Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Boundaries of Time Chapter 6

Chapter Six:

“What’s he after?”  Clark Eddings and Jonathan Gatehouse both found themselves saying together out load to Claire
 “Another time machine only much smaller, far more sophisticated and most importantly portable!  He needs it to get back to the moment in time he left and from there?  Oh my God!” Claire said in sheer terror so much so that it sent chills down the backs of both men.
 “What Claire?” Clark asked.
 “He’ll be able to travel to any point, past or future, manipulate whatever events and whomever he wants for his own perverse ends.  And judging by the company he keeps I think we can all guess what type of world he wants to create.  Think that reality all over again only multiply it worldwide and forever!”
 They all remained silent for a long period of time pondering all the truly hellish thoughts that this invoked until Jonathan Gatehouse broke the stillness.  “I’m not used to asking for help making a decision but anybody please speak up.”
 “How much pull do you have with the Air Force on any number of levels?” Claire asked.
 “Without involving other people enough, but I think we need all the pull, as you say, we can get.  I think I can manage to get all the access, whatever that will be, that you will need without divulging too much if anything of either you or Dr. Black’s intentions whatever they are?”  Jonathan clearly indicating he need for information from Claire who took the clue walked over turned on his console radio and motioned for the three to bring their chairs and gather into a close circle.
            “What I have to say now goes no farther than this room and you take it to your graves!” she said as she bent forward and began.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
 “I’ve never even heard of this place?” Clark screamed above roar of the engine and banging of the car as it pothole after pothole.  “And one more thing, please slow down!”
 Believe me after the next day or so you’re going to wish you never heard of it in the first place and no I can’t slow down!  Sorry it’s genetic, I always drive fast!” she said glancing a sideways smile.  “Too bad this car tops out at only eighty kind of takes the thrill out of it, I mean going so slow!”
 Clark didn’t answer that he just mirrored back the same smart-ass smile he saw and hoped the ride would end soon.  His wishes were fulfilled after another 20 minutes of being tossed about when Claire slowed for the fast approaching town just barely making the speed limit.
 “Welcome to Roswell,” she said.  “Another 10 minutes and we’ll be at the gates to the base. From there it’s about another half hour or so to the main airfield and the base proper.”
 “How do you know so much about a secret.. check that I keep forgetting about you and the future and your job.  Never mind me I’ll go back to playing the strong silent type during this adventure,” Clark smiled again.
Their cover and all the necessary documentation was in place.  Jonathan Gatehouse had taken care of all that even to the point of telling the President.  “He did want him to know anything about this as the effects of such an operation, should it prove a failure would erode confidence in and seriously damage his presidency and the security of the nation and its inhabitants.”   The President as Jonathan later reiterated to Clark and Claire. “Ever the politician and coming up for a run at a second term had only been two happy to agree with his long time trusted friend and advisor giving him carte blanche on the entire matter.”
Claire smiled at the line still.  “They have no idea what their in for and what damage I can do with carte blanche!” she thought again as she slowed the again for the fast approaching guarded gate of the base.
“This is a restricted area and you are trespassing turn the car around know and left or face immediate arrest!” the guard said his revolver drawn for added effect.
“Here are our papers and full clearance documentation private,” Claire said calmly ignoring the gun as she passed the papers out the open car window.
He looked at them nervously, quickly glancing up and down from the papers to the two occupants in the car until finally deciding he was out of his league.  “Turn the car off, hand me the keys and step out of it while I’ll call the base!” he said with a motion of the gun.
Both Clark and Claire did as they were told, slowly so as to not make him even more nervous than he, a boy of maybe nineteen or so, already was.   He stumbled backward to the guardhouse, a building not much bigger than an outhouse picked up the phone cranking the handle to power up the generator in it and picked up the receiver still not letting them out of his sight.
“He’s a good soldier!” Clark said to Claire trying not to move his lips too much.
  “And right about now I’d say he’s getting the chewing out of a lifetime by some second rate lieutenant who knows we’re VIP’s but forgot to put it one the duty roster for this kid!  Look at his posture, he’s practically at attention!  Hope the chewing out ends soon or he’ll be 4F because he’ll be deaf in that ear!” she said back.
