly business the scarab is for
sale, not me!” she answered flatly.
“Everyone has a price,” he pressed.
“You couldn’t afford the down payment,” she
said as she moved behind her screen to change into her outfit.
“Where’s the money!” he demanded.
Seeing that his crude attempt at a free ride
with her wasn’t going to work he decided to press on with business. From
behind the screen she answered.
“Over beside my dressing table in the brief
case, count it if you like.”
He did just that placing the case on the table
and opening it up.
“Your short $2000, the deal was for the full
amount,” he snapped.
Claire reappeared from behind the screen,
wearing only a white shirt; this instantly grabbed his attention and focus away
from the money.
“I thought I could make up the difference in
another way,” she said alluringly.
“$2000 is a hell of a lot to make up!” he
answered with an unsure voice and besides you claimed you weren’t
“It’s a woman’s prerogative to
change her mind,” she answered.
Moving around to his back she
wrapped her arms around his waist and proceeded to draw her arms up and down
his chest as she pressed her body into his.
“I’m worth every penny and more!” she
whispered hotly to him.
Feeling him weakening she
pressed the attack with her tongue, flicking it in and out around his ear as a
snake does when seeking its prey. Trailing one arm she circled in front
of him and brought her other arm up around his neck locking it in place to the
other, his arms when around her waist in his final act of surrender.
“I take it we have a deal,” she said
. The kiss sealed the contract
as she drew him even tighter into her arms. Her tongue found his and
teased it playfully, giving him license to lose himself even more in her.
The magic of the web she’d spun had him completely under her spell and just as
suddenly as it had started for him it stopped as Claire pulled away and her
collapsed and fell to the floor.
“Oh darling, I’m sorry did my ring sting
you. That needle is always catching on someone. Now I’ll have to
refill it after I just put scorpion venom in it this morning. I don’t
think that was worth $2000, but since you won’t be alive in a few minutes a
refund won’t be necessary,” Claire said over her vanquished lover.
Bending down and reaching into his pocket she
remove her prize. Walking over to her dressing table she deposited the
scarab into her baby powder canister.
“It will be safe in there, one way
or another,” she said as she disappeared behind the screen to change for her
last performance.
Music playing Claire emerged on
stage; her wonderful body filled out her costume, a magnificent magenta
two-piece classic belly dance costume. A classic halter-top adorned with
pearls and semi precious stones, the flowing scarf on her head trailed down her
back. The sheer wisps of fabric that made up the lower half of her outfit
had cleaver slits cut into them that allowed her legs not only freedom of
movement but also the audience an ability to see them!
Her body began to ungulate to the
music as she noticed how small the crowd was; a quick count revealed only 4
people, 3 men and a woman.
“Oh well,” she thought. “Its still
early in the day I can’t expect much.”
After several minutes of hypnotic swaying she
moved lithe like to a large papyrus basket at centre stage. Gracefully
removing the lid and reaching she pulled out the head of a large
“At least my last dance will be my most
erotic,” she thought to herself. The snake though large was docile, as it
was always well fed and used to handling.
Raising the head of the serpent up
she slowly rolled backwards to the floor letting the reptile flow out of the
basket and onto her reclining body, now all 12 feet of coiling death was free
for her to dance with. Pulling the python up and around her neck as she
regained her feet letting it hang equidistant down her body she continued to
move to the music. The 3 men in the audience leaned forward on their
chairs to watch her handle her dance partner as she wound her legs into the
draped snake. A primordial instinct deep inside the men grew, there was
something about this dance that always turned them on, was it the danger, the
Freudian sexual cogitation, or was it that they were gazing at two of the
deadliest predators in creation engaged in battle and in some way wishing they
were the snake and the things they would do if only they had that opportunity!
As the music slowed so did Claire,
her quick motions becoming softer and more dramatic, her hips shifted and her
torso moved with a purposeful appeal. Her entrancing dance had them under
her power, all except one! She’d been enjoying herself too much to notice
that something was going horribly wrong, that was, as it always is, until it
was too late. The dance coming to an end she tried to extricate her legs
from the snake’s embrace, only to see that it wouldn’t let go! Not
panicking she tried the other leg, same result and then she realized that she
was actually being tightened within her partners grip!
