Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Boundaries of Time Chapter 1

 Chapter One:

“This is not going according to plan!  And by that I mean Plan’s A through D!” Claire screamed above the droning on/off buzzer that blasted above the whistling and tearing bullets that filled the air like so many mosquitoes on a hot summer’s day!
“Then that would lead us to Plan E if I’m any judge of the alphabet,” yelled back Major Sheridan as he returned fire from behind what was left of an overturned golf cart that had once been used to navigate through the large underground complex.
Claire smiled at that remark in spite of herself.  “I need, have to get inside that chamber before the door closes or well, lets put it this way, we’ll be out of time!” she said, the urgency stated flatly in her voice.
“Martinez, Washington, Alvarez and Slack to my position now, bring two MGL’s and CG ammo!” he barked into his microphone.  “What’s in there that’s so important?  I know it’s classified!” he said before she could say it for him.  A volley of roving gunfire heralded the arrival of the four requested soldiers.  “Martinez and Slack concentrate suppression fire along with me on the two sides of the door.  Washington, Alvarez you fire the Mobile Grenade Launcher’s with the Concussion Grenades to hit about 2 feet above our eye level fire, clear?” he shouted.
The four answered as one in the affirmative before Major Sheridan turned back to Claire.  “After the explosion it’s all yours!  Fresh clips everyone!  On my count of three, ready!”
 Shell casings pinged off the floor as the three opened up fire spewing from the barrels!  Then the room reverberated with wall of sound as the grenades exploded in a cacophony of ear splitting sound!  Claire rushed from behind the cart weaving and darting, spaying death as she went, her gun mixing with her comrades to perform a symphony of destruction on anything and anyone who dared to listen to closely!  The large steel covered, concrete filled doors as wide as a two lane road and about 15 feet high was nearly closed when she accelerated, drove and slid on her butt the smooth floor carrying her along as she sprayed her weapon from side to side clearing the path before her!  She turned sideways stretched out at the last second and flew safely through coming to a stop just as the steel goliath slammed shut!
 “Rickey Henderson eat your heart out!” she said with a nervous laugh knowing she’d just left all her support on the outside and was not safe at home yet!
 The spy popped to her feet and slowly turned in place surveying the situation with more fear than she could ever remember having on any mission.  The natural cave was enormous; she guessed roughly the size of a baseball diamond.  However all the equipment and machinery was placed around the infield thus creating a spheroid around her and within the centre of the spheroid, one imbedded in the cave floor and one suspended some 10 feet above were two solid metal rings each with five teeth cut in them.  Such was the effect that if the two rings were to be able to be pressed together the teeth would exactly meet and mesh together forming one unified circle.
 Claire scanned the array of computer equipment, MUX’s, Interlink Transfer Hubs, Data Link Spectrum Terminals until she found the prize hidden amongst them, the access terminal to the main computer!  She moved quickly to it, placed her gun across the table and tapped the return key several times and brought the screen to life.
 “Now if I were a twisted psychotic, hell bent on controlling the planet mad scientist what would I choose as a password?” she said in a sarcastic tone.
“How about Domination!” answered the voice behind her as the barrel of a gun indented into the skin of her neck and her weapon was knock off the table and out of reach!
“For the world or for me?” she answered back in a smart-ass tone.
“Once I have one the other will be easy and probably not as enjoyable!” he answered back his voice growing dark as his mood as he slammed the spy’s head down hard across the keyboard and held it there with extreme pressure!
“Spoken like a man whose never been, well you know?” she quipped knowing it would cost her grief, but still unable to resist saying it.
He pushed down harder and dragged her cheek across the keyboard bringing it to rest on the edge of the desk.  Several keystrokes later and the screen came to life.  Rapid entry commands brought the entire room to life.  A strange low guttural humming filled the cave resonating back upon itself as it hit the walls until he cave began to shake and rumble just a little.
“Lucky me Miss Baxter I get to make history twice today!  Once by putting a bullet in her head!”
“You mean pretty head, don’t you?” she interrupted stalling for time.
“You do like pain, don’t you!” he yelled about the now growing din as he slammed her head up and the down into the table.  “And two, by creating history itself, in exactly 30 seconds!” he stated self-satisfied as he cocked the hammer and closed his finger tight on the trigger and squeezed!
Claire slipped the knife from boot and jammed it into his calf adding a twist to it with her wrist!  The gun fell from his hand to the floor just as she implanted her elbow into his stomach then swung it up with the force of a jackhammer to connect under his chin!  He recovered quickly, a right cross catching her square, spinning her around to a waiting punch to the stomach that doubled her over.  He smashed his forearm into her exposed back just a she kicked the hilt of the knife deeper into his legs, his black pants already crimson from the initial thrust.  Both fell over in pain as the computer generated voice calmly stated.
  “Ten seconds to interphase junction.”