The young soldier dropped the phone back into the box like it was a hot potato and almost ran back to them.  “Sorry for the delay Sir/Ma’am your free to proceed General Ainsworth is expecting you, sorry again!” he added as he made for the gate in a less than clam manner, unlocked it and opened the chain link fence.
He passed their papers back to them and soon they were nothing more than a rapidly disappearing dust cloud much to his and their relief.  At this point on any mission with a partner Claire usually went over the strategy and tactics once more but she and Clark had been all over it so many times it was getting as stale as the inside of her mouth from all the dust she was inhaling so they drove on in silence.
“How much farther?” Clark asked trying his best not to sound like a whinny child.
Claire guided the car around a slight bend in the loose gravel road and into a slight incline.  “We’re here!” she announced.
All Clark could see was miles and miles of the same sagebrush and tumbleweed and alkaloid scared landscape he’d seen for the last 200 miles.  “Don’t play games Claire, its too hot and I’m too tired to appreciate..” he stopped in mid sentence as the horizon fell away and the car began its descent into a valley wide and very deep valley at the bottom of which sat a cluster of buildings grouped around the longest airstrip he’d ever seen!
“Bet I can make it down to the base in under 2 minutes!” she said with a wry smile.
“Why don’t you just steer straight down and we can make it in under one!” he countered with a wry smile of his own.
Both understood they were releasing tension and nervousness and each was grateful the other used humour to do it, things would get serious soon enough they had both crossed the point of no return although each for vastly different reasons and motives.  Claire took the switchback descent more slowly than she had to as she gathered her thoughts and ran options through her mind one final time, she’d just concluded her scenario as the car came to stop outside General Ainsworth’s Headquarters.  The two dusty weary travellers stepped out into the full bore of the hot relentless mid afternoon sun.  White blasted everything in site included much to Claire’s dismay the corrugated tin Quonset huts that made up all the buildings she could she including the Generals.  A soldier snapped to attention and opened the door for them as they entered General Ainsworth outer office the clang of keys from the clerk’s typewriter and the smell of stale dry air greeting them.  Clark took the lead, as the two had agreed upon and approached the clerk with Claire in tow a step or two back.  Clark pulled out his identification from his wallet as Claire did from her purse and dropped them on the clerk’s desk for him to see.
“Yyes Sir/Ma’am the generals expecting you!” the clerk, a PFC named Swanson jumped to his feet, turned and knocked quickly and nervously on General Ainsworth’s door before entering and motioning them through the door.
“That will be Swanson close the door tight on your way out!” the general barked. The private came to attention snapped his heels together saluted and left.  Claire watched him go with fascinated amusement on her face.
Two pathetic little fans pushed stale cigar fumed air about the smaller than expected office of General Ainsworth as he sat behind his desk in a definitely less than welcoming arms crossed posture that he unfolded to indicate to his guests that they could sit in the two chairs opposite his desk if they wished.  Clark took the offer and seated himself, Claire instead made for a leather sofa to the left of the generals desk and up against one wall putting her parallel to Clark, but still about 4 feet from him and several more than that to the general.
The room was Spartan, even from a military point of view.  A few pictures of the general taken during the war and several more of what appeared to be his family.  Those along with a small display case containing model aeroplanes, again from the war, were the only personal effects.  The rest of the room was occupied by several filing cabinets, the general’s desk, complete with the essential in/out basket and several phones.  Clipboards with duty rosters and other mundane military day to day tasks hung from nails that had been driven into the steel sided hut at seemingly random places.
“Glad you could accommodate us on such short notice General.  Agent Yates and I certainly appreciate it!” Clark opened.
“Didn’t see as I had a great deal of say in the matter son!” Ainsworth pounded back.
“Oh great!” Claire thought.  “It’s going to be like this!” but kept her face neutral and noticed that Clark did the same.