With the music ended a man and a
woman came to the middle of the floor to confront her.
“Give me a hand here, would you,
he’s not behaving himself today,” she said, still calm.
“Quite the contrary,”
answered the lady, “He’s behaving exactly the way he should. My pet
hasn’t eaten in a while so I’m sure he’s very hungry! The streets of
Cairo are notoriously loosed lipped; you have to be careful who you can
Presently the two men missing men
from the party reappeared and one of them handed the scarab to the lady while
the other voiced.
“He’s dead.”
“Well one good turn deserves another and my
pet is excellent at turning around his prey, so I’ll leave it to him to repay
the compliment!”
Claire focused on her embracing
lover had stopped listening and had started to dance again, a very slow,
seductive turn, her body seemed to be coiling and uncoiling upon itself, rising
and falling to a mesmerizing beat only she could hear her body flowing and
twisting as a snake would slither across grass or water.
“What’s she doing?” asked one of
the men to the woman.
“The only thing she can do, only it will not
help her in the least. She’s trying to charm the snake by utilizing her bodily
rhythms, an ancient Hindu technique; only instead of a flute you use your
Raising her voice so Claire could hear she
“An excellent strategy, but I’m
afraid doomed to fail, you see I trained my pet to ignore your siren song, all
that awaits you, me dear, is a slow dance of death. Come my dear,” she
said to her partner. “We have what we came for and a bonus; let’s leave the two
lovers to get better acquainted.”
Departing they left the COIL agent still
dancing her symbolic seduction upon her killer. DOOM’s departure gave
Claire her chance, her soothing moves had only helped to delay the process, no
matter how expertly she applies her seduction, the serpent continued to
envelope her in it’s coils. Slowly reaching into her hair she removed her
comb only to have disaster strike; her partner’s tail struck her hand sending
her weapon skidding across the dance floor as the tail encircled its
prey. Her seduction of the python was weakening, as was she, no longer
able to serpentine her body her to the magical rhythm that held the snake at
bay, it began to slowly finish her off! She needed to get to her
dislodged weapon to have any chance, and soon! Small hip movements and
alluring sways of her pelvis got her close, but still not close enough.
Bands of steel drew inward forcing her body erect within its grip and closing
down her deadly dance as movements within her partner’s embrace were now
impossible. Lunging forward she toppled to the floor as primordial
muscles rippled around her body sealing her tighter into her fate.
Rolling, rocking, sliding any way she could toward her freedom she continued to
fight, small moans escaped from her amid short pants of breath as she struggled
to maintain control.
Her moans were growing shorter as was her
breath, he applying his deadly embrace with increasing efficiency. So
taut was she within the constriction Claire could feel the beads on her costume
being pushed into her body, others simply popped off the threats and were sent
skittering across the floor under the relentless pressure. The battle had
truly turned, Claire was now under his power, his ability to seduce her was
greater and his loving was fatal to the touch!
Her one hand free from her attempt
to escape pulled her across the floor towards her goal, only with each pull the
she slowed as breathing became harder, trying to minimize her air intake as
each breath became less than the previous. Calming her mind in order to avoid
the panic of grabbing the weapon too quickly and inadvertently knocking further
away she reached out carefully and hoped. Still too far away she needed
one last effort, however so did her captor to finish her! A turn of the
python rolled in onto her back and an accordion like constriction of her body
followed. Claire no longer able to contain the pain screamed in agony as
her body wilted under the pressure of its encirclement. Desperately her
arms flailed behind her, banging against the pedestal of a table she secured
her hand and pulled herself forward. Carefully she groped with her hand
to secure her means of freedom finally she found it and her hand closed around
it carefully to avoid injecting herself on the poisonous quills. The serpents
bands waved up and down her body again, Claire screamed, moan quietly and then
She awoke, she didn’t know how
much later, still under the shroud of coils, but no longer in pain.