Despite the pain and blood loss he hobbled to one leg and stumbled forward towards the centre of the two metal rings that had begun to turn in opposite directions to another.  Claire got to her feet, a little dazed as she lurched forward after him.  The rings began to spin faster with each second that ticked by on the computer countdown until tiny shards of multihued light sparked out of them.
            “Three, two, one” the computer voiced.
Claire launched herself through the air and into the centre just as the count got to one tackling her quarry as the blaze of lights from the rings met and joined, fusing together like luminescent stalactites and stalagmites all around them!  The spy wrestled with her adversary as the light show grew around them, to Claire it seemed like she was trapped inside a child’s turning kaleidoscope!  The brilliance and balance of the patterns always changing, never repeating as they played out before her.  Faster and faster the patterns changed until it was impossible to keep up as the diversified array began to overwhelm her ability to focus!
The COIL agent tried finding a fixed point to focus one but everything was in constant motion, no such point existed for her to reference.  Then as fast as it had started the stopped, literally!  The colours of the kaleidoscope stood still, or was it her standing still, or both, she couldn’t tell anymore?  Was she a point in time or just a meaningless moment of nothingness in a void that had no time?  Claire let go of her opponent and stood up took a few steps and looked back to watch herself let go of her opponent stand up and take a few steps, then she watched all over again!  She tried to speak but words were useless and failed to form!  She moved with grace and speed and clumsiness and sloth all in the same step.  The spy moved toward the edge and the lights, frozen and bent in place, seemingly unmoving before her eyes.  The colours were still there, just a vibrant but strangely different in that the wave spectrum of the light had been broken down into the individual particles that make up a light wave, something only a particle accelerator can produce!  Claire reached out her hand and pushed it into the stream, the light bent away from her as she pushed on it and came toward her as she pulled back.
“This is impossible, nothing can produce this physical reaction!” she told herself.  “How long have I been here, what is time, what has meaning in this place of light and dark and what am I?  Am a conscious of light or darkness or both or nothing.  Have I form or not? Am I alive? What is alive? What is? What was? What? What? What?  Stop it! Stop it!  I can’t comprehend it all! Stop it!” she screamed inside her head as her brain fired off question after question like so many exploding firecrackers on a string!   She fell to her knees over and over again her multiple bodies rejoining each other in exponential numbers!
She opened her eyes to the lights moving again in their familiar fractured pattern.  She got to her feet for the briefest of seconds before being bowled over by her recovered opponent!
“It’s time for you and I to part company forever Miss Baxter!” he yelled before dragging her to her feet and throwing her toward the edge of the circle and out! 
 Claire spun round on her heels just in time to see him pass by her like a train moving away from the platform!  The spy watched the lights slowly fade away to a pinprick until she was in darkness, a complete void, like nothing she’d ever experienced before.  To Claire it felt like only she occupied this space, nothing else, just her and then she lost even that as the blackness became internal to her mind and she ceased to be separate from the void and became part of it!
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Where’d she come from?”
“I swear she wasn’t there a second ago?”
“Someone should help her up, don’t you think?”
The questions swirled around Claire from above, male and female voices asking then same questions, just in different tones.
“This isn’t getting her to her feet!  Here Miss let me help you up, but before I do can you move your feet and legs for me?”
“What’s that for?” asked a woman.
“Just seeing if she has a spinal injury or not.  I used to be a medic in the war and you don’t want to move a person if they can’t feel or move their legs, it just compounds the injury,” said the man.  “There you see she can move her legs no serious back injury, its safe to help her up.”
Claire groggily felt a pair of male hands gently take her by the shoulders and push her to a sitting position and hold her there.  Her eyes opened slowly to a bright sun in a clear blue sky and a tunnel of people peering down at her with various faces of concern, relief and curiosity pasted on them.
“She may be hurt.  Perhaps we should get an ambulance?” a woman in the group asked.
            “What’s your name Miss?”
“Claire Baxter.”
“What city are you in?”
“I don’t know,” she answered truthfully unsure as to how this would determine any injury she may have sustained.
“What year is this?”
“2003,” she answered before pushing to her feet in defiance.  She rubbed her eyes briefly and refocused
“What year is this?” she asked the man who had helped her.
“1947,” of course he answered flatly.
Claire looked around; all the men wore hats, as did the woman.  The cars were all wide white walled and ranged from the late 20’s to the 40’s if she guessed correctly.  Neon signs blinked on and off above and inside stores up and down the street to attract customers. She watched the traffic signal change as the stop arm lowered and the go arm rose at the corner.
“Oh shit!” was all she could muster to the shocked crowd assembled around her, the use of profanity enough to drive off most of them, especially the ladies before she could ask another question of them.
“What city is this?” she asked the man who had been a medic during the war and clearly had heard worse.
“Los Angeles,” he answered calmly trying to keep her calm but clearly seeing he was failing miserably at it.
“Are you alright Miss Baxter?  Do you need to see a doctor?” he asked.  “And finally where did you get those clothes?”