“No, no you didn’t General and for that the Government of the United States thanks you,” Clark offered earnestly.   “But, be that as it may we are here and we expect nothing but the Air Forces complete co-operation on this matter!” Clark said driving home the point much to the general’s consternation.
“Look sonny boy!  That tone may play back in Washington where people are actually scared of you, but out here I don’t scare so easy and in truth I don’t answer to you!” Ainsworth said leaning forward in his chair to emphasise the point.
“Time to find a new tactic,” Claire thought as she got up from the couch and walked over to the small display case containing the model aircraft all the while listening to the two men verbally compare the size of their respective dicks as they jockeyed for the high ground.
“You General Ainsworth that’s true, you don’t answer to Mr. Eddings or his department,” Claire interrupting the melee between the two males as she peered into the case.  “You answer to General Whitmore don’t you?” she asked and then continued with waiting for an answer.  “I think the best plan of action if you’re still uncertain would be a call to him?” she posed.
General Ainsworth smiled in triumph at Clark Eddings as he reached for the phone.
“Of course it may take some time to locate him,” Claire said still looking at the planes her back turned to the two of them.  “I understand the connection to the base in Greenland takes a while!” she said with a smile as the general put down the phone.  I take it these are exact replicas of the aircraft you flew in the war General Ainsworth?” Claire said switching the conversation and tactic once again.
“What? Oh yes, exact replica’s,” he answered recovering his composure from temporarily being outflanked.  “I carved them to pass the time after I was shot down in 44” he answered proudly as he left his desk and came over to the case beside her.
“They really are excellent!” Claire said demurely.  “This one is a Spitfire Mark III is it not?  Which must mean you flew with the RAF Eagle Squadron during the Battle of Britain.  And is this one a Mark IV or V P-51 Mustang?”
“I can see you know your aircraft Miss Yates and it’s a Mark V you can tell by the slightly enlarged bubble canopy.  Maybe I should have made that bigger?” he answered and then questioned himself his tone softening noticeably.  “I can also tell you’ve read my service record.”
“That’s true general but I still know my aircraft and I know you were a highly skilled pilot who understood tactics and the strategy of how to attack.  It’s what got you promoted up from Captain to General by the end of the war!  Peace time however is a different matter altogether though isn’t it?” Claire said as she turned and looked him straight in the eye.
“How so?” he said levelling his gaze to hers.
“The bandits aren’t so thick in the sights and neither are the promotions unless the pilot picks his targets with great care and has a wingman to cover his tail!” she said the implication as clear as the desert sky.
General Ainsworth narrowed his eyes for a few seconds studying carefully this woman in his metaphorical gun sites before turned around and marched back to his desk, picked up the phone and barked for PFC Swanson who was almost certainly in the room before he hung up the phone!
“Show Eddings and Miss Yates here to the officers quarters and give them full access to the base is that clear!” the shortening of his name not lost on Clark nor Claire but fortunately he ignored it which Claire admired him for.  He saw the bigger victory she had won for them and put his hurt pride in the backseat.
“Yes sir!  This was please Sir/Ma’am,” Swanson said as he turned sharply on his heels and marched out of the room with the two following.
“One spring cot replaces another,” Claire said as she smacked the bed so reminiscent of her stay at the Salvation Army Centre.  “All armies must by their beds from the same supplier?” she added to herself with a small laugh that was interrupted by a knock on her door.  She opened it knowing it would be Clark.
“Somehow khaki isn’t your colour!” he said by way of introduction as he entered her room.
“Actually I don’t think I look to bad in it!  At least it allows more freedom of movement than those straightjacket dresses I’ve had to endure and I fit in better around here.  With the cap on you might not even know I was a woman?”
“I’ll give you the freedom of movement but this is science fiction enough without you thinking you can hide the fact you’re a woman.  Even that’s too far out there for me!” Clark said the compliment not lost on the spy.  “Our you ready to go our ‘official’ escort one Corporeal Green is waiting outside in the jeep aka General Ainsworth’s eyes and ears!”  Claire donned her cap and the two made their way to the waiting jeep.
“Good afternoon Sir/Ma’am.  Where can I take you to?” the very young soldier asked eagerly.