Letting her eyes focus for a moment she soon discovered her comb imbedded in
the serpent. Not wishing to reprise the act she slipped out of the
embrace. Her body glistening with perspiration from her foe's embrace he
stood up slowly and removed her weapon from the python. Retrieving the
basket she slipped the loops back inside and carefully replaced the lid,
locking it in place.
“You’ll be your old self again in a little
while once the drug wears off, however I think I’ll pursue a solo career from
now on,” she said.
Staggering back to her room, her legs still
not fully recovered, she surveyed the damage her would be killers had
left. She’d clean up later, for now all she wanted was another shower.
Her cramped dressing room
exchanged for a much more inviting modern hotel suite Claire returned to her
mission. Removing her PDA (personal digital assistant) from her purse and
entering the security code she selected maps from the icons, specifically Cairo
and the screen flashed to life. Divided into 12 grid squares, each
capable of being expanded into a detailed map of the city. A careful
scanning of the maps brought the scarab’s location to her. Placing the
beetle in the powder had been a twofold strategy; one it was a good place to
hide it, but more importantly if it was stolen the pseudo baby powder was in
reality a dusty radioactive coating that allowed the unit to be tracked by use
of the PDA and a linkup to a secure satellite. All Claire had to do was
home in on the beep to locate the objective.
Early the next morning Claire
dressed herself in the traditional Muslim woman’s mufti and headscarf carefully
wrapped to cover most of her face. She needed to blend in but she also
needed to disguise herself to avoid being recognized. She did however
conceal her Walther PPK Mk 2 within the mufti.
Moving out into Cairo Claire
progressed toward the scarab checking her PDA to confirm the course every few
minutes. Without the PDA she surely would have been lost as she twisted
down side streets and narrow alleys a constant sea of humanity around
her. Sellers yelling at her from stalls sold daily wears of almost
infinite variety, she however continued onward twisting and turning and
returning upon herself ignoring their pleas for her to buy. The crowds of
people started to fall away just as it seemed to her buildings were closing in
and the alley becoming narrower. Soon she was eerily alone on the
streets. Coming to a corner she checked the PDA again and continued
forward. Just around the corner she came upon a huddle of 3 men bend over
someone who Claire thought she heard crying. Requiring no further
evidence she advanced rapidly on the scrum, putting her hand on the shoulder of
the middle man she spun him around and threw him against the adjacent brick
wall and away from his cohorts where her collapsed to the dusty ground.
Like a flash of lightning a knife appeared from under the tunic of one of the
two remaining men. Catching the glint of the blade out of the corner of
her eye she caught his arm as it slashed towards her. Fluidly she barred
the arm and dislodged the knife as her leg delivered several rapid kicks to his
face. Reaching under her clothes out came the PPK square into the
forehead of the third man, the knife he was brandishing fell to the ground
along with any intentions hr had regarding its use.
“This is the point where you and
your friends run away or I start blowing holes in you!” she said in
Gathering themselves up and what was left of
their pride the 3 retreated up the alley.
Replacing the gun she turned
around and knelt down beside the cowering child. Gently she placed her on
the child’s back. Slowly the unfolding form revealed itself to be a girl
of about 8. Claire removed her scarf and cleared the tears away from her
“It’s ok now, their gone. My names
Claire, your safe now.”
The child wiggled herself into
Claire’s arms and tightened around her, Claire returned the gesture.
Several minutes and talk later Claire discovered the girl’s name was Ashana and
that she was one of thousands of abandoned street children. Left to fend
for themselves, the men had robbed her of the goods she was trying to sell and
now her owner would beat her and maybe even kill her over the loss.
“That won’t happen, not as long as
you’re with me!” Claire said with a reassuring smile. “But first I need to
finish something,” she said.