“Oh these, from New York, latest fashion trend back east, a friend sent them to me,” she answered with the best lie she could come up with at present.  And no I don’t need a doctor, thanks, I’m fine.  I think I just need to sit down for a while and be quite,” she answered hoping her voice didn’t sound too panicked or breathy as her heart was racing madly.
He looked at her quizzically before deciding to give in to her request.  There’s a park about 3 blocks from here I can drop you there it’s on my way,” he offered.
Claire took the offer and starred out the car window for several minutes until her pulled to the curb and she jumped out, said goodbye and disappeared into the park thankful to finally be alone.  She retreated rapidly into the heart of the park, off the path and into the woods before plunking herself down under a large oak tree.
“Okay, get a grip! Don’t panic, think it through!  Think what through asshole, its 19 fucking 47 what the hell just happened.  I’ll tell you what just happened Claire!  You’re in 19 fucking 47 that's what just happened!  Okay, so its 1947, now what?  I’ve got to eat, I’ve got to have clothes, I’ve got to have a place to live and I’ve got to have money to get the aforementioned and I’ve got to find out what happened to me time travelling buddy and for that I’ll need help, high level help!”
Claire thought about that for a second and then laughed.  “Hello, State Department, sorry to bother you but I’ve a time travelling spy looking for a mad scientist whose bent on taking over the world and may be hiding in this time period plotting some kind of nefarious scheme toward those ends, can you help me?  Well after I told them that at least I’d have a bed, clothes and food and of course no sharp objects!”
“This is madness you don’t even know if he’s alive.  Your first Claire, you’re the priority once you’re taken care of then we’ll worry about the other.  Ok, you’ve already listed your liabilities now what are your assets and more importantly how can we out them to use against the liabilities?”  Claire said to herself as she forced her mind to concentrate on a problem she could handle and not worry about the larger problem she couldn’t do anything about right now.
“Your biggest advantage is you know the time line.  You know all the major events, important dates, people and such that are going to happen over the next 56 years.  This gives you one hell of an advantage over all the other people on this planet!  Second, your well educated so finding a job for the rest of your life shouldn’t be too hard, just set your sites on nothing above secretary and you’ll do fine!” she said sarcastically.  “Third, you’ve got this face and this body.”
Claire pondered the three points turning them over and over in her already over stimulated mind, reforming them into some kind of sequence that would make sense and of use.  Each equation always led to the same answer. 
“Alright if it has to be that way then so be it!  My face and my body will earn me my keep for the interim.”
She got to her feet, took a very deep breath and moved forward rejoining the park path and gathering stares from curious passers-by because of her clothes.  She had to admit the all black army special ops suit didn’t quite blend in; she quickened her pace in response until up ahead she spotted the lexicon she needed.  Claire flipped the pages quickly until she found the entry she needed, memorised the address, dropped the book and headed toward the park exit and the street.
The looks followed her even more as she walked quickly, very quickly and most unladylike she noticed from her observances of the woman around her, no pants, only dresses or skirts and heels made for slow and uncomfortable going on their part.  The spy walked past things she’d only seen in pictures, drug stores with a lunch counter and soda fountain, across the street a gas station with four attendants servicing one car!  One on gas, one on window cleaning, one for an oil check and one for air to the tires!
“If only they all knew what was coming,” she thought to herself as she glanced at the gas station employees.  “First they take away the free maps, then three of you get let go, they never ask to check your oil and then the oil companies convince us that pumping your own gas is fun, but strangely the price doesn’t fall even though we do all the work!”  She laughed at the absurdity of it all knowing she’d been part of the joke.
Delicious smells wafted out of restaurants, steaks and chops and BBQ joints assaulted her pallet as did the fruit stands she past displaying fresh produce from all over the state.  Her mouth began to water and her stomach reminded her it was getting impatience to be fed.  Claire walked quickly along the sidewalk, she could easily have flicked a hand out and snagged a piece of fruit without arousing anyone and to her surprise she found her hand doing just that until she mentality smacked it back in place much to her stomach’s dismay.
“Damm Puritanical streak!” she muttered under her breath as marched on her pace even more determined than ever.
Up ahead a man gave her a double take backward glance; the second at least accompanied by an embarrassed smile before her tossed his newspaper into the trashcan at the corner and turned down the block.  Claire slowed her pace and waited before lifting the paper out of its temporary home and under her arm her rapid pace resumed.  Night was rapidly approaching as the shadows and the cool air lengthened their hold on the city.  Claire gave her shoulders a quick shake forcing the chill from them as she walked on into the night, the streets becoming deserted and more than a little run down as she advanced.
A left down two blocks then a right and she was there, the crowd was back thick on the streets that were littered with cigarette butts, the smell of urine and sex permeated the air mixing thickly with the scent of stale beer that flowed from the seedy bars and clubs along the street.
She found the address she wanted stopped turned to face a large man guarding the door and smiled at him.  “I hope you’re not closed for the night?” she asked.
“Miss we never close.  Go right on in.”

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