“See I told you the cap wouldn’t make a difference!” Clark gibed before Claire could give her answer.
“Take us to where you have the occupants of Hanger Three located,” Claire said as she watched the corporal’s eyes dilate.  “You do understand we have complete clearance from General Ainsworth and the government don’t you Corporal Green?” Claire stated her voice clearly not to be challenged.
“Yes Ma’am its just that’s it’s a restricted area to all personal and..”
“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear Corporal.  Mr. Eddings and I have complete access and as long as you’re with us so do you!  Now if you can’t or won’t drive we can change seats.”
“Understood Ma’am,” he said as the jeep started forward.  “It may take me a little time to find it, this base is so big and I’ve just transferred in only a week ago.”
“Understood Corporal Green just do your best,” Claire said in a reassuring tone.
“I was lucky to get in here at all,” the soldier said as he drove after a while.
“Come again,” Clark asked from the backseat.
“This place suddenly got very popular about six months ago.  Before that you had to force guys here a bayonet point!  I guess it had a lot to do with General Ainsworth.  You know him being a big time pilot in the war.  I guess everybody figured they could attach themselves to his brass and go along for the ride.  Great ride I suppose if you like the taste of sand in your mouth!”
“You must you’re here too?” Clark countered.
“No sand in radar tracking Sir.  That’s why I’m here!” Green said as he turned a corner and applied the brakes hard narrowly avoiding a collision with a barricade and the MP beside it!
Claire and Clark climbed out of the jeep and flashed their passes to the Sargent who examined them carefully before waving them through, but not Corporal Green who was forced to remain with the jeep the look on his face clearly indicating he was both anxious and curious to see what was inside!
Two other sentries, each carrying automatic weapon’s guarded a door that the duo made for.  They stepped aside and let them pass.  Clark closed the door behind them as he and Claire started down a long concrete corridor lit only by the dimmest of bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling along the way.  They felt along the wall as they walked until reaching the end and yet another door.  Clark spun the wheel that acted as the handle; much like sailors did to bulk head doors to open them on ships.  He stepped thought and then reached back his hand a guided Clare over the lip of the door and into darkness.
“Close the door Mr. Eddings!” came the command of a familiar voice.
“General Ainsworth, why am I not surprised,” he said in exasperation.
“You seriously didn’t think I was going to Washington wander around my base gathering intelligence on one of the greatest events in the history of man without my being there!  Who knows what you two are really up to so to paraphrase Miss Yates I’m going to keep you two in my crosshairs!” Ainsworth said in a tone just under a threat.  He flicked on the lights to reveal a room about eight by eight feet with a curtain drawn across the length of one side the general was standing in front of.
General Ainsworth smiled not a happy warm smile, but something more shocking and sinister as he reached behind him and pulled the curtain drawstring!  The drapes rushed apart in a flash revealing the cell they had been masking and its two inhabitants.  Clark fell back and had to brace himself against the wall to keep from falling providing the General with an inward satisfaction at bettering a man he clearly didn’t like!
“Bit much for you Eddings?” he mocked with a derisive laugh before focusing on Claire from whom, she being the weaker sex, he expected and even larger reaction.  This time it was the general who was surprised!
Claire’s face was wonder, question and confirmation all at the same time.  She stepped slowly but purposefully to the cell bars and knelt down and smiled in triumph.  “This is a first even for me!” she thought as she looked wondrously at the two small creatures huddled together in one corner of the cell.
“Now you’ve seen and know, the both of you so the shows over and you can make your report to Washington!” the general said.
“The shows just beginning general!” Claire corrected him.  “I want to see the ship you have concealed in Hanger Three and I want this door opened right now!” Claire said her voice coming up at the end and stern.
“For what purpose, these things can’t talk!  We’ve already tried every form of communication possible!  If you think I’m going to let you go in their Miss Yates, you’re crazy!  I won’t be held responsible for what could happen to you!”