Standing up and offering her hand to the
child, who took it readily they walked on and as they did Claire found the
narrow alleyways and ramshackle housing was giving way to a much more
prosperous and affluent neighbourhood. He last corner turned brought the
COIL agent face to face with her objective. A large two story brick
building surrounded by a massive courtyard and gates. Two guards
patrolled the entrance, once past them the inside appeared deserted
It had taken most of the day to
locate the scarab; night was falling, the perfect cover to get inside and
recover the beetle. The woman and the girl receded into the shadows and
waited. Claire explained to Ashana that she would be back in several
hours and that she was to wait for her here, hiding until then. Ashana
looked scared and worried but a reassuring smile and hug from the spy eased her
heart, she also gave Ashana the PDA t play with in her absence to pass the
Slowly Claire emerged from the
corner and into the night making her way towards the gates. Coming up to
the first guard he began to speak in Arabic as she tugged at his
“She’s begging for coins,” said the one to the
“Just give her some, she’s making
too much noise and becoming a pain in the ass!”
Trying to free himself from her grip was
proving easier said than done, so he called to his companion for
assistance. This was just what Claire wanted, as both were now within
striking distance and she wasted no time in capitalizing. Releasing her
grip on his sleeve both hands slashed across the guard’s windpipes breaking
them instantly, seconds later and silently them fell to the ground.
Claire dragged them out of sight quickly and stepped nimbly into the courtyard
unseen except for a pair of eyes that saw everything. Moving stealthily
from palm tree to palm tree for cover she slowly made her way across the yard
and towards the door. She slide up against the last tree before the door,
her mind focused she prepared to move; instead she fell to the ground
They found her in the morning;
rolling her over and removing her scarf revealed her identity.
“Well Miss Baxter, you are proving to be a
most persistent adversary. I thought our last meeting would finish you,
but as they say, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Strip off
her clothes carefully,” she said to her colleagues.
“As I suspected.”
Claire’s body was crawling with tiny
“Palm spiders, they attack as a
group injecting their venom en mass they can overwhelm adversaries many times
their size.
Wash her off and bring her along!”
Wearing only a thong and a bra
band Claire was first drenched in water and then carried to the roof of the
house. Leather harnesses' were attached to her arms and legs as she was
spread out on the ground. A rope led away from each harness into a pulley
system anchored into the ground beyond her hands and feet.
“Once again I will attempt to finish you and
your futile efforts to recover the scarab. This device is quite ancient
in origin; all the way back the Pharaohs actually. It works by twisting
the victim in opposite directions eventually tearing the spine in two.
The wondrous aspect of it is that all it requires to work it is
water. The wetted ropes as they dry contract and pull the victim,
normally that would be more than enough to finish anyone, but my ancestors
liked to really punish their enemies, as a matter of fact so do I, hence the
pulley’s. If I couldn’t twist you with my pet, this will have to do.”
She nodded to one of the guards and both
Claire and the ropes were soaked in water. “This time it really is
good-bye Miss Baxter!”
Claire left alone to her fate felt
the morning sun driving down on her from a clear blue Egyptian sky. Her
body was dry in minutes and slowly she could feel the ropes receding. No
movement was possible the spider’s venom still working upon her nervous
system. Within 20 minutes her body had been elevated off the ground and
the twisting had begun! Claire was drawn rigid in the trap her torso
corkscrewed in the middle; the strain began to register on her face. Yoga
would only work for so long, even her terrific flexibility had limits!
The creaking of the pulley’s and the pop from the drying ropes counted down her
minutes left like a clock. Her tight bound body offered no resistance
despite her minds pleas for it to respond. Every muscle of her luscious
form flexed and strained within the death twist. Her torso almost
completely turned around upon itself was near the breaking point and still she
could not fight against it. Defeat never entered her mind, instead she
resigned her thoughts to her fate and resolved to last as long as she could, at
least she had succeeded with a small part of her assignment. The drying rope
contracted slower, no doubt part of the lingering death.
Claire helpless to the pull
endured the first four hours of twisting pressure while her near naked form
baked in the sun, she knew more hours awaited her and she wouldn’t go down
without a struggle. Two more hours passed the noonday sun bored into her
and redden her body. Claire awash in pain was finally free of the spider
venom, but her body tensed in the trap could offer no opposition and she now
felt the full force of the twist. Her throat so dry she couldn’t even
scream in pain or for help, not that it would do any good and now her mind
started to play tricks on her as she thought she heard rustling behind her, the
silence. Suddenly the door to the roof came open and her captor appeared.
