Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Boundaries of Time Chapter 5

Chapter Five:

Claire walked through the rotunda of the building glancing quickly at the building directory to find the floor she wanted without drawing attention to herself. 

“This is where being a spy really comes in handy,” she told herself.  “The blend in factor.”  She and a small group worked their way in an orderly fashion on to the elevator.  A tall handsome young man excused himself to her and reached around to hit the button for number 4, the same floor Claire wanted. 

“Let’s see where he leads me to,” she mused as the car began to rise.
            Four people got out on 4, two went left and two right, Claire and the man went right, she following at a respectable distance behind before pretending to enter the woman’s washroom.  She watched his journey in the mirror of her compact until he unlocked the door right at the end of the long hallway.  Claire smiled, she chosen well.  She checked her face in the mirror, replaced the compact in her purse and proceeded down the hallway drawing closer to the office door of The Director of Internal Security, Clark Eddings.
She knew they’d be along for two reasons, one the early hour of the day and two that he had unlocked the door.  If his Administrative Assistant.  “Check that Claire!” she thought.  “They’re still called secretaries and paid like slaves!  If his secretary was in the door would have been unlocked already.”
This time there was no hesitation on her part; she turned the doorknob and walked into the outer office waiting area.  It was like stepping into a time capsule, the secretary’s desk complete with a side typing table on which sat a monster size Smith-Corona typewriter occupied the exact centre of the room.  On either side of the waiting area, each complete with waiting benches were the doors to Clark Eddings office on the left he being the Deputy Director and that of his boss, Jonathan Gatehouse, the Director on the right.   Along the back wall were rows of wooden filing cabinets all locked with enormous sized padlocks?  All the furniture was solid wood, a kind of knockoff Mission and Arts and Crafts combination that you still saw being sold in used furniture places even in 2003.  Claire turned left, placed her hand on the door turned and confidently entered.
“Ah, I was hoping I’d see you again!” Clark said looking up from the pile of papers spread out before him.  “You must be new here I haven’t seen you before?”
Claire took this as a good opening sign and decided to play along, for a while anyway.  “Why were you hoping?” she questioned in a combination coy and confident tone as she moved to the chair on the opposite side of the desk and sat down.
Clark smiled at her, not a lecherous smile but one of happy resignation.  He was no card player; he preferred to be straightforward in his dealings.  Bluffing and posturing weren’t in his lexicon.  “Perhaps I deal with facts too much and that’s why I’m this way?” he once told himself, but it had served him well so he kept at it.  “Except of course with women.  Very few of them liked the straight forward, they liked the roundabout, it all ended up in the same place, but it was the getting there that was the major difference.  They enjoyed the game more than he did and that’s why you’re still single!” he constantly reminded himself.  This woman appeared to be a game player as well, and yet there seemed to be a sense of urgency in her that made game playing, at least at this point in time, for her anyway, frivolous.
Claire had him pegged from the start as a logical fact driven non-game player, but with a passionate heart buried under it all unable to escape because of the position he held.  Claire starred at him just for a second as he’d stood up when she took her seat.  Clark was thirty or thirty-one, trim, fit and as she’d noticed before handsome.  Thick neatly combed black hair, large questioning brown eyes, a perfect Roman nose, a beautifully sculpted jaw, very kissable lips and no wedding ring were just a few of the things her training took in.  She also noticed his height, which she guessed at about 6’2” and his diploma hanging on the wall behind his desk, Lehigh University Class of 1937 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Science.  Claire smiled back and waited for his response to her question while she pondered her next move.
“Because I didn’t want to go looking all over the building to find you!” he answered.
“Find me why?” she asked in a started tone.
“You’re not going to make this easy for me are you Miss?
“Yates, Helen Yates,” Claire answered.  “And no I’m not, but I suspect you’re motives in looking for me are not the same as mine are in searching you out,” she added not wanting to lead the man astray and disappoint him.
“Oh,” he said trying to hide his disappointment as best he could.  “Then what can I help you with?” he continued no sense of coolness or distant professionalism in his demeanour which just made Claire want to get to know him better.