“That’s fine with me General Ainsworth!  I won’t hold you responsible for what happens inside that cell but I will hold you responsible for what happens if you don’t let me inside that cell.  Do I make myself clear!  Now do me the favour and open the fucking door before I force you to!”  Claire demanded.
“Fine you’ll have the same result we got, nothing!” he said as he produced the key and opened the door.
Claire stepped inside closed the door turned to face the two men before sinking to the floor and curling herself into the lotus position with her hands held out at her sides like she was in prayer.  “Did it ever occur to you or any of you’re experts General Ainsworth that maybe these beings don’t communicate by voice because they haven’t any vocal chords and the mouth is an evolutionary remnant for them just like our tailbone is to us.  They communicate by telepathy with each other; it’s faster, more accurate and can convey infinitely more complicated information.
“Then why can’t they do it with us?” the general asked smartly.
“Because our brains aren’t advanced enough.  To them general we’re like monkeys.  We’re tens of millions of years behind them on the evolutionary ladder.  You never tried touch did you?” Claire said knowing they hadn’t.  “Great welcome you gave them, throw them in a dark cell, maybe try and figure out what they need as a food source and who knows what else you did to them?”
“Maybe there here to feed on us or their part of some alien invasion scout group?  If that’s so we need to find out all we can so we can prepare for battle when their main force shows up!  Did you ever think of that Miss Yates!  That’s why we keep them in here!” the general barked back at this rather forceful woman.
“General Ainsworth, these beings can travel across interstellar space, the human race has only been able to fly within the past 45 years.  I think their technology and weapons would be slightly ahead of ours,” Claire said sarcastically.  “If they wanted us dead, I think that would have already happened!  Most likely there here because they’re curious, just as we are about new species.  They may be social anthropologists, historians, botanists our you may be right they are soldiers sent here to blast us all with their death rays,” Claire said with a dismissive laugh as she closed her eyes indicating the conversation had come to an end.
Claire held out her hands and waited, so had no idea if this would work, but she was betting on the alien’s intelligence to overcome their fear and make contact especially since she had shown the first move and positioned herself at their level.
The two aliens were maybe three and a half feet high, completely hairless, with white-grey skin tone.  Large heads with very large oval eyes, a small inset nose, perhaps half that of a humans.  Their ears were merely indentations in the side of their heads with a flap of skin covering it that they could open and close similar to how a dolphin’s air hole worked.  A slightly smaller neck filled out into a cigar shaped torso and down to two normal sized legs for the creature’s height.  Their feet had only three small toes protruding from them and were wider and flatter then human feet.  The alien’s arms showed no delineation from the join at the shoulder to the wrist, they were uniform in there almost starvation like thinness.  Their hands had no baby finger, a discarded appendage from evolution, instead they had compensated by developing longer fingers than humans, almost twice as long except for the thumb which was only half as long giving the hand a proportion much like a humans.
Claire noticed that they looked like a cross between the alien rendering in the book Communion and the Spielberg aliens in Close Encounters right down to the same innocent childlike faces.  Despite her outward bravado to the general she had no idea if this would work and what the consequences might be, but she wanted, had to, try!
Claire didn’t move and was patient waiting for them to come to her.  Clark came forward slowly standing unawares next to the general just as the creatures started to carefully come to Claire!  The general slipped his hand around to his sidearm and started to pull upward until Clark pushed it cautiously back into its resting-place!
“Are you mad!” Clark whispered.  “This is your chance to find out all you want to know and to get yourself promoted!  Agent Yates knows the risks, as do I!  So general, let your wingman do her job!” Clark said leaving no doubt as to who was really in command at the moment.
The two aliens shuffled out of the corner slowly came nearer the woman until they separated from each other as one circled around her back to her left side, the other on her right.  Their arms reached out for her hands; the alien’s fingers dancing up and down until them made tentative contact!
Claire felt their light airy touch as they explored her hands and fingers with theirs, pausing at her baby finger and her nails, as they had neither and this naturally invoked their curiosity.  Finally satisfied they moved on sliding their palms in hers and bending their fingers around her hand as Claire did the same each feeling the others warmth.
Then Claire felt something else!

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