Walking over to her prisoner she slid herself underneath the twisted spy.
Her face came up to Claire’s and she cupped her hands around her face.
“I see your still alive, thought barley
Claire. I was told your were good, but this truly is impressive, however
I think you only have a small amount of time left. Let’s see what I can
do to make it more uncomfortable!”
Several sharp punches found their
mark into Claire’s stretched torso. Satisfied with the result see
proceeded to apply several nerve locks to Claire. Exquisite pain shot
through the helpless agent and a sensation of fighting for air came. Her
tormenter had drawn her legs up and wrapped then tightly around the trapped
woman’s waist. Her powerful legs applied their considerable constricting pressure
for several minutes. The COIL agent was near the point of passing out
just when the deadly legs ceased their torment.
“That would be a merciful ending, I prefer
leaving you to the devices of the mechanical trap,” she said smiling as she
slithered out form under the secure Claire and disappeared down the stairs.
Claire again thought she heard
noises and assumed the woman was coming back for more pleasure at her expense,
she awaited her fate. Gently her legs were lowered to the ground soon to
be followed by her arms. She felt water on her lips and then the touch of
a hand.
“We need to escape before she
comes back,” said a familiar small voice quietly. “You must find the
strength to move!” implored Ashana.
Claire somehow managed to crawl to the edge of
the building and down a rope Ashana had secured. The agent ablaze with
pain only made it part way down, falling about 7 feet hard to the ground as the
pain intensified all the more!
“Come on Claire we’re almost safe,” Ashana
Helping her up and doing her best to support
her the two stumbled down a narrow alley, then another and then several more
and finally into darkness. Claire crashed to the ground and fell
unconscious as the cool of the darkness overcame her willpower.
Sometime later, Claire didn’t know
when, it may have been days she woke up to a now familiar hand stroking her
“Where are we,” Claire asked.
“We are hiding until you re well enough move,”
Ashana answered.
“How did you find me, and how did
you rescue me?”
“I saw you go into the yard, but not come out,
I knew you would come back to find me and when you didn’t I knew you must still
be in the house. I just made myself unseen, if a person doesn’t want to
be seen, they won’t be!” Ashana answered.
Claire smiled the stated.
“We need to go!”
Her will alone forced her
to her feet. It was a long painful journey back to the hotel, Claire
several times had to stop and rest and then force herself forward again!
Finally within the confines of the hotel suite she let go of her will and
crashed to the floor. Weakly Claire asked Ashana to bring her a large
towel and several bottles from the bathroom. Ashana spread the towel
beside the fallen spy and poured the liquids onto them as instructed, once finished
Claire rolled onto the towel and the process repeated itself with another
towel. This provided a small measure of relief, Claire asked for the
headset to the portable phone and a short time later food and various other
things arrived outside their door that Ashana retrieved for them. After
they had eaten, mostly Ashana ate, Claire instructed her on how to mix some of
the exotic herbs and lotions that had come with he food. Although her
skin burned like fire and her body ached beyond anything she ever experienced
Claire found Ashana wonderful and a true help, in fact if it wasn’t for the
ministrations of the little girl Claire’s recovery would have been much
longer. Several days later Claire was able to rise and walk her body
carefully bound in the special lotion soaked towels to speed recovery.
She went about sending and answering a flurry of -mails as well teaching and
playing computer games with her little charge who mastered every challenge
Claire could find for her.
Claire closed her laptop with a
smile and turned to Ashana.
“You know what we need to do,” she said.
“What,” came the excited
“We need to go shopping for you!”
They returned later with many bags filled to
capacity. Claire then set Ashana down on the edge of the bed and took her
small hands in hers.
“How would you like to go
to another part of the world and have a real mom and dad to love you and take
care of you?” Claire asked.
“Are you going to be my mom?” Ashana
hopefully asked.
“No, I move around too much and because of the
job I couldn’t always be there for you like these people can.”