She took the manila folder from underneath her arm and unwound the string from the clasp before pulling out the pictures and placing them on the desk before him.  She watched Clark’s forehead furrow just for a fraction of a second and then return to normal, it was alarm and she knew it. She also knew something else and got up from her seat and walked around the desk on the pretence of shuffling through the pictures with him as she bent close and smiled.  The smile froze him for just the second she needed as her hand slid under the desk and closed around his which was closed around a switch.  Gently her lips smiling a true honest smile she pulled his hand and the switch back to the off position.
“I’ll talk fast I know security will be here shortly just please don’t interrupt and consider all I have to say before you decide.  That man in the picture Dr. Trumaine Black is not only a threat to National Security, but also the very future of the entire world.  Let me guess that beyond say 15 years ago your agency or any other agency cannot find anything on this man.  It’s as if he just showed up, no school records, pictures, friends who remember him, bank transactions, nothing!  Yet in that 15 or so years he’s gone from nothing to being a billionaire through a series of seemingly brilliant stock market plays!  His timing has been perfect; no question of inside or outside help, everything always appears to be above board.  It’s like he knows what’s going to happen before it does! He’s reclusive, values his privacy, to a maniacal level, shuns the public and the spotlight and I’d say lives within a private compound in the Cascade Mountain’s of Northern Utah, mostly likely inside a highly guarded complex.”
“I got these pictures from a Los Angeles Times photographer.  I wasn’t sure what was upsetting me about them until last night when it suddenly hit me!” Claire said frantically spreading them out on Clark’s desk. 
 “Take a look and tell me..” 
 At that moment the door burst open and a very large man bounded across the room straight at Claire determined to take her down!  The spy reacted with even greater determination, her instinct driving her forward!  Claire, hands pressed firmly on the desk vaulted up and over the startled Clark Eddings landing next to the chair she had until recently occupied.  She stepped up on the chair, sprung forward and twirled executing and spinning back heel kick followed immediately by a roundhouse back hand, both catching the man flush on the jaw!  Two quick thrusts to the stomach and a chop to the neck send him to his knees ending the one sided affair.
“Damm!” Claire yelled in frustration.  “Here hold this!” she said.  “It will give you a matched set!” handing him the gun of the man on his knees before her that she had somehow managed to relieve him off during the two or three seconds of the fight.  Clark who by this time had his own gun out from the desk drawer and ready to fire took it with a somewhat stunned look on his face.
“Look at my Skirt, ripped right up to my thigh!” she said holding it open for a second so all could see before returning to her fallen opponent as she helped him lightly to his feet.
“Sorry about that hope I didn’t hit you to hard?”
The room went silent for what seemed an eternity and for Claire’s future it was until Clark spoke.
“Sorry about that Joe, just a security test, I’m afraid Agent Trainee Yates got a little carried away.”
Claire breathed a sigh of immense relief then played along with the charade just to cement it totally. She took the gun back from Clark and handed it to Joe.  “If you placed the gun behind your back it makes it harder for your opponent to get at it and also conceals it from them longer giving you more of the element of surprise.”
“I’ll keep that in mind Miss,” he said somewhat groggily but adding.  “Anything else sir!” in an agitated tone.  Clearly he didn’t like being used as a punching bag no matter what the circumstances and wanted his boss to know it in no uncertain terms!
Clark apologised again and when Joe had left he closed the door and turned to Claire and was just about to start on question one of one thousand before she held up a hand, cupped it to her ear then pointed to the wall.  Clark got ‘the walls have ears’ charade and the two left the office.  He scribbled a note to the secretary, grabbed his coat and the two were off.
The two left the building, crossed the street into the park and sat down on a bench Clark bursting with questions that he summarised into three.
“One, where the hell did you learn to fight like than! Two, How the hell do you know so much about a classified topic, namely Dr. Black and three, who and what the hell are you!”
Claire laughed a little took his hand in hers and began.  “Remember when I said consider all I have to say, well it counts double here, because from this point forward the story gets even more fantastic.  My name is really Claire Baxter, not Helen Yates, she unfortunately died in a car accident earlier this year and I just assumed her identity.”  Claire filled in the background on how she did it to Clark knowing he’d check it out.  Complete honestly was the only and most powerful card she had.  “Make notes if you like, it will make things easier when you check me out later,” she said encouragingly.
“All right Claire Baxter, where do you come from?” he asked pen poised.