Ashana wanted to know what Claire
did and why those people were trying to kill her, as best she could without
giving anything away Claire explained. After several minutes of child interrogation
Ashana thought she understood and became excited about her new life, only if
Claire promised to visit often, which she did.
That decided Claire made several
calls arranging things and gave Ashana a bath, competes with bubbles, did her
hair and put her in her new dress for her trip. Her bag packed they
caught a cab to the airport. Claire handed the flight attendant a picture
of Ashana’s new parents and gave her a few instructions before turning her full
focus to the child. A hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek and before she
knew what was happening Ashana had disappeared down the Jetway on route to her
new home. Claire smiled; she knew Grace and Peter would be thrilled. She
turned and walked towards another counter, duty called, Checking in her bags
and offering her ticket she left through the departure doors towards her
awaiting plane mercifully the walk way was covered from the sun by a canopy.
The crossbow fired and the arrow
imbedded itself securely into the wall of the building, picking up the free end
and attaching it to a hook in the wall the wire was pulled tight by means of a
ratchet mechanism. Taking the crossbow and fitting it into the wire by
means of a pulley at the tip of the bow, picking up a satchel and strapping it
on the figure slid silently across the buildings high above the street to the
awaiting rooftop. Leaving the crossbow the intruder moved towards
the door. Bypassing the security system proved an easy task. The
intruders wristwatch attached to the main poles of the security system by means
of two wires pulled from the interior of the watch, a quick turn of the dial
face started the micro processor within 30 seconds the system had been fooled
in to thinking it was on when in reality it was off, the microcomputer having
deceived it. Slipping into the shadows of the stairs the figure carefully
descended to the floor below alert for danger. Peering tentatively around
a corner to see if the way was clear the wraith darted amidst the dark and
light down the hallway to conceal detection. Pausing in front of a set of
double doors partly open the ghost opened an ear for sounds from within,
seconds later the way free a dark silhouette stepped inside and made their way
over to the end of the bed. Gently the satchel was deposited under the
bed skirt. Entering the hallway again the shadow came to the top of the
staircase to the main floor and listened to the conversation below.
“I told you we had nothing to
worry about Onan,” a woman’s voice said.
“She left Cairo with her tail
between her legs, I’m only sorry we didn’t have the chance to finish her.
Oh well, no matter, she knew she couldn’t succeed and ran away, just like the
scared little girl she is!”
“Do you think they’ll send another agent
Nashema?” Onan asked.
“He’ll send another agent its all part of the
master plan, either way we’ll come out on top, they don’t suspect
anything! It’s late I’m going up to bed, if you know what’s good for you,
you’ll be along soon!” Nashema said with more than a hint in her voice.
The intruder rapidly but
stealthily ascended the staircase and moved into the shadows to avoid detection
at the end of the hallway. Nashema glided up the stairs and into the
bedroom unaware of the uninvited guest starring at her more the darkness.
After 10 minutes the figure stepped from the cover of darkness and slowly
descended the stairs. A cautious look into the room revealed Onan his
back to the intruder, working at a computer. The shadow moved lithely
across the room undetected and placing a hand on the back of the chair spun it
around. A fist smashed into his mouth at precisely the same moment a
“You!” came out of Onan.
The blow sent him careening
out of the chair and onto the floor where several more heavy and deliberate
blows met him.
“My wife is in the house and you’re going to
disturb her!” he stammered.
“Don’t tell me she fights your
battles for you too?”
“I won’t give you the
“Then I’ll just have to take it! You and
your wife put me in a couple of close binds, so I think it’s only fair I return
the favour. Tell me how do you feel about Wasp’s, don’t answer, your
about to find out!” Claire said.
Hooking her right leg around the
back of his neck she locked it in place with a bend of her knee as her right
hand grabbed her foot to secure him. Her left hand crossed his legs at
the ankle as her left leg snaked across the back of his knees, bend and locking
them in place as her right hand secured her foot trapping him in THE WASP!
“Tell me how does the WASP
“I’ll never talk!” Onan answered.
“I don’t expect you to, I expect you to die, I
can find the scarab by myself I’m a big girl,” Claire answered smoothly.
The C.O.I.L. agent began to apply
pressure, the WASP was completely inescapable, and once in the hold it was only
a matter of minutes before the trapped prey succumbed. Onan was no
different, Claire constricted quickly an expertly. A lighting fast inward
pull of her legs snapped his neck; releasing her ensnared prey she got to her
feet and unzipped the front of her cat suit several inches. Reaching
inside she pulled out a thin metal disk about the size and thickness of a
“Now if I were a safe behind which painting
would I be hiding?” she said to herself
The large room was full of
paintings and sculptures, surveying them all Claire was drawn to one that
seemed to be slightly out of place with all the others.
“You’d think if you were going to have a
painting of an English monarch you could pick a better ruler than Richard,”
Claire said as she advanced on the painting and slowly pulled the corner out to
reveal the safe.
Removing the adhesive tape coverings on the
back of the disk she placed it on the safe near the dial. Pushing the
centre of the object activated a series of flashing green lights around the
entire edge of the device. As each flashing green light went solid
another part of the safes lock and any security system in was attached to would
be deactivated. When all the lights went solid the safes combination was
tumbled and the door would open for Claire, all she had to do was wait, perhaps
no more than 4 or 5 minutes. True to form after 4 and half minutes the
lights were solid and Claire opened the door. There was the scarab, she
removed the disk and placed it back inside her cat suit, the scarab she
deposited between her breasts as she slid the zipper on her suit back up and
left the room to go upstairs advancing carefully and cautiously. So far
the plan had gone as she’d hoped, pausing outside the bedroom door she listened
and what she heard brought a smile to her face.
“Mmm, Onan I knew you couldn’t
stay away for long! That feels wonderful, that’s not your usual
technique, who taught you to use your tongue like that. I can barely feel
you, come get closer to me, I want to feel you!”
“I don’t think he’ll have any trouble granting
your wish,” a voice said out of the darkness.
The light clicked on revealing
Nashema spread out on the bed under a silk sheet and Claire at the door.
Seeing the surprised look on Nashema’s face the spy answered it.
“You see I didn’t run away with my
tail between my legs!”
Casually Claire walked over to the
end of the bed, reaching down she quickly pulled away the sheet. Nashema
stared in horror.
“He didn’t seem to like me, perhaps he’ll like
you better, all I know is he’s still hungry!” Claire said smiling.
Nashema’s pet had his head between her legs as
6 of his 10 feet rested on the bed at her feet.
“I’d say you’re in a bit of a bind, or at
least you soon will be, one way or another. Any quick movements and your
lover will give you that embrace you so desired, or if you’re really careful
you can escape, but then you’ll have to deal with me and I assure you my
embrace is just as fatal. This scared little girl didn’t run away I only
made you think I did! It’s your move, I’m waiting.”
Nashema slowly and tentatively
tried to pull away. Her careful and deliberate moves didn’t fool her
lover, a small loop formed around her foot and serpentined up to her ankle
twisting tightly into place. Nashema tried to dislodge her ankle, she
gingerly drew up her legs to her waist and using her hands tried to free her
trapped ankle from its knot. Her concentration focused the python
expertly slipped another loop around her free ankle and slithered around her
knees locking them together in its coils. Slowly the rest of the
constrictor slide onto the bed and preceded to envelope its prey in a sea of
coils. The pet slid around her effortlessly in the same manner as silk
slips over a person’s body. Nashema twisted and writhed on her silk sheet
as her pet buried itself into her. Her body naked a scant few minutes ago
was rapidly disappearing under an encirclement of death. Nashema’s
struggles slowed as the last of the loops drew tight. Cemented in place
by the blanket of death she started to be slowly reduced.
“You choose the right way to die; I would have
been much slower and definitely more painful. To use your phrase I’ll
leave you to alone to get better acquainted!”
Claire departed the room, down the
hallway and to the roof. She left Nashema immobilized and encased in her
twisting mass of death. From the top of stairs to the roof she thought
she heard a muffled scream and faint sounds of cracking as she close the door
on her former adversary and prepared to leave Cairo.
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