“Then same place Dr. Trumaine Black does, the future! The year 2003 to be exact,” she said looking into his rapidly turning ash white face.  “I work for an organisation called C.O.I.L. (Counter Operations Intelligence League).  Think of it as a League of Nations on a covert level.  We protect and defend, as stupid as that sounds, the better interests of the world.  They recruited me out of College and trained me, that’s where I learned to fight like that and a whole lot of other things I can’t tell you about.”
“This is beginning to sound like a bad pulp fiction spy novel!  Time travel according Einstein is impossible!” Clark Eddings said shaking his head with a slight chuckle.
“Einstein’s Theory I’m afraid to say is incomplete he did not factor into his equation the small but significant force of gravity in space and that’s how time travel is possible!” Claire answered.  Seeing the intrigued look on his face she continued.  “Can I use that pad and pen to demonstrate?”
Clark handed her the paper and pen and bent a little closer to watch.  “This is earth and this is another planet you want to get to,” Claire said as she put two small circles on the paper.  “Now we both know the shortest distance between to points is a straight line,” she said as he nodded in agreement.  “But that assumes the space is linear when in fact it is curved,” Claire said as she ripped the piece of paper from the pad and formed it into a tube.  “Now what’s the shortest distance between those to plants I drew?” she asked.
“It's’ still a straight line,” he answered.  “You just have to traverse the arc of the curve and the distance doesn’t change nor the effort to get there.”
“That’s were Einstein left the theory, but,” Claire said.  “What if I do this?”  The spy placed a finger on each side of the paper covering the two dots and squeezed the tube together. “That’s what gravity can do! You harness it; direct it and you can travel through space and time in the blink of an eye.  There’s much more to how the theory actually works, things like the Event Horizon and stability within the Wormhole I can explain it some more if you’d like?”
“No,” Clark said his head somewhat filled with childhood memories of Flash Gordon and Weird Science Magazines. “I think I get but it all seems like some kind of crazy dream.”
“I’ve been living this nightmare since February 18 of this year in Los Angeles.  That’s where I landed after travelling through time with Dr. Black.  We had a fight during our trip and I was pushed out of the time stream before he was.  The reason I know all about him is because he used to work for C.O.I.L. before we found out what he was conducting experiments into time travel and for want of a better word appropriating resources for his own means.   He was expelled from our group, but found financing to continue his research and as you can tell quite successfully given that we are both here!” Claire finished then waited for more questions.
Clark thought for a few moments, it all seemed much too fantastic but still he wanted to know more.  “How do I know you’re not some sort of Russian spy sent to plant this information to lead us astray from some place you don’t want us to look at.”
“You don’t and I’ll tell you I do speak fluent Russian but that doesn’t make me a communist no more than speaking German makes you a Fascist.  But let me ask you if I was a communist spy why would I be telling you anything about a man you obviously regard as a threat so that you would now regard him as a bigger threat and put more resources into watching him?  Wouldn’t his have the exact opposite of what I and my communist brothers and sisters would desire the weakening of the United States of America?  The more logical path would be for me to keep my mouth shut and let events, whatever they may be unfold.”
Clark Eddings had no reply to this, simply because as far as he could tell what she was saying was all true even it if all seemed way too fantastic to be so.  He decided to set this aside and ask his next question.
“What does Dr. Black assuming he is under investigation by the United States want?”
“Only he knows that I’m afraid and unless I have access to all the information you have on him I really can’t give you a better answer, I’m not sure I can even after I’ve seen it,” she said resignation in her voice.  “But what I can tell you is its going to happen much sooner than later and those pictures in your office are the best clue so far.”
“You know one of my engineering professors in school used to tell us the according to Einstein time travel as impossible simply because the amount of energy needed to achieve the speed of light increased could never equal the resistance to forces acting upon your momentum.  But he also said just because something is impossible doesn’t mean it can’t be done by someone at sometime.” He got up, straightened his coat and looked down at her.  “If you are a communist spy, you’re the prettiest and most convincing one I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet,” he said as he offered her his arm.  “Let’s go back to my office and look at the pictures you brought Claire Baxter.  This is either going to get me fired or promoted but I can resist the challenge of not knowing.”
“If you are promoted don’t go into the CIA take the job at the NSC when congress approves the creation of the two new security/intelligence services later this year,” she said taking a tight hold on his arm.
“I was thinking of CIA.. how did you know about the two agency names, that’s classified!” he said his voice raised in sharp surprise.
“Remember to me this is all the past!  Tell me would you like to know who wins the World Series this year?” Claire said with a giggle and a gentle shake of his arm.
“I think I’ll stick with the present I can only cope with one reality at a time,” Clark answered as they left the park.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Tell me what strikes you strange about these pictures?” Claire asked as Clark studied them carefully.
She watched his mind work, after 10 minutes he came up for air a look of defeat stamped on his face.  “Sorry, you’ll have to help me I see nothing out of the ordinary in any of them,” he answered.
“That’s what I got time and time again as well so I asked myself what’s going on in the picture Claire, describe it out load to yourself and concentrate on the words you’re saying and their significance.  Go ahead try it?” she encouraged.
“Ok, I see a picture of a group of men smoking standing in a circle around Dr. Black,” he answered.  Clark ran the words over in his mind and then began to scan the picture referencing each word until he saw it!  “They hold their cigarettes like Europeans, but that doesn’t mean anything, they may be new immigrants.”
“Really!” said Claire.  “In the great melting pot where people arrive everyday and immediately want to be Americans and fit it would they continue to smoke like Europeans and stand out and draw attention to themselves!  As they say in police investigations follow the trail of the smoking gun or in this case the smoking men and what do you see some of them have in common.”
“That’s not enough to go on and you know it Claire!” Clark answered.  “But it does raise some interesting questions about our Dr. Black and his trips abroad.  I think we need to carefully and cautiously keep a closer eye on him!  And as for you Miss Baxter I think I need to keep a closer eye on you!  How about dinner tonight?”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Somehow dinner had turned into a job interview, then a salary negotiation and finally into a training session for women agents, which Claire had completely opposed at first but then, buckled, gave in and said she’d take one woman and teach her the basics.  Clark’s cost was her salary and fee for training, $10,000.00 in advance tax free and access to all the data so she could help with the investigation.  He was leery given that he hadn’t checked out her story but agreed for no other reason than he stupidly believed she was telling the truth.  Clark also made no promises regarding being able to keep this between just the two of them.  “I may have to bring in bigger guns if we need to move on this,” he said.  Claire understood and assumed that he meant his boss, Jonathan Gatehouse.
Clark dropped her at her cheap but affordable hotel and promised to pick her up at 7 am the next morning for work.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Before Claire knew it the time had flown by and it was the 4th of July.  She and Clark, despite reviewing all the data they had still had nothing and it was beginning to look like they wouldn’t find anything.  Claire’s spirits began to sink fast once more as the realisation told hold that she may have miscalculated.  She knew Clark clearly had thoughts about her, but she’d always been careful to resist the temptation of him.  Her life at present and her past experiences all added up to a big no in that area and she was determined more than ever never to let her heart be broken like that again
* * * * * * * * * * *
“I think we need to put this thing on the back burner for a while Claire and move onto something else.  We value all the work and time you’ve put into this but it just appears as if it’s going nowhere.” Jonathan Gatehouse said from behind his desk as Claire and Clark Eddings listened. 
 Clark had long ago told his Director the fantastic tale of Claire and he like Clark had at first thought it preposterous, but the more the pieces of her story fit into place the more you had to consider that maybe it was true.  They had however kept it just to themselves, just in case.
 “You’re a member of this office and a very valuable one at that.  I don’t want you to think this is the end of line for you as well.  You have a job here in whatever capacity you want, field agent even if that is your wish?”
Claire glanced at Clark knowing what his wish for her would be if he had one and she had to admit that it was a sweet wish.  Instead she glanced at the Washington Post that lay open on the corner of Jonathan’s desk before getting up and walking around his large spacious office finally coming to rest as she placed her head against his wall map of the United States.
“Why can’t I see this!” she said out load as she slammed her head again into the state of Arizona.
They both started to make excuses for her, she appreciated the gesture but it still didn’t change the fact that Dr. Trumaine Black had outsmarted her once again and that more than being stuck in the past was what really bugged her now!
“Relax Claire; at least you know he doesn’t have a time machine or the technology to get back to 2003.  He’s stuck here the same as you.” Clark offered in a somewhat feeble attempt to cheer her up.
She opened her eyes and replied.
“Yes, but at least he’s rich and SHIT!” she screamed.  “That’s what he’s after!”

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